What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • Are you a bot or at a troll farm or something? Give it rest.

  • amen (secular-ly speaking)

  • wow, more a scene for a Hitchcock film than a beach!

  • Yes this is also a fear for me. I had low income housing that burned down. I don't know where I'll go now and it does, sometimes scare me.

  • You mean you are you afraid of being stupid?

  • Caelus wrote; "..because from that one word i know their hateful view on me already.."

    geez.. paranoid much?

  • Talking to people who I don't know but need for some social service or medical need.

  • I don’t understand what’s going on in a situation when confronted by someone.

    I had a strange confrontation walking my dog in the direction of three neighbours having a chat of which two was a married couple. I stopped to join in (a rarety as I don't usually)  The wife directed a comment to me that I did not hear properly owing to my tinnitus. Her husband immediately jumped in saying "that was a kick in the guts" I didn't wish to cause a ruction in front of the third neighbour by asking the wife to repeat what she had said so I ignored it. This confirmed for me what I already knew, and what I had stated in a much earlier thread. I have no problem with 121 engagement however two or more people in a group is a totally different dynamic and it usually singles me out in some negative way with a focus on my accent, or my origins, or my reluctance to engage socially owing to the first two focal points.

  • Bigotry and fundamentalism in people, simply because of the repercussions and the awful things people will say and do because of their beliefs.

    Yes, very scary and dangerous, especially now more so that we live in a world where opinion is valued more than facts.

  • Hi Ann.

    I can substitute the word "scared" in your post with the words "occasionally conscious."

    I'm glad to be this way because being aware (even occasionally) reminds me to keep checking for ways and means to improve my life.

    There's a piece of "stupid-o-clock" motivational positivity for myself.....thanks for the catalyst Ann.  Happy Sunday.

  • Failure. though I also go through existential crisis which can lead to terrifying thoughts. I am scared of being lazy and stupid and not trying hard enough and messing up my life. I am scared that I upset people or that I get things wrong. I am scared of being alone. 

  • Well they developed as I was approaching 30 so it feels like aging to me. I before 28 I just didn’t even need glasses. Ageing is a process, it doesn’t only apply to things that happen after you’re 60.

  • For me big crowds scare me and when I don’t understand what’s going on in a situation when confronted by someone.

  • a dialogue of beauty and love,

    explore this symposium of beauty and love:

    llresearch.org and how we fit in the big picture.

  • I think what scares me is not being able to relax, relatively, and find a way of working to somewhere near the level I am capable of - which is to say. I know how great I am as a human, how unique, but I am scared that I cannot share any of that, in any way in the commercial world.  In the same direction I am scared that I will not be able to share my wild, insane, freewheeling, love-filled spontaneity with anyone - friends or lovers - its something I’ve always wanted and never really got near, because its sort of hard explaining to people what makes me tick.

    On the plus side, the following things don’t scare me very often:

    1. Death - well in the moment it does, then I remind myself that death is really just the thought of death and in the hierarchy of things that bother my mind, it comes pretty low on the totem poll, because once you have let that thing go, and seen that you can actually let go of it, then it makes many situations easier where fear of death might sort of get in the way or cramp my style.  Not that I go looking for death, but if it happens to rear its head, I can take it as something that happens but if I’m happy doing what I want in life and going in a direction that I think is worthy and creative, then I’ll pay the price or take the consequences, if I have to.
    2. My Insignificance in the sight of the enormity of it all - well yes, my mind is a candle flickering in the wind of the enormity of the vast cosmic mind, the meagre spark of what makes me who I am counts for nothing, I am a product of the whole, I am a product of the collective, apart from the fact I am not - the greatest principle of the universe, beauty, beats strongly in me, and having seen the beauty of myself and the beauty of universe, and the potential beauty of what conscious intelligence might became over the millennia, how the great dialogue between all conscious beings might rapidly evolve to the point where the endless dialogue we all partake in every day of our lives, become a dialogue, not of truth, or territory, or power, but a dialogue of beauty and love, where we say things not because they are true, or make us money, but purely because they are beautiful, interesting, challenging, fascinating, maddening and have never been said before.