Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

  • I am very worried because in addition to the heat, I have had 2 positive COVID tests in the last five days and I am struggling to breath.

  • It's natural to feel anxious about Monday but try not to worry yourself into a state.

    The main thing to remember is that if you're sensible then you will be fine. So drink plenty of cool refreshing drinks. Avoid direct sunlight if you can and certainly don't go out in it when it's at its strongest so really avoid it from midmorning to late afternoon. Wear loose fitting clothing, avoid any thick clothing. If you have a fan keep it nearby you to keep you cool.

    The danger to life is more for vulnerable people and aimed at people who go to the beach or for a swim in lakes. In direct sunlight you will overheat fast. I am sure the NHS will be crippled by midday Monday.

    Try not to worry. You will be fine.

  • I'm a bit scared as well. That's a lot of heat and we aren't used to it here. Lot of people will struggle through the afternoon and evening I think.

    Just try stay cool. Drink plenty and don't go out unless you have to. I think most people will be ok if they don't go out and stay in the shade away from the sun. 

    Your be ok xx

  • It's 23 here 9:57pm.

  • Let us hope the heat only lasts for the two days.  Monday and Tuesday.

    I have a digital thermometer in my bedroom.

    Today, Saturday, 9:45pm it is 24.0 c

  • I think it works this way:

    We sweat to cooldown, but it's fully effective only if sweat evaporates, taking some heat away.

    if humid climate it doesn't happen

  • Yes, that is a big factor which is often overlooked.

  • For me the predicted heat is very worrying.

    I know that other countries have 40c heat regularly, but the real problem here is not just the heat but the British climate and the moisture in the air.  I have heard from people from Africa and the middle East who say in their countries 40c is survivable because the air is drier, but 30c in England is worse 

  • Yeah they flock to the beaches when it gets hot. I live by the motorway and every hot day they just fill up with traffic where people head for the coast.

  • they do go bonkers already, cooking their brains on the beach all day

  • I think if we didn't have the media we would just think "crikey it's hot" and do what we need to do by our instincts.  However the nhs is under huge pressure already and people might want to go bonkers open water swimming etc and we are not used to these temperatures in this county. So that's probably why we are being warned. And also to get us used to these type of alerts because they will probably get more frequent.

  • It really sounds like we are similar. That's how I react to the news too. I try and avoid it but if I look at it it I get so anxious that I then look at more and more and it sends me into a spiral. I suffer terribly with anxiety so I really understand.

    What I try and do is remind myself that alot of what we see on the news isnt actually true. Most of it is wildly exaggerated. The more afraid they make us the more clicks they get and the more papers they sell. Its in their interests to make everything as scary as possible. Most things arent as scary as they say they are.

    Like this heatwave, theres been much longer ones before. Hope you enjoy your movies and all will be ok :-)

  • Bloody horrible isn't it!? I'm sensitive to many things but heat is among the worse for me. Anything above 20 and I get affected. I try to stay in the cool shaded places, keep my fan on and drink water and have ice cream. Just got to keep trying to be cool when it gets hot. I know this is scary. I'm scared to. But try not to be. A lot of vulnerable people may struggle but if we're all careful and take it easy and don't do anything stupid then we'll be fine. Just breathe. Remember it will be ok. Good plan on watching stuff on the hot days, keep busy, and keep cool. You got this sister!

  • This period of climate change is anthropogenic. Ecosystems, species, people’s homes and crops are already being destroyed

  • I resonate so much with this, thank you. It feels good to hear someone else articulate it so sensitively.

    It’s likely to be close to 40 degrees where I am in the UK. It’s terrifying. So much that’s necessary for life is being destroyed. Sending solidarity

  • which is also how the radical environmentalist got to greta thunberg by panicing her and telling here all the world will explode and we will all die because of climate change... when no such thing will happen and climat change is natural and the climate never stayed the same  through history, if it did wed have a problem... and these enviro liars want us to now make human changes to the environment to so called save it? that will cause the damage and issues, they are the threat to the environment lol

  • i dont find it scary, we had heat waves just as high before. the media wants to spread panic and autistic people are more prone to that and believe the media when they make panic stories and outrageous claims that millions of people will die, when in reality in will be no different than a normal day and whoever dies will probably have died no matter the weather especially seeing as its always really old people at the end of their lives anyway and they likely instead died of a natural heart attack not related to the weather. the media need to be regulated more to stop these sensationalist panic stories they write all the time.

  • Just read a useful tip to put your socks in the fridge the night before because cold feet lowers your body temperature. So I things I will each my lunch with my feet in cold water. (I do work from home).

  • You are not alone, it is only forecast to be 32 degrees where I am but I am still really worried about it. The Person Who I Live with said the only bad thing about the hot weather is the way it makes me behave! He said that I am acting as though a nuclear bomb is about to go off rather than as though it is just going to be a bit hotter than usual for a couple of days. I keep checking the weather forecast over and over again to see if any of the day time or night time temperatures have changed and I feel as though I am under siege with all the windows and curtains closed and a sense of oppression and doom that this unstoppable and inescapable force of heat is bearing down on us!

    Although I don't like the heat and sunlight (and am only comfortable under 14 degrees C) I am not however worried about getting ill or dying in the immediate sense, rather I am worried about the environment, the impacts of heat stress on wildlife and farm animals, and the potential for forest or grassland fires.  I don't want innocent birds, animals and plants (all of which I love) to suffer and/or die and I don't want the air quality to deteriorate! Most of all I am worried about our changing climate and the likelihood that these types of weather events will become ever more frequent. I feel as though there is nowhere "safe" on our planet to escape to, nowhere which will be unaffected and unchanged by this.

    Don't worry about the next few days though, you will get through it, it sounds as though you know all the correct ways to stay safe and won't do anything silly.  You will be fine. I am also telling myself that it is only for a few days and this does make it seem more manageable. Open your windows when it is cooler at night if you can.

  • Is salad good for heat? I stop eating most of the time when it's hot. I might have ice cream some time but not much.

    Hopefully it won't be as bad as everyone says.