Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi

    I'm new to the forum, -my 14 yr old son was diagnoised last week with aspergers.

    This is my first post, struggling a bit with my keyboard, came home from work to find half the keys ripped off, - son got frustated with the wi-fi connection today, - oh dear another thing to replace!  lol....and another thing to try and rise above.

    Hoping to have support from other parents in similar situations.

  • Hi Marc and Betty

    Welcome to the forum.  I hope that you both find lots of things of interest to you.  We all look forward to reading your posts


  • New to this. mum of 19yr old girl diagnosed with dyspraxia and autisic traits would love to talk to others of similar age to exchange info and experiences.

  • New to this. mum of 19yr old girl diagnosed with dyspraxia and autisic traits would love to talk to others of similar age to exchange info and experiences.

  • I'm Marc, forty this year and recently diagnosed with Apergerger's, ADHD and Dyspraxia. I live in NW London, recently moved further down the Northern Line after moving out of my boyfriend's place. Say hello and introduce yourself?! Bye for now :)

  • I'm Marc, forty this year and recently diagnosed with Apergerger's, ADHD and Dyspraxia. I live in NW London, recently moved further down the Northern Line after moving out of my boyfriend's place. Say hello and introduce yourself?! Bye for now :)

  • I'm new to the community

    I have a 20yr old son with Autism and I have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in september 2010. My desire is to communicate with indviduals on the spectrum. I feel a high level of isolation, with no support from friends ( because I have none) and a lack of understanding from family members who fail to understand the concept of what it really means to be me." I look perfectly normal" (Whatever that means.) My anxiety level seem to be permanently high, at times I feel so afraid not knowing the reasons for my fears

    I suspect there are many members of both side of my family that are on the Autistic spectrum owing to the high level of disfunction and the traits are clearly visible.

    My desire is to obtain mutual support from this community as I've never meet anyone I can really relate to or who fully understand what it's like to be me. There are times I think how nice it would be to have just "one" really good friend.


  • I am a mum of 2 sons, 17 and 13, 13 yr old diagnosed in year 6 (age 10 ) with Aspergers, feeling not so alone now after having read some posts in the forums. Am just preparing a case for my son to get a place at a special unit as he is not coping with mainstream ( even tho they have tried their best ) will ask more in the education posts.

  • Hello Anthony and Hellsbells

    Welcome to the forum.  I am sure you will find loads of help and support here.  If you have any queries , funny stories or just want to let of steam, then please post.  we would all love to hear from you both.


  • HI there.

    I've only just spotted this thread, but it's great to have a forum where I can read about other people's experiences and feel I'm not on my own with all this. Having a child with ASD can be a really isolating experience and sometimes (not all the time) it's hard to come to terms with not having the family life I'd imagined. Or having the relationship with school I'd thought I would!!!

    Great development for the NAS website!

  • Hello

    Im Anthony, 26 (nearly 27 y/o) aspergers person who is here to find some support and hopefully make some friends as i am really having a tough time at home and work at the moment well i say moment because of new people being around me but its been for the four and a bit years since i started this work im doing because i find it really hard to come to terms with the fact im not like a non asperger who can trust and instantly make friends etc with someone.

    But on a happier note i do say hello to everyone here !!!!

  • Hi Ferguson

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.  I hope you will find lots of information and support here.

    All the best 


  • Thanks HoxtonPaul,

    Your post made me laugh.  I've not been officially diagnosed yet (hopefully this month), but the possibility that the diagnosis will transform me to "more than merely physically attractive" is definitely something to look forward to 

    I should introduce myself, I suppose it's polite.  I am 38 years old and have just finished an undergraduate degree.  I tried to start postgraduate in september, but attention-deficit was making study untenable.  Hopefully I can go back to that once I get a diagnosis and come to terms with how that will affect what and how I study.  I have been seeing a whole range of specialists at my hospital, including neurologists, haematologists, neuropsychologists, etc; who have all been trying to work out what is wrong with me for a year now.  It was only after I started to read about Autism last month, that everything seemed to fall in to place.

    I've definitely enjoyed reading some of the posts here, its all very new to me and interesting.  Thanks.

  • Hello I am a mum 3 - ages 19, 5 and 2.  My 5 year old boy has been recently diagnosed with Aspergers. I used to think he was just getting naughty but in fact he had a problem just takes so long to diagnose.

    I am loving the site to read about peoples experiences as it makes me feel like I am one of so many.

    I work 2 days a week and it is great to get out and have some me time even if it is at work.  My son makes home life hard most days but we are all getting better at understanding him and his frustrations.


  • Hi Kath, just wanted to say your post made me chuckle,,,it's good to think outside the box.

  • Hi I am a kind of step mum to my partners daughter who is Autistic, she is 14 but with a much younger mental age, I didnt really know anything about Autism until I met her father, and now have been getting used to it for 3 years, so thrown in at the deep end really, not knowing what to expect. But have learnt a great deal.  Hopefully I will be able to get some advice and to just chat to other peeps when those times get us all down and ofcourse those times that make us laugh.

    Happy chatting. xx

  • Woop whoop!Mayst be the recent updates!

    Hi, I am a mum of 3 children, my eldest son who is 7, has aspergers syndrome.  He was diagnosed when he was 5.  I am looking forward to joining in discussions on this forum, to support others, to get some support myself (without the guilt and burdening on my loved ones) and to chat with other people who have aspergers syndrome re advice and perspective for my son.  

    Looking forward to chatting 


  • Hi, I will try this again as I am on an I pad and it didn't work previously! Fingers x

  • Hello insearchofself, J and justso

    A big welcome to all of you Smile.

    Very much looking forward to hearing from you here in the Community. We hope you'll find it helpful.

    Sandra - mod

  • Hello Justso

    Just wanted to say hello and welcome. And -

    You are worthy, valuable and very special