
Hey everyone, 

I joined this community hoping to find new friends. However, this place seems to have strict rules about sharing contact information.

I'm bullied a bit in school, and find it hard to meet others. I was hoping this was my  breakthrough.

maybe, maybe not. I'd still love to talk to someone.

I'm 15, and live in Scotland. I was diagno with Asperger's syndrome at 13, but sort of self diagnosed myself at 12. That's all Ill say for now.

Sorry if I appear vague, it's somewhat late here and I came here desperate to meet people. 

  • Yeah thats all true. Since then I have become better have expalining it. At that time I only had a diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyspraxia that no one have heard of so thats why at 15 it didnt seem true. But since the AS diganosis I have learnt how to explain this, when to mention it and when not to.

  • Perhaps it isn't so surprising when people that have known you for some time before you told them about the diagnosis do have doubts. I can well imagine that it hurts a lot but perhaps a little less if you try not to take it too personal. Most people (especially your own age but also older) will not have heard much about AS so far, so they may google it and because the range of symptoms is so wide and you have probably done quite a good job in covering your issues and probably don't have all possible symptoms anyway they struggle to match you with the descriptions they find. For example they read about a lack of empathy but may have experienced you being a very empathetic friend. It's quite possible that they have no idea that their doubts hurt you and they wouldn't want to hurt you, they just think you are perfectly normal and accusing you of making it up is a bit a clumsy way of saying this or something that slips out easily when being temporarily a bit angry in a situation where they think you are using this diagnosis they don't believe in as an excuse when actually you are perfectly capable of dealing with the situation better than you do.

    Might be better to tell people what exactly you have difficulties with in a specific situation, rather than saying you struggle with it because of AS.

  • Dont doubt it. That will make you feel worse about it. What you are saying sounds similar to me so just ignore people who make you feel like its a lie. In high school one of my friends since childhood said I was making it up and I didnt have anything wrong with me. That was very hard to hear from someone I was so close to and I nearly started to doubt it. But trust me that makes it harder as you try harder to be "normal" as thats what you then think you are.

    I can understand the frustation with people who say you dont look like you have it but dont cope. It is a contradiction. And I must say this teacher at your school seems useless at their job if they arent helping you.

    And it is sick that another Aspie could have been bullying you. But try not to focus on that. Focus on us Aspies that are sticking together.

    And if you want possible copying mechanisms I can help. I didnt get my diagnosis til nearly a year ago, so I have racked up alot over the years.

  • They know, And have accoladed me to a degree. There is a teacher there that works  specifically with kids with Aspergers.

    while mine is apparently hard to notice; I don't cope with it very well. ((You've no idea how badly I wanted to slap the teachers and doctors and family members that said this. If I don't cope with it well, how could it be hard to notice???))

    I was told there was anothwe kid in my year with Asperger; but they couldn't say who due to privacy reasons. But it must've been someone who had bullied me? That makes me sick to my stomach.

    Anyway, due to my bad coping skills, I'm the only kid she speaks to that isn't I'll in primary school. 

    shes busy and I've only spoken to her once.

    sometimes I convinced I don't have it. My mothers doctor said it may have been a misdiagnoses:- I could have psychosis. It's apparently a common mistake, too...

  • Im so sorry to hear that. You shouldnt have to resort to should things to feel better about school. Do they know about your needs?? Have they tried to accomadate you?? If not then I would consider it. Once my school was told all of my needs they did so much to help.

    Have you developed any copying mechanisms to help you cope with whats going on?? Im guessing the school dont do much about it??

  • I was bullied quite badly throughout primary school, I actually ended  moving country to get away from it. However, my only handle on staying in America was my aunt, who was supposed to adopt me. She turned out to be.. 'unsuited' to a position of looking after someone and that idea was crushed.

    I was bullied for four year in high school. When my gran asked me what I wanted for my 14th, I told her I wanted to move school. I told her which school I thought was safest because it was furthest away; without getting  ridiculous. That particular school has a reputation. Someone from that school who hasn't been beaten up is quite rare, ya know?

    She wouldn't have it, and started paying for me to go to a private school. Before I knew it, I was being bullied again. I had made a friend in the year below, started pretending to be stupid, so I would be moved down a year.

    THIS IDEA, TO MY DELIGHT, WORKED! The kids there where very understanding and didn't bring anything up...

    until, that friend I had made stopped talking to me, claiming I was too clingy.

    everyone has started again.

    And I can't leave, my gran can't get her money back.

  • Hey,

    Im 18 in England. I know when you wanna make friends on here not being able to share contact information kinda sucks. But its safety.

    Anyway, I had the same issues in school. I was bullied in primary and secondary school and because of that it made it even harder to meet and talk to new people.

    I know this isnt normal contact, but im here to chat about anything, give advice where I can and hopefully just be a friend and support because I know how difficult this point of life is.