Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

  • Well, it'll be uncomfortable for everyone, I'm sure. And I am sensitive to extremes of temperature, for sure. So, I'll be eating salad and drinking a load water and have all the fans going.

    But most people will be absolutely fine. It's only some groups of clinically vulnerable people who might get poorly.

  • I'm the same, anything over 20 is a bit much for me. I prefer it cooler.

  • I'm from Ireland! Really miss it.

    I try not to watch the news now.

  • I understand. I am a bit sensitive to the heat as well, I'm also allergic to sunlight so I usually stay clear of it.

    I know you are right about the media causing fear. Normally I avoid the news and don't read up on things but I stupidly had a look, really wish I hadn't now. This is the exact reason I don't follow the news because I overthink what I read. It sounds like we are similar with this. Anxiety definitely makes this a lot worse. I've lived with anxiety for years now and it always gets me in such a panic especially if I've read the news. I try not to but it's not always easy to convince yourself.

    I didn't know that about 1976. I was just reading about it, that must have been hard coping in that for months. I'm just glad this is for a few days. After it looks like the temperature will drop to low twenties which will be nice.

    Thanks. Watching things keeps me calm and so long as I keep drinking I think I'll be ok on the hottest days.

    I hope you will be ok as well. :) 

  • Northern Ireland has, so far, a normal summer. 

    This heat index style weather is causing undue worry. Thanks be to God I don't watch TV anymore. 

  • 36 is nothing. In Poland from middle July to middle August there is 45 around noon. though for me 20+ is living hell

  • Heat is a big sensory thing for me so I'm not looking forward to it either and I really understand how you feel. 

    I think it is so important to remember though that everything in the media is set up to scare us, they seem to want us to live in a constant state of fear about one thing or another. Online news just creates constant headlines whipping us up into panic. When we see headlines just remind yourself that its designed to make you scared about everything, that way they get more clicks and sell more papers. Thats how I try and think of it. Its not easy though, I still panic alot.  For those of us who suffer anxiety and struggle to process this sort of stuff it is really hard.

    Its worth remembering a few things

    Firstly, its just two days. In 1976 we had constant heat and drought for 3 months and everyone got through it ok. This is nothing like that

    Secondly, it's not the apocolyptic thing they are making it out as. Perth in Australia has summers of 42C every year and people are ok. As long as we are sensible and dont do anything silly like go running in the sun all day everything will be ok. 
    I think your plan of staying in and watching movies is a really good idea, you will be fine :-)

  • I don’t like the heat really, but what is worse, is that I am also allergic to the sun. My shifts at work at always Monday, Tuesday and Saturday so I’ve got to go out. I don’t know how I’ll cope. It’s not as if I can wear normal warm weather clothing, as I need to keep covered from UVA and UVB.

    The air conditioning isn’t great at work, and the uniform isn’t cool and airy. I’m trying not to think about it. I remember it being 31 degrees and that was bad enough.

    The best thing we can do is stay in if possible, especially in the middle of the day. Keep windows closed and blinds shut until late in the day. Stay hydrated and if you go out, ensure you use sunscreen and wear a hat.

  • It is a bit scary how extreme some of the wording is in the warnings, do you live in an area that’s under red alert? The best thing you can do if you can is stay indoors and keep well hydrated. Keep curtains shut and also shut the windows if it’s hotter outdoors than in. When they say about even healthy people being at risk it is likely aimed at those working outdoors or stuck in traffic jams etc with inadequate hydration/cooling. Also I think the risk of drowning in open water is included as lots of people will go swimming in dangerous places to cool down. 

  • Thanks for the reminder about the fan, working from home so that could be handy too.

  • Thanks! Yes this was helpful and I hope you're ok and coping well with it all.

    I'm going to drink water as much as possible and I'll probably stay in my room in front of the fan and watch movies all day to keep me busy and hopefully make the day fly by. I know it's hot again Tuesday but it'll be cooler than Monday.

    I hope you're ok. It's a good idea to focus on Wednesday when it's much cooler, I'm going to try and do that as well.

  • It is hard to think about, especially as we have not experienced it before. The recommendation is to let as much cold air in now as possible and be prepared with plenty of water to drink and keep skin cool.

    I am trying to focus on the fact it will be cooler on Wednesday and looking forward to that. This is something I have recently started doing when I have something difficult to face. It has helped me cope with worrying things. Hope this might be helpful.