Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

Parents Reply Children
  • I have my doubts about PR. It was wise of Starmer and Labour not to come out in support for it pre election.The r/w press would've relentlessly  pushed that Labour wasn't capable of running the country on its own. For me the best time was after winning an election. Doing it from a position of strength.

  • Conference motions are non-binding and that one didn't make it into the manifesto two years later. So it's a bit rich to claim it's "their own policy" because lots of conference resolutions didn't make it in. And "supermajority" is not a thing in the UK, it's just a majority. If you can look at the first two weeks of Labour's raft of progressive policies and call them pigs with "snouts in the trough" then I don't know what you are watching, GB News maybe?

  • I DID!!

    Can I choose a different prize to thermo-nuclear destruction?