Scared about the heat

Is anyone else worried about Monday and Tuesday? There's a weather warning in place here. It could get to 36-degrees here on Monday! I know it'll be hotter elsewhere but this is still a lot of heat to endure. I'm so scared. I don't want to be ill. Do you think it's likely I'll be ill in this heat? I'm going to try and keep hydrated and stay in, hopefully I'll be ok, but it's still scary. Don't want to end up ill and in hospital.

  • Just today to go and then the hot weather will be gone.

    How's everyone holding up? It's been so hot I didn't know what to do with myself. I've been drinking as much as I could and having ice cream. It's hot here again today but could get rain as well so I'm hoping that will cool things a little.

  • Im feeling quite depressed. Have stayed indoors for three days as I cant really cope with the heat outside and the thing that was keeping me going was knowing I could play football tonight and let off some steam but Ive just heard my football has been cancelled so sinking into depression a bit now

  • Will you have to wait another week for your football or will you be able to play it sooner? At least it will be cooler tomorrow so maybe you will be able to go outside.

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