Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi MM and Toni,

    Thanks for signing up and welcome to the Community :)


  • I am a mum of two, an 8 year old and a 6 year old. My 6 year old has ASD and attends mainstream school.

    I am very lucky because some of my friends have children with ASD or have good knowledge of ASD.

    Mainstream school has worked out really well so far for my son and I believe that the support of the school and all it's staff have really helped, particularly his one to one teacher who is amazing.

    When Callum started school he did not talk and now his talking is coming on really well and is starting to read!

    The Forum is a great place for everyone is chat and give support.

    Keep up the good work

  • Hi Folks

    A forum at long last!

    My son and I have Aspergers.

    I'm married (nearly 20 years), I have a well paid full time job and I'm Chair of Governors of our local Primary School.

    Living proof people with Aspergers can live long and prosper.

  • Hello all!

    Like others have said before, I'm really pleased to see this community finally open and getting off the ground.

    I'm a 26 year old female with DXed* AS, dyspraxia, SAD and sensory integration dysfunction, finally living away from home with my partner :) It's been a long haul, but I'm finally pretty much independant and trying to find a job (that is hard!).

    I'm really into computers, music, debate, news, reading, writing, creating and video games (my username is a nod to a character in my favourite game series - Miles 'Tails' Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog.) I collect stuff and am pretty well known in certain video game circles due to my level of obsession. Maybe I'll meet some equally obsessive kindred spirits here!

    Due to all of my experiences regarding schooling, health, DXes, statementing, living independantly etc, I would love to chat with others and exchange stories, advice, recommendations etc. I really hope this forum will go places! Hearts

    *I am not sure how many of the diagnoses I agree fully with, but I'm certainly somewhere on the spectrum :)

  • Hi Lucy, thanks for singing up and thanks for the positive comments :)

  • Hi Everyone

    Really thrilled to see this Community begin. Do others of you find that this format of communication is sometimes the most important, given that the needs of the children during waking hours can be overwhelming and the precious time to seek support, friendship etc are anti-social hours?

    I also find that resources such as these have been invaluable in terms of education, medical, social care information. Knowing others have struggled and still do.

    That said I am a hugely positive person but just cannot forge friendships which involve devoting time! Sounds awful I know! I have four lovely children, two of whom have ASD and one who is also ADHD.

    Thank you NAS for this fantastic vehicle and hi to everyone.


  • Hello everyone

    I'm Mum to a lovely 7 year old boy who has Aspergers and Dyspraxia.  I am really looking forward to this community and a chance to talk to others in the same situation who understand my fears and concerns.

    I live in North East England and am married to a wonderful husband.  Our son is an only child.

    Please bear with me on the 'forum' front as I'm still learning the ropes

  • Hi everyone, it's nice to get to 'test-drive' these forums - hope they work out well.

    I'm a mum of a 21 year old with ASD and I'm looking forward to exchanging opinions, giving support and getting advice.

  • Hello Everyone,

    So many notes already. Good luck to the Community I hope it works for all. I am the Mum of a 28 year old son who has had a difficult time over the last 7-8 years. He has Asperger's and epilepsy amongst other difficulties. We are more hopeful for his future now than we have been for a long time. He is a lovely boy, very honest (aren't they all?) and has a very kind nature if somebody attracts him.

    Note for Johnsmum:

    Give your son as many experiences as you can rather than letting him become stuck in a rut. He may not be able to think of something to do by himself, he may need help. It will stand him in good stead for later life. 


  • Hi Potia, Valley Girl, AMO, welcome to the Community, it's great to see you here.

    I'll reply in more detail to your message in Problems and suggestions tomorrow AMO. I think a lot of people would want their own avatars so it's something we can explore but I'll explain more tomorrow and just hopefully help you understand why it might take a while.

    Be this is just the beginning of the Community, we'll be adding lots of new tools and functionality as we develop. So even if might take a bit of time, please bear with us :)

  • Hi I'm AMO, Mum to a 7 year old son with Autism and a mainstream 5 year old daughter.

    Any idea when we'll be able to upload our own avatars? I have one I use on every forum I'm involved in, plus twitter, so people know it's me, if you see what I mean.

  • Im Meryl and I have a nine year old son who has AS. Sometimes I am top of it but at other times I struggle with it all. I've read some of the posts and already feel that this could be a positive resource for me. Sometimes you just need to know that your not the only one.

  • Hi folks,

    I live and work in Glasgow and have two children, a son aged 9 with autism and a daughter aged 3 who so far does not seem to show any signs of autism.

    My son is currently in mainstream primary but I've recently been advised that they feel he wouldn't cope with mainstream secondary.

    I'm looking forward to discussions here.

    Best wishes


  • Hi dolly,

    Welcome to the Community, it's exciting to see it up and running and I hope you find it a helpful service :)

  • Hi

    My eight year old son has autism. It is very exciting to be involved with this forum which, hopefully will provide support and a chance for everyone whose life has been touched by autism to have a say about issues that affect them.

  • Johnsmum said:

    Jim, your third sentence in your opening post reads 'Please remember that you should share personal details'. Surely there should be a 'not' in there? (I have emailed you about this cos I couldn't post when I was just logged in with the interim period user name and password, but once I logged in with my NAS ID it miraculously allowed me to post).

    Hi, cheers for that - yeah, pretty big mistake, but I've sorted that now.

    I was just posting over in your thread in the other topics, just to let you know it might be best to start a new discussion rather than respond to the sticky's. So just letting you know about that as well.

    And thanks again for pointing out the error - doh! :)

  • Hello Fun Mum, AndrewC and Johnsmum - lovely to hear from you.

    I'm one of the moderators here and I'm looking forward to sharing your thoughts and experiences on this site.

  • Jim, your third sentence in your opening post reads 'Please remember that you should share personal details'. Surely there should be a 'not' in there? (I have emailed you about this cos I couldn't post when I was just logged in with the interim period user name and password, but once I logged in with my NAS ID it miraculously allowed me to post).

  • Hi Fun Mum and all mods

    I am the mother of a 16 year old boy with Asperger's who is great fun but refuses to do any homework at all. I will probably be posting on other threads about this! I'm also a Christian writer with several books behind me (all but one out of print now, sadly)

    In my spare time I read, sing, watch TV, and worship and preach at my little church which is led by the members.

    My husband is a plumber - don't all rush at once, he has enough customers already!

  • Hi my names Andrew, I have AS myself ( diagnosed as an adult myself) and I have one son whio also has an AS diagnosis and another who has similair issues, but doesn't want to go down the route of a formal diagnosis.


    Getting a diagnosis, dealing with educational authorities and transitioning from education into workplace all appear to be big areas of difficulty and I look forward to discussing them on this site.