Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

  • I got into cold water swimming a couple of years ago, and am looking forward to it not being so cold in the pool. It's 10 feet diameter, just enough to stretch out and turn round. Only £37.50 on Amazon at the moment. Or, a cold bath will cool you down as well. 

  • I got into cold water swimming a couple of years ago, and am looking forward to it not being so cold in the pool. It's 10 feet diameter, just enough to stretch out and turn round. Only £37.50 on Amazon at the moment. Or, a cold bath will cool you down as well. 

  • Your pool sounds very nice. I would love to be able to swim somewhere, a public swimming pool is a NO NO NO for me. I would like to have a natural pool, from a river or a stream, at the bottom of my garden! Or at least, somewhere private and isolated in a walking distance from my house, it would be wonderful. I had a cool bath (not a cold one) yesterday and that really did help.