Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

  • Your pool sounds very nice. I would love to be able to swim somewhere, a public swimming pool is a NO NO NO for me. I would like to have a natural pool, from a river or a stream, at the bottom of my garden! Or at least, somewhere private and isolated in a walking distance from my house, it would be wonderful. I had a cool bath (not a cold one) yesterday and that really did help.

  • Will you have to wait another week for your football or will you be able to play it sooner? At least it will be cooler tomorrow so maybe you will be able to go outside.

  • Im feeling quite depressed. Have stayed indoors for three days as I cant really cope with the heat outside and the thing that was keeping me going was knowing I could play football tonight and let off some steam but Ive just heard my football has been cancelled so sinking into depression a bit now

  • Just today to go and then the hot weather will be gone.

    How's everyone holding up? It's been so hot I didn't know what to do with myself. I've been drinking as much as I could and having ice cream. It's hot here again today but could get rain as well so I'm hoping that will cool things a little.

  • Remember Luna we learn on our mistakes, no more dehydration please, it's lovely to have you here

  • Sorry to hear that Luna, take care and get well soon. The really hot weather will soon be over.

  • Hope everyone's doing ok? I'm in hospital. Dehydrated. Anxiety is through the roof.

  • It wasn't too bad today.  I kept my windows and curtains shut when the sun was shining.  Now at 9pm my bedroom is at 26.1°C  it's survivable and sleepable.

  • I have been surprised today how keeping windows shut and curtains drawn made a difference. It was lovely watering plants at 615 as the house cooled. Not so cool tomorrow so trying to look forward to Wednesday.

    Definitely looking forward to more comfortable fresh air though. Usually have windows open most of the time.

  • I got into cold water swimming a couple of years ago, and am looking forward to it not being so cold in the pool. It's 10 feet diameter, just enough to stretch out and turn round. Only £37.50 on Amazon at the moment. Or, a cold bath will cool you down as well. 

  • Hi Singsong. I was worried but I over worry and get myself worked up with anxiety. It's very hot today but it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. It's 34 degrees here. I'm drinking a lot of water, wetting my face and wrists and that's keeping me cool.

    I hope you're doing ok today and not too stressed about it.

  • Hope everyone is doing OK. It's uncomfortable enough even here in NI. Can only imagine what it's like for many others. At least it's just for a day or two more.

  • And we're off!

    24c here already and not even 10 yet. 

    Drink plenty and take care lovelies. X

  • I got out of an aeroplane once at 22:30 hours in Rhyad and it was 46 degrees outside. I survived two weeks of working n that place.

    The vast majority of you will be alright.

    Tea is surprisingly good in hot weather.

    I also spent a couple of weeks in Florida, there I did get heatstroke, but to be fair I had spent the day walking about in the sun.

    We do like to panic in this country about the weather... The key is to remember your English heritage (if you have one, of course) and cover up that skin like a victorian explorer... 

  • 26.3 C here. But it was 28 around 4pm, same as yesterday, living nightmare

  • I am keeping my windows closed during the day.  At the moment it is colder inside, my bedroom is 24.7°C than it is outside 

  • Good luck! I think wearing a wet t-shirt is supposed to help too.

  • If you can get a spray bottle and fill it with water and mist yourself it should help regulate your temp and keep cool. I also find a damp towel super nice in this heat. And I heard that freezing a water bottle thats half full and placing it at the bottom of your bed under your blanket can help. Kinda like a reverse winter situation with a hot water bottle if that makes sense. Good luck to us all in this dreaded heat! Not looking forward to going to work whilst on Sertaline next week.... 

  • No problem at all - I should have read your later message before replying. All good.

  • I've taped tin foil onto the windows but I did that last year and it was still much warmer inside than outside. I will fill the bath and every container in the house. My plan is probably to sit in a cool bath and read during the hottest part of the afternoon.