Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • I think I'll become more and more disillusioned over the course of time.

  • Come to the dark side and join us disillusioned people who laugh at the naivete of those who still believe that  our "poliitics"will provide the answer.

    O.K. Both sides will hate on you of course, but it's water off a ducks back because you know you are RIGHT!

    (That's why we often get called the alt/far/extreme "right" of course... Because we ARE right!) 

    Disclaimer: I was going for cynical humour, but it reads more like sad truth...

  • I self label as a 'pragmatic socialist' . I firmly believe that the left should make its case re the worthiness of socialism from within the party.  I have no time for the pseudo-socialist Corbynites  who place ideological purity above winning elections, and given half a chance would turn Labour into a perpetual protest party. I'm not disillusioned to the degree you are, but  sense that Labour will not be as forward looking and progressive as I hoped it would be if it won the election. Labour just gets less of a minus rating than the other parties.

  • I self label as a 'pragmatic socialist' . I firmly believe that the left should make its case re the worthiness of socialism from within the party.  I have no time for the pseudo-socialist Corbynites  who place ideological purity above winning elections, and given half a chance would turn Labour into a perpetual protest party. I'm not disillusioned to the degree you are, but  sense that Labour will not be as forward looking and progressive as I hoped it would be if it won the election. Labour just gets less of a minus rating than the other parties.

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