
Does anyone here struggle to understand how they feel? 

I'm recently diagnosed, and since knowing that I'm autistic, I feel as though the symptoms of it are much clearer to me now. I know that I'm feeling either bad or good, but I can't necessarily pin point the reason why or the specific emotion attached to. Its as though I've gone through so many difficult times (not trauma or a specific bad event, just bad memories) that everything seems to trigger some emotions which are negative. It's extremely frustrating because it puts my day off massively, and no one can comfort me because I either don't tell them, or I can't even tell them what's wrong. 

  • As mentioned, I'm not 'angry' at you for posting this chart. Nor am I blaming you for the chart. I made a strong point of saying I was happy you posted it - knowledge is power. If this is out there, no wonder there's miscommunication. Just to clarify.

  • Meditation, mindfulness or better still, the Rosary, is an excellent way to deal with this situation 

  • You do know saying "whatever makes you feel more comfortable" is a domineering and dismissive tactic. You also probably know autistics are more likely to go through life being misrepresented for perfectly natural human engagement and often shut down, dismissed or gaslit. So these misperceptions matter. 

    The point I was making is how they're defined, what a thing is associated with in the centre. imagine casually wanting to discuss an article "I'm a bit skeptical about that new policy" and the other attaching the label of Anger to you for this and shutting you down for having an opinion. "No negativity today" in response to simply wishing to engage in an article.

    There is a difference between a Verb and a Noun. When something gives us cause for concern or expanding our perception on a thing, it might trigger a feeling of unease, apprehensiveness or pensiveness - something is out of balance, which then informs our thinking and perceptions helping us engage in the activity of critical evaluation. You won't feel skeptical but apprehensive. Skepticism is the shape that feeling might take in order  to problem-solve. 

    I'm not excited about using terms like these in vague ways because of the affect it can have. We currently live in social world where far too many are performing thoughtless actions which have everything from small to grave consequence. If one dismisses an insecurity because it is 'just a feeling' there is a missed opportunity to better understand what is actually impacting a sense of unstable ground. 

  • I'm not sure how I feel about Alexithymia, but I'm certain I like bad jokes.

  • I don't agree with a lot of it. I don't see the following as emotions:

    Perhaps this vairant of the wheel will more closely tie in with your mind

    There are other variants and it helps to find one you can attune to.

  • They're all feelings.

    You can call them what you like, whatever makes you feel more comfortable.

    To feel insecure, is exactly that, a feeling.

  • I’m not diagnosed as yet but I do share some of what you have written. Most of the things I feel seem to be negative or feel like a negative feeling even if it should be excitement or joy.  Hope that makes sense as I have succeeded in confusing myself there? I often get told I’m miserable or flat even when I think I’m in a positive mood.

    I do get excited about my interests and that can get perceived as being somewhat selfish from some individuals who are close to me. 

    Anyway it’s  confusing to say the least. 

  • Thank you for the information Iain, that's interesting. However it  does makes me feel one emotion - annoyed, because I don't agree with a lot of it. I don't see the following as emotions:

    Critical, hateful, sceptical, aware, delightful, extravagant, stimulating, fascinating, daring, worthwhile, intelligent, faithful, important, responsive, sentimental,  thoughtful, intimate, loving, trusting, nurturing, peaceful, sleepy, creative, aware.

    I would not use any of those words to describe my emotions, I'd only use them to describe a person, thing or situation e.g. He's very extravagant, that talk she gave was fascinating, dogs are very faithful, the forest is very peaceful.

    My emotions can  be expressed in very few words: usually good (happy?) ok (content?) or bad (not on that wheel) On occasion I can identify anger, embarrassment, annoyance, rejected, confused, stupid, lonely, helpless, anxious, satisfied, amused, or bored. Wow, that's actually more than I thought! 

    Maybe I need to make my own emotion chart. I wouldn't have a wheel, I'd just have a list and a description next to it to remind me what might prompt it e.g. Annoyance - when someone keeps asking you the same question. Rejection - when somebody doesn't like you. Satisfied - when you've done something well. And I'd call it the KISS emotion guide (KISS = keep it simple, stupid!) Slight smile

  • Ha ha ha, I'd forgotten about the nerve pinch, no I can't but it would be useful sometimes. Even if I was a Vulcan, I'd probably still have some sort of disorder by their standards! Maybe they'd call it HSD (Human spectrum disorder) and the guidance for diagnosis might be something like this:

     "While Vulcans on the Human spectrum display a normal sense of revulsion to describing emotions, they do have several deficits which differ from neurotypical Vulcans:

    - Deficits in emotion dampening, causing inappropriate behaviour such as crying

    - An inability to use the nerve pinch to cause people to become unconscious

    - An inability to mind meld with other conscious beings

    - A distinct lack of pointy ears"

  • OMG - too much information!

    The intention is to start in the centre, and see which general group your feeling seems to belong to (this is the easy part).

    Then you look at the emotions that this spreads into and see if any of these seem like they match what you are feeling.

    I'm not sure about the outside ring - I tend to use just the inner two.

    It makes it really simple to use this way.

  • This is a terrible chart!! LOL - AND I'm happy you posted this. 

    Critical and Skeptical are Powerful forces of reasoning one can tap into, not Mad. Bewildered isn't a fear response, Pensive is!!!

    It's a mess! Haha

    "insecure" is not a feeling but a state with little grounding and an insight into what we cannot trust. 

    EDIT: Jealousy is often used incorrectly. Envy is what I feel when someone has something I want. Jealousy is what I feel when it involves someone I've invested in (regardless of whether or not I have a right or invitation to a relationship with them).

  • Yes, it was dreadful!

  • Giving them names, should help with understanding. Otherwise there's only confusion. Equally you could say the information I've posted are facts.

  • I feel the same way and I wish someone would understand my feelings sometimes and try not make them mad at me specifically mom and my sister too so I can live well also

  • Does anyone remember that 1975 song called "Feelings" (I wish I didn't, frankly)

    Here are my amended lyrics:


    Nothing more than feelings...

    Trying to forget my...

    Feelings exist...

  • Can you do the neck pinch thingy to render people unconcious?

  • OMG - too much information!!   Grin

  • Absolutely. It can make opening up to others and comforting others extremely difficult.

  • I know, but the idea of living without emotions, although lovely- they are still there, and you may sometimes physically feel them. This is the situation with myself, because although I know that I'm feeling something that's making me sad or happy and I want to acknowledge it, I just can't so it makes consistency much harder- I'm not sure if that makes sense.