Hello everyone. Early stages,wanting diagnosis and second visit to GP.

Hello everyone my names Steven and i'm 29, i'll try to be as consise and as accurate as i can be and i'd appreciate any feed back, Thank you.

I had trouble being in School as a Child. In Primery School was branded as lasy up until Yr6 where i ended up attending some sort of centre out of School, i can't remember much of this or the feeling though i can remember the inside of my Headmasters Car whom took me there. I now know that his car at the time was a 1st model of the Rover 400 and since i have been able to identify the Stain Glass windows that i remember from that centre in can now identfy the location of this this centre as a result of passing by inprevious years.

At Secondry School i had much the same troubles and from Yr7 to Yr9 i'd moved 2 Schools. I never had any Friends and wasnt able to make any, my interest in certern subjects was quielled by peoples bulling and teachers lach of ability to see or identifiy how interested i was and most were messing about.

From leaving School i went to College and up on Leaning that they were just Teaching me at level 1 after 2 years i left feeling that this was a waste of time and they had let me down, I was under the impession that i was studing level2 after an early departure from School.

From then age of 18 i got my first job at 21 after being unemployed. My first Job was at Tesco on nights filling shelves and doing odd warehouse work while the shop was closed, after 2.5 years i left Tesco. After which i picked up a job as a Maintenance man at McDonalds near my home, id been a customer after each shift at Tesco for 2 years.

My Maintenace job by the end i was responsable of repairs to the fabric of the Building 'more than ican explain here' and contractors for specilist jobs.

I ordered the stock which was around £50,000 a month and orded the operational supplies with a budget of £800 per month though i could achive this easly in £650 per month with strict and reasonable controls and accurate proscedures    

After this i started and finished my Taxi Liesence, as i thought i could learn at College and do this as its flexible.

I want to go to college to do Enginnering but worry abut my ability to be able to finish it.

Lately i have no idea whats happend or me or how to explain it, i use to be able to analise things and explain it in a logical context.

Now i feel confused, working on the Taxi 'which has been a year and a half' i have no idea how to process this. it feels like to much has happened i have non idea what to make of it. 

I use to be able to put everything into order and now it feels like so much has happend i have no idea what to make of it. 

I use to be able to anilise peoples behviour now it feels that its moving to fast for me to anilize.

Any questions Pleas ask as it helps me as much as you thanks Steven...

  • steven said:


    I had a feeling i should wright stuff down too but it never seems to put my mind in the same place as when i've writtern it, just looks like words on paper. Though through doing this in the past i have been able to explain stuff though it hasn't ment exactly the same to me as when i have writtern it.

    I think it may be because we only connect with how we really feel when we are alone. For me, it is easiest in the early hours of the morning. I write down what I am thinking, then I can sleep better.

    If it starts to look like just words on paper, maybe it is because you are stressed by the thought of dealing with people or situations and have pushed feelings into the back ground. If you just hand them the paper, they will know that you find it difficult to communicate feelings to people directly.

    When you write it, it is what you thought at that moment. You move on all the time. I sometimes read what I have written, and then talk to someone. It comes out slightly different, because I have moved forward a little.

    Writing is a good way to begin to understand what you feel about things. If you keep it for a while, you will see that you have got some issues out of your system and feel better.

    Re needing time to think. If you talk with your support worker, but become stumped for a reply, you may think of something later. You could write down what you would reply, if they were still there after you have had time to think. You can send it to them, or keep it as a reminder for next time you meet. That way, they will learn that sometimes you need time to think about things and like to reply later.

    Stress can leave you without words. Interacting with people is stressful and thoughts can be fleeting and easily forgotten.

    I hope you enjoy you flat and independance. Best wishes.

  • Hi rr84

    I'm ok thank you, how are you?

    I've become almost nocturnal lately, its so quiet and aslong as i can get off to sleep the noise of the earliy day doesn't bother me.

    Been watching monsters and mysteries series back to back. Also been watching ghost series on youtube, its so interesting. I don't belive in nothingness so if the human brain uses the same power as a 20w light bulb how can when someone dies there be nothing? It has to turn to something?

    Facebook friends took me some time to think about. I did have it before but people at work started sending requests and when it got to about 14 friends its seemed that it was getting abit daft, felt like my wall was getting spamed.

    I started fb to put photos on for myself as i was interested in photography at first, but on further thought i'd like to be friends with you on fb, what harm can it do?

    All the best and kind reguards steven

  • Hi Marjorie195 and thank you for your reply.

    Excuse the lateish responce i've been thinking quite abit.

    Since first visiting the access team my social worker has took me to a 9-5 residential care that help you with your money and get you a place on your own in which you can live inderpendantly.

    I can't get my head around it, where i am isn't brilliant but getting a flat on £73 a week with bills is that possable? There is loads of hobbies i'd love to do how could i even afford to do them?

    I've always worked most has been partime and alot on my conditions 'it seems' looking for a way forward seems almost impossable, atleast in a fulltime sence. When i look back i've almost ended up in fights with former staff and managers at times when there ways are illogical and not for the cause. It seems daft now don't know how i got so far.

    The social worker and access team seem nice but i can't help thinking that they are trying to treat me for an emotional problem, they keep trying to reasure me but its time to think that i need.

    The Dr at the access team during the coversation said 'you won't be a fan of chaos theorey then'? I said whats that? Responce that everything in the universe is and event of randomeness. This is impossable, everything has or must have a patternthey are only so many events that can possably occur, if they happen again it will be in a form of the and previous there for emerges a pattern.

    I had a feeling i should wright stuff down too but it never seems to put my mind in the same place as when i've writtern it, just looks like words on paper. Though through doing this in the past i have been able to explain stuff though it hasn't ment exactly the same to me as when i have writtern it.

    Thank you Marjorie195 for your response it all helps with the confusion and kind reguards steven

  • It sounds very complicated and how r u today and sorry for menitioning becoming facebook friends

  • steven said:

    It was just a 1 hour 10 minutes consultation, most of the questions he asked me i said 'i don't know'. But that may not be the case i just didn't have chance to think about the questions, so broad, in what context? when? i don't know how i feel, i think i'm content?

    I can't do this quote stuff. My reply to first paragraph starts here:-

    I find that I prepare for any conversation/consultation of this type. If things stray away from what I have prepared, I too find it difficult to respond. I need to think in a non stressful environment (alone) to formulate an answer, in many instances. The only way that I have found to deal with this, is to write to the person (eg doctor) afterwards, to add all my additional thoughts, once I have had time to think. My verbal reasoning just goes in to slow motion, at times off stress

    and ends here

    Steven again:-

    I'm really quite confused People ask me how i am and i don't know, i don't think i have many feelings that others do, i can be angry, abit happy and confused and thats it, most of this is based on other people being able to describe these and me being able to realise the context.

    There is a name for this condition. It is ALEXITHYMIA, that is emotional blindness. We have all the emotions that other people have, but we cannot put them into words, in many instances. We feel, but cannot express it.

    At one time, autisic people were thought to have little or no emotions, but that was incorrect, we just cannot share them with others in the same way as NT people can.

    Appologies for messing up the quote, I cannot work out how to reply to 2 paragraphs in one reply, so ended up with a reply in the middle of the quote. I hope you get the gist.

  •  hi hope u are ok and that u have a good day and it is hard enough to express feelings when you are autistic let alone in a situation like you were in with the doctor and some feelings are hard to deal with.Not being able to express emotions is down to the autism and not your fault and social groups maybe hard but on the other hand you may meet like minded people an dmake a good friends who will understand you.But if easier take smaller steps and just talk to people like you or maybe just try it once.

    I dont think unless you are talking to someone who has autism they wont fully understand you despite how much they care or want to and so what form of autism do you have and hope ok i ask where in the world do you live and what interests do you have.

    You are the way you are with people because of the autism and social sitautions are difficult and you cant stop thinking and problem sloving as the brain functions differently in people with autism and this resuts in different actions like what you do and im the same I always worry.

    Try and except who you are and realise  how great you are being and coping and living with autism and be proud of what you have achieved and talk to like minded people and people who have autism.Also find the positives and think of the positives if a bit down and try and take one day at a time which i know can be easier said than done.

    It is ok about the spelling and puncutation and as I said im here for you and to talk and be friends if you want  even on facebook if easier for you and if ok with you I asked that  and nice talking to you and take care and hopefully hear from you soon bye for now reply asap.

  • Hi rr84 Thank you for your reply, patience and understanding.

    It was just a 1 hour 10 minutes consultation, most of the questions he asked me i said 'i don't know'. But that may not be the case i just didn't have chance to think about the questions, so broad, in what context? when? i don't know how i feel, i think i'm content?

    I'm really quite confused People ask me how i am and i don't know, i don't think i have many feelings that others do, i can be angry, abit happy and confused and thats it, most of this is based on other people being able to describe these and me being able to realise the context.

    Social meetings may be a good thing, but i can't get my head around the fact thats what stresses me out, how can it be helpful? I never seem to be aware when i'm getting stressed but ofter it seems to be later when i'm laid in bed trying to make sence of events but can't.

    When i think of things i think of efficiency, a net for example, has a perfect vertical and horizontal structure. Pull from the top and bottem and/or either side will will distrobute the loading to maximum efficiency for that structure. However if a compresion or pulling force was applied from either oposing corners this structure would fold. To combat this you would add an x to tie each corner of every square to counter this.

    I can't help feeling frustrated that everything has a maximum efficiency and ideal and evolution is learning, finding and exploiting these. Oftern i don't or can't explain the equasions that would be behind this which is frustrating.

    I tend to always get to a point where people can't understand my thinking, even profesionals when i can explain my thoughts or logic can't realise it. My minds in a state of trying to improve things and the best conversations i have are with old men that have been in a that has put themat the front of what they do, i can appreciate this. The best conversation i've ever had was with a man called Eric, i picked him up when i was working on the taxi, it was 45miles to his home and he was 82, a former Chemist at ICI and was on the boared of Directors. Such a deep and inteligent conversation, we were one the same wave length with everything, efficiancy, politics such a great mind. There was awarkwardness when he spoke of his family, grandkids i didn't know what to say, off the topic of technicallities who knows, its all strange?

    I feel this full thread may be the best thing to show the Autistic team when i see them, most of this 'and indeed this post' has been writtern when ive had a drink, the thoughts and process of this becomes more focused and less destracted and is probably the most sincere thing i can maybe say.

    I can't really explain in this depth to my Mum or family, it would never make sence to them, though i thing it would in many respects to my Grandad though we wouldn't be able to communicate on that level.

    I think the thing about Autisum or Autistic traits is the need for a definate. If this does not some it up i must be going mad because theres no other explinations. How can i not stand people within 2 meters of me? Why won't my mind stop thinking and problem solving? How can i loose hours and hours laid in bed thinking and it feel like 5 minutes since the last time i looked at the clock even when i havn't slept?

    I feel i need to understand to try and develope a stratagy to deal and understand this.

    Excuse some of the possible bad spelling and punctuation i gave up after a bit, thankyou for your opinions and thoughts the more infromation i have the more efficiant stratagy i can come up with.

    All the best Steven.. 


  • I wouldnt be so hard on yourself having autism or austictic traits in my opinion should be treated the same and if u look there about there is help out there like social groups and meetings for people with autism or chatting to the others on here who will understand you and in regards to how u are with contact it is normal to be overwhelmed and want to take time out and be alone and just remember it is down to the autism why you are the way u are and its not your fault and u you should be proud of who u are.maybe you try and explain this to ur mum or a doctor and try and talk to your mum with no other distractions around or talk to others the same hope this has helped here if u want to talk reply when u can or if to hard on here look me up on facebook from rose 

  • Hi  rr84

    Hi and thank you for your response, any information would be most helpful.

    Sorry i havn't been back to respond sooner i just didn't feel comfortable coming on here for some reason and was preoccupied in my thoughts.

    I seen a psychologist the other day, 'pre autistic team referal' he said there's not much support for people with autism out their, though i'm sure i'm doing the wright thing it seems like its going to have its down sides too.

    He said earlier in the consultation he definatly thought i didn't have aspergers, though i display stong autistic traits. i don't think i answered the questions very well, there was too much happening, the sound of the cooling fan on the PC and my own thoughts trying to visualise the situation.

    Asking me about hobbies or special interests, i think in misundersood this, i just do what i do and like what i like i wouldn't know if any of this was special or not.

    Lately everything seems worse than it useto, i can only tolarate a small amount of human contact even with family and i need to go back to my room,watch TV and just think. I can easly loose hours by just laying in bed thinking. 2 hours can pass in a breath.

    The difficult thing is not being able to calculate the amount of contact thats ok to deal with.

    My Mum has been so helpful but when she talks it merges with the TV or destracts from the paper i'm reading and it makes me feel angry and frustrated. I can only do 1 thing at a time and thats normally what i'm doing?

    Thank you for any reply Steven.

  • I got disgnosed last year and here if u need to talk

  • steven said:

    My Doctor perscribed precribed 20mg of Citalopram which after 2.5 weeks have made no difference, may not be strong, i don't know but one thing i can say is i don't feel any different.

    Citalopram takes time to build up in the body, and might address any depressive symptoms, but its a GPs goto in any kind of mental health issue (which autism isnt) dont let the matter get bogged down in dealing with secondary issues. You sound like you need the diagnosis and from your posts are an excellent candidate.

  • The thing with things like stress is that they build up over time and its very hard to see what is happening until it all boils over. It actually sounds like you managed fairly well if you were doing 80-90 hour weeks sometimes. Can you turn the situation round and think about what you succeeded in coping with (i.e. 95% of the customers) rather than getting stuck on thinking about the obnoxious ones (5% perhaps). Some people are just obnoxious and it isn't your problem to fix that.

  • recombinantsocks said:

    My Gp explained to me that isolation is a bad thing also and logically i can see the point, how ever its the only time i feel comfortable and content.

    As teen i'd play in the house one my own with my Lego and Mechano, build different things and make my own Suspentions systems for Vehicals that i'd build.

    Complete isolation is a bad thing. Having some time in each day, or a complete day, when you are on your own is a good thing. It is seems important for people with ASD that we have some time alone to recharge our energy and to think and reflect on things that have happened.

    I must say after a Month off work i'm just starting to feel like i useto the last 2 days, i feel more content. Went to cemetry with my Mam and Grandad earlier today and even though they were talking alot and i had to say, Yes or No every now and again, and were talking about stuff that seemed to have no importance and would be better staying as thoughts, it wasnt a bad day. I was able to look out the window and look at the old buildings we were passing, rooflines, traffic flow and what was passing in relitave quiet. First time for along time i was able to go into my own thoughts.

    I gave an example of my discomfort to my Gp, when i was on the Taxi a Woman her child got in the car 'child being about 5' i said hello are you going to? 'The address i had on my screen' which she just make a grunt too, then proceeded to open a bag of Crisps, i could here the packet rustle everytime and she took some and i'd her chew every mouth full and at the end had the cheek to dust her hands off over the foot well 'how rude and how is this acceptable'.

    I gave this example to my Gp and he said '***' as if to see light of it, how ever i explained this was one example and that i picked upwards of 50 People per shift and this included People communicating with each other to loudly either over the Phone or talking to each other to loudly, it hurts my Ears. If i say anything to these poeple the get Angry or Upset and won't listen to any logic. All that makes me feel more isolated, and after even just an 8 hour shift my head has gone, i can explain it as i don't know the feeling myself but i find i'm stopping at green lights and don't seem to be able to concentraite as well, I cant put my finger on it.

    People have very different personalities. Some are clever, some stupid. Some are happy, some are sad. Some are introverted some are extraverts. Some of your customers will have autism, most won't. I used to hate it if a taxi driver spoke to me but now I am happy to exchange little bits of information. If you get a rude person, or a person that doesn't want to talk then you can stop making an effort and just get on with the driving and look forward to the next person who will be nice to you. Out of 50 people in a day I am sure there will be a few who are really nice?

    I normally just say Hello, if they do want to talk i perfer that its more theload communication between them and chavs shouting and swearing at there kids that bothers me as well as careless, aggresive and illogical driving. Poor road positioning and the like.

    To say to go back to work and don't isolate myself seems illogical given all this and more I havn't mentiond.

    I think it has to be bearable and there is no point being angry and miserable. Is there a way that you can make it more bearable by seeing if you can ignore some of the rude people and if you can perhaps use the time between customers as recovery time on your own? Would it amuse you to keep a chart of the number of people who are rude/polite/happy/saqd etc that you meet each day. (as long as it doesn't become an obsession!)

    Its difficult to explain, none off it upsets me but i do get angry and after an 8 hour shift my head has gone, i find myself stopping at green lights and hitting curbs now and again and carnt concentrate, i really cant explainit as i feel nothing. A list of People would help, but most the time there is no time between jobs and when i look on the data machine there is jobs standing and half the time if i bid on one in an area i'm going too, then they give me a job in the area where i have to go back on myself. i awlays bid on distance jobs but hardly get them, i like the driving but hate the customer bit. i bid on jobs that get me out of an area i dislike but find myself stuck in these ares for up to 2hours and it frustrates me. Not to mention picking up a car half the time they're dirty and the seats won't adjust properly, iv'e tryed reporting faults before, tracking out, shock absorbers that have gone when i bring the car back but they don't care so now i don't bother.

    In the past as a teen when i had couselling and i always needed a logical answer, and people often said i had an answer for everything. Which makes this more complicated, as it has to make logical sense to me and if i can't see it the logic behind it explained, which even i can see makes it more difficult

    As a child at school I used to think that everything could be explained. Many things can be explained. It is possible to find an explanation about why we have autism but it is complicated. It is possible to explain why your last customer was unbearably rude but it is complicated. As I have got older I have realised that the explanations just get more and more complicated because there are so many variables. I think that we need to just try and understand a part of the world if we don't want to spend our whole lives finding explanations for everything.


    Its that intence on the taxi i don't have time explain anything, people have asked me before about funny or odd things that have happened and i cant remember hardly any. even if they have happen the same day. Dont wish to lower the tone but one job i do remember it a job not to far form where i live but one im not massivley familier with 'a sort of market town village'. I couldnt fint the address iwas looking for and i seen a couple at the end of a road i was passing and stopped to ask if they knew where it was, they got in so i asked if they were who i was looking for they said yes. Then i asked them the adress and it didnt match so asked them to get out 3 time and they wouldt so i said your going where i'm going then and the lass lifted here top up and started pressing her breasts in my face. i know this is funny but because i had my seat belt on and was trying to drive i had to press the clutch in because i couldnt knock it out of gear and i was going on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic at midnight on a Saturday, they dint even know each other just met in a pub.

    Cant predict it always something happening, been doing it just over a year and done 80-90 hour weeks now and again in the past but didnt realise it was having the affect on me that it was. 

    I visit my Mam every day lately as part of routine and getting abit of fresh air, but certain days i can't stay long and feel very uncomfortable, if i get something to eat i need to check between the prongs of the fork, the serrations of the knife and feel the surface of the plate for a greasy residue or feel or look for signs of debris. Oftern we'll sit and watch the Tv despite the fact we're 45cm's ish apart i tend to move a couple of cusions between us and i can see out of my the corner of my eye each time she moves andi find it distracting and discomfortaing, even though i try to hide all this and don't mention any of it to spare her feelings.

    Do you talk to your mum about your problems or things that have gone well? Do you ask your mum about her problems or the things that have gone well for her?

    I don't tend to mention it as i think it will offend her, i always check between the prungs of the folks and serations on the knifes and feel for food debris and grease before i eat and when shes seen me in the past she s been offended. I've never thought to ask i'm sureshe tried to tell me in the past but i don't know what to do about it alot of her problems seem to consist of getting ivolved with things or people i wouldnt and when ive said not to in the past she learns the hard way or not as i seems. 

    The walk their's much the same the lights to bright and makes me frown and the traffic noise and different noises going and make me cringe. I live in Town now because i lost my flat where i liked last year due to rent arrears and theres constant Traffic noise 'even with the window closed' Hospital up the road always Sirens from Ambulance or Police or noise from the Police Helicopter. 

    Sensitivity to bright lights and sounds are common for people with ASD. I have to cover my ears if a fire engine goes past. It bothers me less now because I know its just part of the package of having an ASD. Having an explanation helps me to be less stressed about some of these things.

    I hope a better understanding and diagnosis can help me to, most the time im ok its on the taxi this becomes more of a problem to the point where i mentiond 'my heads gon, best i can do to explain it' ive had it loads of time but not realise till now that there is a problem and all strated to make sence.

    Its too 4 weeks off work to feel more relaxed again a few days a go i wokeup with noise going on, then every noise after that it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

    I hope an assesment and proper diagnosis can give me some clarety and i understand that they must be similarities between me and other people but up to now i can't see it so its just a waiting game.

    I hope so too. I have had a really good year since I was diagnosed. It hasn't gone 100% brilliant but it is definitely better than the year before which was quite awful.

    Yeah thanks sock you and other on this forum have give me alot of answers and explanations for things

    Brings me onto College interview i didn't go, based upon the logic that without this i can't go to Uni, and that i only get one lot of funding for these A levels and if i start it without being able to finish it thats the chance gone and i can't afford the money my self.

    If i have a diagnosis and a plan to go forward i at least have an idea how to deal with social situations and move forward.

    I think you have a good plan. It takes quite a while to really understand what the ASD means. It has taken me a year and I am still working things out.

    Yeah i get the impression itll take a while but atleast its started.

    In my Teens i was a keen Cyclist and use to have cirtern routes and times for doing these. i'd do them in reverse and record, ave time , speed and do sprints the last 2 tenth's of a mile and i got the the stage where i wanted to start competing in Cross country Mountain biking events, i then later found out that i had a Bicuspit Aourtic Valve which to me ment that i could compete at a competative level.

    Taking the times and making records is a very typical thing for someone with ASD. That isn't a bad thing to do though. But, did you ever just ride and enjoy the scenery and enjoy the fact that you were on your own and no-one was bothering you?

    Yeah but i could never ride slow and would climb to top gear and find a comfortable candice, getting a speedo on my bike made it more fun as i got av speed, mileage etc.

    I then joined the gym after a bit of time and i started doing more strength and power training. From the start and with little reading but alot of common sence and trying to feel the correct movement, i was progressing and started to lift more weight over time. this suited me more as i'm 5'6'' and 13 stone. Cycling required me to keep at a slower candace and rely more on power, the gym work was more natural to me but as time went on people started talking to me and asking stuff and i felt abliged to answer and get involved. I was a member there and after 6 years and working there the last 6 month that i was there, i left and feel i didn't want to go back, speak to anyone from there and i have not trained for a long time.

    I used to play squash (badly - it seems in hindsight that I am a bit dyspraxic!) in gyms. I never fancied joining and doing the weights and things. I don't think I wanted to do that sort of thing with other people watching. I have an elliptical trainer machine at home now and quite enjoy doing that as I can do it while listening to the radio.

    Is that a Cross trainer? they're good. i went between 12 and 2 which were the quietest times and concentrated on what i was doing and i always went in knowing what i was going to do. i had a notepad to record weight, reps percentage of effort if required and useto change exercises when things stopped progressing it was good fun better if i hardly seen anyone

    I know this is long but its the smallest of which i can give any example to, apreachiate feed back, thanks sock and any one else that posts a response as they are all good points of view and give me a broader view.

    Everyone's posts can make us think and reflect on ourselves too. your posts have reminded me about cycling and other things that I do. Often, we do things without thinking and responding to a post like yours makes me think harder about things so thank you for sharing your thoughts.



    Thanks sock, hope i inserted the qoutes wright or this will read badly.

  • steven said:

    My Gp explained to me that isolation is a bad thing also and logically i can see the point, how ever its the only time i feel comfortable and content.

    As teen i'd play in the house one my own with my Lego and Mechano, build different things and make my own Suspentions systems for Vehicals that i'd build.

    Complete isolation is a bad thing. Having some time in each day, or a complete day, when you are on your own is a good thing. It is seems important for people with ASD that we have some time alone to recharge our energy and to think and reflect on things that have happened.

    I gave an example of my discomfort to my Gp, when i was on the Taxi a Woman her child got in the car 'child being about 5' i said hello are you going to? 'The address i had on my screen' which she just make a grunt too, then proceeded to open a bag of Crisps, i could here the packet rustle everytime and she took some and i'd her chew every mouth full and at the end had the cheek to dust her hands off over the foot well 'how rude and how is this acceptable'.

    I gave this example to my Gp and he said '***' as if to see light of it, how ever i explained this was one example and that i picked upwards of 50 People per shift and this included People communicating with each other to loudly either over the Phone or talking to each other to loudly, it hurts my Ears. If i say anything to these poeple the get Angry or Upset and won't listen to any logic. All that makes me feel more isolated, and after even just an 8 hour shift my head has gone, i can explain it as i don't know the feeling myself but i find i'm stopping at green lights and don't seem to be able to concentraite as well, I cant put my finger on it.

    People have very different personalities. Some are clever, some stupid. Some are happy, some are sad. Some are introverted some are extraverts. Some of your customers will have autism, most won't. I used to hate it if a taxi driver spoke to me but now I am happy to exchange little bits of information. If you get a rude person, or a person that doesn't want to talk then you can stop making an effort and just get on with the driving and look forward to the next person who will be nice to you. Out of 50 people in a day I am sure there will be a few who are really nice?

    To say to go back to work and don't isolate myself seems illogical given all this and more I havn't mentiond.

    I think it has to be bearable and there is no point being angry and miserable. Is there a way that you can make it more bearable by seeing if you can ignore some of the rude people and if you can perhaps use the time between customers as recovery time on your own? Would it amuse you to keep a chart of the number of people who are rude/polite/happy/saqd etc that you meet each day. (as long as it doesn't become an obsession!)

    In the past as a teen when i had couselling and i always needed a logical answer, and people often said i had an answer for everything. Which makes this more complicated, as it has to make logical sense to me and if i can't see it the logic behind it explained, which even i can see makes it more difficult

    As a child at school I used to think that everything could be explained. Many things can be explained. It is possible to find an explanation about why we have autism but it is complicated. It is possible to explain why your last customer was unbearably rude but it is complicated. As I have got older I have realised that the explanations just get more and more complicated because there are so many variables. I think that we need to just try and understand a part of the world if we don't want to spend our whole lives finding explanations for everything.


    I visit my Mam every day lately as part of routine and getting abit of fresh air, but certain days i can't stay long and feel very uncomfortable, if i get something to eat i need to check between the prongs of the fork, the serrations of the knife and feel the surface of the plate for a greasy residue or feel or look for signs of debris. Oftern we'll sit and watch the Tv despite the fact we're 45cm's ish apart i tend to move a couple of cusions between us and i can see out of my the corner of my eye each time she moves andi find it distracting and discomfortaing, even though i try to hide all this and don't mention any of it to spare her feelings.

    Do you talk to your mum about your problems or things that have gone well? Do you ask your mum about her problems or the things that have gone well for her?

    The walk their's much the same the lights to bright and makes me frown and the traffic noise and different noises going and make me cringe. I live in Town now because i lost my flat where i liked last year due to rent arrears and theres constant Traffic noise 'even with the window closed' Hospital up the road always Sirens from Ambulance or Police or noise from the Police Helicopter. 

    Sensitivity to bright lights and sounds are common for people with ASD. I have to cover my ears if a fire engine goes past. It bothers me less now because I know its just part of the package of having an ASD. Having an explanation helps me to be less stressed about some of these things.

    I hope an assesment and proper diagnosis can give me some clarety and i understand that they must be similarities between me and other people but up to now i can't see it so its just a waiting game.

    I hope so too. I have had a really good year since I was diagnosed. It hasn't gone 100% brilliant but it is definitely better than the year before which was quite awful.

    Brings me onto College interview i didn't go, based upon the logic that without this i can't go to Uni, and that i only get one lot of funding for these A levels and if i start it without being able to finish it thats the chance gone and i can't afford the money my self.

    If i have a diagnosis and a plan to go forward i at least have an idea how to deal with social situations and move forward.

    I think you have a good plan. It takes quite a while to really understand what the ASD means. It has taken me a year and I am still working things out.

    In my Teens i was a keen Cyclist and use to have cirtern routes and times for doing these. i'd do them in reverse and record, ave time , speed and do sprints the last 2 tenth's of a mile and i got the the stage where i wanted to start competing in Cross country Mountain biking events, i then later found out that i had a Bicuspit Aourtic Valve which to me ment that i could compete at a competative level.

    Taking the times and making records is a very typical thing for someone with ASD. That isn't a bad thing to do though. But, did you ever just ride and enjoy the scenery and enjoy the fact that you were on your own and no-one was bothering you?

    I then joined the gym after a bit of time and i started doing more strength and power training. From the start and with little reading but alot of common sence and trying to feel the correct movement, i was progressing and started to lift more weight over time. this suited me more as i'm 5'6'' and 13 stone. Cycling required me to keep at a slower candace and rely more on power, the gym work was more natural to me but as time went on people started talking to me and asking stuff and i felt abliged to answer and get involved. I was a member there and after 6 years and working there the last 6 month that i was there, i left and feel i didn't want to go back, speak to anyone from there and i have not trained for a long time.

    I used to play squash (badly - it seems in hindsight that I am a bit dyspraxic!) in gyms. I never fancied joining and doing the weights and things. I don't think I wanted to do that sort of thing with other people watching. I have an elliptical trainer machine at home now and quite enjoy doing that as I can do it while listening to the radio.

    I know this is long but its the smallest of which i can give any example to, apreachiate feed back, thanks sock and any one else that posts a response as they are all good points of view and give me a broader view.

    Everyone's posts can make us think and reflect on ourselves too. your posts have reminded me about cycling and other things that I do. Often, we do things without thinking and responding to a post like yours makes me think harder about things so thank you for sharing your thoughts.


  • Hi Socks, and Thanks.

    I'll try to be as concise asi can.

    My Gp explained to me that isolation is a bad thing also and logically i can see the point, how ever its the only time i feel comfortable and content.

    As teen i'd play in the house one my own with my Lego and Mechano, build different things and make my own Suspentions systems for Vehicals that i'd build.

    I gave an example of my discomfort to my Gp, when i was on the Taxi a Woman her child got in the car 'child being about 5' i said hello are you going to? 'The address i had on my screen' which she just make a grunt too, then proceeded to open a bag of Crisps, i could here the packet rustle everytime and she took some and i'd her chew every mouth full and at the end had the cheek to dust her hands off over the foot well 'how rude and how is this acceptable'.

    I gave this example to my Gp and he said '***' as if to see light of it, how ever i explained this was one example and that i picked upwards of 50 People per shift and this included People communicating with each other to loudly either over the Phone or talking to each other to loudly, it hurts my Ears. If i say anything to these poeple the get Angry or Upset and won't listen to any logic. All that makes me feel more isolated, and after even just an 8 hour shift my head has gone, i can explain it as i don't know the feeling myself but i find i'm stopping at green lights and don't seem to be able to concentraite as well, I cant put my finger on it.

    To say to go back to work and don't isolate myself seems illogical given all this and more I havn't mentiond. 

    In the past as a teen when i had couselling and i always needed a logical answer, and people often said i had an answer for everything. Which makes this more complicated, as it has to make logical sense to me and if i can't see it the logic behind it explained, which even i can see makes it more difficult  

    I visit my Mam every day lately as part of routine and getting abit of fresh air, but certain days i can't stay long and feel very uncomfortable, if i get something to eat i need to check between the prongs of the fork, the serrations of the knife and feel the surface of the plate for a greasy residue or feel or look for signs of debris. Oftern we'll sit and watch the Tv despite the fact we're 45cm's ish apart i tend to move a couple of cusions between us and i can see out of my the corner of my eye each time she moves andi find it distracting and discomfortaing, even though i try to hide all this and don't mention any of it to spare her feelings.

    The walk their's much the same the lights to bright and makes me frown and the traffic noise and different noises going and make me cringe. I live in Town now because i lost my flat where i liked last year due to rent arrears and theres constant Traffic noise 'even with the window closed' Hospital up the road always Sirens from Ambulance or Police or noise from the Police Helicopter. 

    I hope an assesment and proper diagnosis can give me some clarety and i understand that they must be similarities between me and other people but up to now i can't see it so its just a waiting game.

    Brings me onto College interview i didn't go, based upon the logic that without this i can't go to Uni, and that i only get one lot of funding for these A levels and if i start it without being able to finish it thats the chance gone and i can't afford the money my self.

    If i have a diagnosis and a plan to go forward i at least have an idea how to deal with social situations and move forward.

    In my Teens i was a keen Cyclist and use to have cirtern routes and times for doing these. i'd do them in reverse and record, ave time , speed and do sprints the last 2 tenth's of a mile and i got the the stage where i wanted to start competing in Cross country Mountain biking events, i then later found out that i had a Bicuspit Aourtic Valve which to me ment that i could compete at a competative level.

    I then joined the gym after a bit of time and i started doing more strength and power training. From the start and with little reading but alot of common sence and trying to feel the correct movement, i was progressing and started to lift more weight over time. this suited me more as i'm 5'6'' and 13 stone. Cycling required me to keep at a slower candace and rely more on power, the gym work was more natural to me but as time went on people started talking to me and asking stuff and i felt abliged to answer and get involved. I was a member there and after 6 years and working there the last 6 month that i was there, i left and feel i didn't want to go back, speak to anyone from there and i have not trained for a long time.

    I know this is long but its the smallest of which i can give any example to, apreachiate feed back, thanks sock and any one else that posts a response as they are all good points of view and give me a broader view.

    Thanks Steven..

  • Hi Steven,

    Isolation can be a bad thing for a number of reasons. If you don't meet with people then your thinking and ideas can go off at a tangent because you aren't able to check what you are thinking against what other people think. An unreasonable idea can take root and you may find that you are becoming more reclusive and even more different and alienated from the rest of society.

    A breakdown happens when you lose control of managing your work or your personal life. I don't know if alll breakdowns are the same (I don't expect so) - I had a breakdown/crisis last year and had become stressed/depressed/unreasonable. The diagnosis gave me an explanation for what had happened and it allowed me to understand how I was different from other people but also how we are not so different. People with ASD do care and have emotions and needs and desires, we often hide them and fail to express them well but being human means that we are social animals that need, and thrive best, on contact and exchanging ideas. If you want to do engineering then you have to be able to swap ideas with your teachers and fellow students. Being challenged and being able to challenge and interact is an important part of studying. Losing your emotions may be a sign of being in a bad mental state so I would recommend that you pursue the diagnosis and mental health treatment (ideally with CBT rather than drugs) through your GP.

    Back to the exercise question. As an ASD I would recommend working out a way of exercising that gives you time alone. Running or cycling or swimming are all good methods as you can be alone with your thoughts and you do not need to interact with other gym members or to belong to c lub to do this.

    Did you go for your interview? How did it go?

  • Hi Louise ,my interview is for Tuesday, i wonder if i'm best placed to purspone this till next year. I have no doubt in my abilities to be able to complete the course more doubt my abilities to  be able to fifnsh it. i have one shot at this course and can't fail it i won't be able to do it again and wont get to Uni.

    Yes you may be wright that i'm becoming more isolated but i feel as it may give me an oppertunitey to be able to apply logic to things.

    I have felt no emotion duering this process, couln'd this even be considerd a 'break down'? i merely struggle to make sense of this imformation.

    Does a 'break down have to be emmotinal?

    Issolation/indapendance is this a bad thing i've always though more clearly on my own?

    Your opinions welcome all the best Steven

  • Hi again Louise your feed back is welcome to me as i had always thougt id was able to anilise everything, though it has started to becomeclear to me that i have overlooked alot as there is alot i can't explain.

    Any feed back you have will be welcome'd by me as i have alot to learen and am not so arrogant to think i know it all by know means.

    Do you have a normal relatisionship? i have always anilised and women seen to look away and seem to be uncofatable tought im only trying to anilise facial expressions and body launguage.

  • Hi Louise and thank you for your feed back as i've never anlised myself, i've always assumd and find it difficut to assume that logic is wrong. i'm hoping my GP can add light the the sonarieo that i may be wrong in certain area's.

    After 2.5 weeks the citaloram don't seem to have made any difference, i have now ever found myself drinking a bit, some of the last few post i've made 'which i appolagizse for if have not being very usful at times.'Most have been made after 12 cans of beer which is nothing to be proud of.

    I didn't know i had the capablility to drink so much, i don't undersand this urge but it makes me feel more relaxed though i seem to spend more time gathering data reguarding govenrment spending and Defence which hasn't been so important before.

    All the best and kind reguards Steven

  • I've been given Citalopram before for depression but I've reached the conclusion that, if your suspicions are correct, and you have ASD, it is unlikely to be treatable with drugs.  

    Ive been thinking about your situation today after reading your posts this morning and wonder if you might be able to find a new interest while waiting for your course to start in September! Something that involves being with others.  Your posts suggest that you are becoming more isolated and from my experience, this has reinforced my default setting for preferring my own company.  Even voluntary work may help to keep you mixing with others and consequently keep practising and honing vital social skills.  

    Just a thought based on my own experiences.  

    I too over analyse situations and reached a point about 8 years ago where I pretty much became overwhelmed by my own thought processes.  I actually thought I was going mad at one point.  CBT really helped to look at my thought processes and train myself to think  differently.  It didn't change the way I feel or thought but helped me look at certain things in a different way to be able to help me cope with day to day life.