New member with Aspergers and severe anxiety, please say hello!

Hello, people! I'm not sure what to say here, but I have diagnosed Aspergers along with all sorts of anxiety issues (BDD, general anxiety, terrified of phones, plenty of other situational anxieties) and depression. I don't really have any friends on or offline and I find myself emotionally unable to cope with people, so I'm horribly lonely. Hence being here!

(Incidentally I could go into a rant about how impossible it is as an adult to get any sort of support for these things but it really goes without saying, I've been sleeping on a sofa for the last few months and there's nothing I can do about it because of my fear :| )

  • Hi Almajo

    You could try the Citizens Advice Bureau. They usually have offices, so you could call in and talk to someone. Your local library would tell you where to find them. Recently, someone mentioned in another post that they had been helped by a personal advocate, who could speak on their behalf. Mind (the charity) may be able to point you in the right direction for that. They sometimes have a high street charity shop, who will tell you how to get in touch with someone to talk to. My town has a mental health drop in centre too. Your doctors surgery may have posters in the waiting room telling you where to go, or a receptionist may give you an address. If they offer phone numbers, just tell them that you are unable to speak on the phone.

    One of these groups should be able to help you obtain benefits, enabling you to be more independant. I know that talking to strangers can be daunting, but if you explain your problem, then I'm sure that one of these places will help you get the help you need. It is hard when you feel alone in the world, we all need someone to talk to at some point.

    If you become very unhappy, then even the local Samaritans often have a drop in office, where you can talk to someone, ours does.

    Good luck, and let us know how you get on.

  • There doesn't seem to be any alternative to the phone in my experience; you're right too, I think that it basically amounts to discrimination. I've written a letter of complaint to the council about this and a similar letter to my MP regarding the wider legal and national policy implications but er, neither responded in any way.

    One organisation which did allow me to communicate via email was a local autism charity, so props to them. Sadly the scheme they run that provides employment experience and support has a three month waiting list, but at least I am actually on it!

    Best of luck to you with the diagnosis, and your son too :) 

  • Almajo88,

    Sorry to hear about your issues, I'm in the process of a potenial diagnosis as an adult myself and I have a son of 6 who is likely to also be an Aspie too.  Vent away that's what this forum is for, sharing your worries with people who are in a similar boat to yourself.  Isn't it possible to communicate by a simlar system to email (can't think what its called) "text.."something (for deaf people etc).  That almost sounds like discrimination to me, not providing another method of communication other than the phone.

  • Hello to you too, Crystal! Thank you for the compliment on my writing, although I would insist that my mode of internet forum posting is relatively sloppy. Actually, I studied English and Philosophy for a year, here in Liverpool, but I couldn't cope with other students - so that's why my writing might seem okay :) admittedly I try to avoid being overly formal as I write but my Aspergers mind won't allow it!

    Writing is the main means that I have to communicate with anybody, so it has definitely crossed my mind, although as of the moment I can only type from my phone so I'm quite limited. I guess I don't really know who I would contact, either. Most relevant organisations either don't give an email address, or refer any complicated or personal enquiries to a phone number.

  • Hi from me also Smile.  I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time.  I'm the mum of an adult with autism.  From reading your posts I think you have a talent for the written word.  Can you think of ways to use your writing skills to contact professionals who might be able to help you?  I don't want to put pressure on you but there may come a time when you feel able to try, so bear it in mind.  Also, if you haven't already, have a look at the posts + the home page.  Loads of info which is helpful.  Also post on here whenever you want.  Lots of people understand.

  • I've heard that CBT is proven to be generally effective but I'm still suspicious of that sort of therapy - I've seen psychologists and counsellors before and I never felt like I could engage, due to the anxiety. I had the same problem growing up, I was diagnosed young and saw a psychologist for a long time but I'd basically do everything I could to abstract myself from the person in front of me. In the end that just kind of gave up on it.

    I'm not sure about the GP thing, I think you need to call and in the past I've had really bad experiences of seeing the doctor about these things, included being shouted at by one when I tried to ask if I could be referred for something, and swore at by another; admittedly not at my current surgery, that was while I was at university, but yeah. My parents don't have any health workers... my mum has in the past but not at the moment.

    And thank you for being so kind and for the practical suggestions, I might seem negative here but I really appreciate your help.

  • Well, what matters now is that you are here, you're able to talk to everyone here, and we hope that this can be of help to you.

    I've had anxiety problems in the past, though not so severe, and was able to get through with a CBT counsellor. I don't know if this is an option for you, though, and given your phone problem, it might be hard to arrange. But can you contact a GP at all to discuss it? Do your parents have health workers of some kind looking in, who might be approachable?

  • Thanks to both of you for the kind greetings :) it means a lot because a large part of me always expects people to be incredibly hostile.

    I'm not getting any help from the NHS or any other organisation - I'm not sure what I can do especially since I'm incapable of using the phone and don't have anyone who can do it for me. I was lucky before because I was in a relationship with somebody who also has Aspergers, and lived with her, but when that ended I kind of had no choice but to sleep on my parents' sofa. Sadly they have mental health problems and alcoholism and stuff and can't really help (as well as it being quite oppressive here to say the least, and me having no personal space).

    Sorry, I'm complaining a lot here huh? It's frustrating when just making progress from this seems to be impossible and I feel like I'm excluded from help essentially because I'm less able, in this sense.

    Oh and sukibear, all the best in finding help for your grandson, and thanks again for saying hello :)

  • Hello... I'm new here to. I'm sorry to read how lonely you are. I've joined to look for help for my grandson. But thought I'd say hello.. This is all dreadfully new and confusing to me. so I won't offer you any practical help. Just know I'm thinking about you right now and wishing there was something I could say to make you feel better. All the best and I genuinely hope you get the help you need soon.

  • Hello! New here myself, so finding feet on forums. Hope things pick up for you. Are you getting any support from the NHS?