
Does anyone here struggle to understand how they feel? 

I'm recently diagnosed, and since knowing that I'm autistic, I feel as though the symptoms of it are much clearer to me now. I know that I'm feeling either bad or good, but I can't necessarily pin point the reason why or the specific emotion attached to. Its as though I've gone through so many difficult times (not trauma or a specific bad event, just bad memories) that everything seems to trigger some emotions which are negative. It's extremely frustrating because it puts my day off massively, and no one can comfort me because I either don't tell them, or I can't even tell them what's wrong. 

  • I'm the same. But I don't really want emotions and don't see why we have to give them names. Facts are much easier to deal with. I think I'm really a Vulcan, but without the pointy ears.

  • I know, but the idea of living without emotions, although lovely- they are still there, and you may sometimes physically feel them. This is the situation with myself, because although I know that I'm feeling something that's making me sad or happy and I want to acknowledge it, I just can't so it makes consistency much harder- I'm not sure if that makes sense.

  • I know, but the idea of living without emotions, although lovely- they are still there, and you may sometimes physically feel them. This is the situation with myself, because although I know that I'm feeling something that's making me sad or happy and I want to acknowledge it, I just can't so it makes consistency much harder- I'm not sure if that makes sense.
