Are we happy with the general election result?

Just wondered if people on here are happy or unhappy at the general election result last week? I stayed up most of the night to watch the results come in. 

It would be wonderful if we could have a calm, logical, reasoned political discussion on here that doesn't result in anger, name calling and the mods locking the thread

Come on guys lets prove we can do it! 

  • I think I'll become more and more disillusioned over the course of time.

  • I have become more sanguine over time.  I remain sad.......not about "politics" or "the planet"....but about the state of peoples "minds" - what they think and how they think it and how they express it.  It feels, to me, that almost everyone (and almost certainly me) is simply missing the point.

    I'd love to know what the point is !!

  • The point is to mock the badness, and celebrate the goodness. 

    If you believe you know a truth that others do not, if you are feeling brave you can offer it for other peoples consdieration, but you have no right to do it forcibly or expect the other person to accept it, and if they don't you DEFINITELY don't have the right to call them "stupid" or fix any other label on them.

    When I wrote "you" I should have selected the word "I". What right do I have to tell you what you should do?

    Only any right that you assign to me. 

  • The point is to mock the badness, and celebrate the goodness. 

    If you believe you know a truth that others do not, if you are feeling brave you can offer it for other peoples consdieration, but you have no right to do it forcibly or expect the other person to accept it, and if they don't you DEFINITELY don't have the right to call them "stupid" or fix any other label on them.

    When I wrote "you" I should have selected the word "I". What right do I have to tell you what you should do?

    Only any right that you assign to me. 

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