What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

  • ok, she comes from london, so shes very privileged, she had a fancy posh education that taught her marxist ideas and these ideas are very outdated and focused on the trans atlantic slave trade and teach that all white people are bad, you cant be racist to white people because all white people are racist.

    which is funny as people like her are very privileged, very posh education and universities teach that. and she moved to wales? likely as its cheaper... which is called gentrification and it ensure the local welsh cant get a property in their own lands and increases the prices there harming the poor people.... honestly i can rip this all day as everything she claims to be she is the opposite of while  i am the poor northern working class, she is the rich posh privileged fancy southern london aristocracy gentrifying the place while preaching racist ideas to hate a entire group of people for a historical bad thing that one of them did. while also actually being the current person whos doing that herself lol its madness.... its hypocrisy and it gets me going... but in some parts... i kinda love fighting against peoples bullshit, part of me hopes they awaken one day and realise it, perhaps if not now but maybe in a few years time

  • utterly appreicate it. its hard with all the posts as i dont want anyone else to see/feel its acceptable or even factually true. Im going to take a leaf out of your book. for sure i can discuss and we can debate without creating hositilities and actually increase understanding for all sides - it can be turned into a positive.

  • I haven’t kept up with either side of the argument.

  • oh it appears you didnt keep up with her side of the argument then... oh geee wow i sure hope your not white then because your just as evil and guilty as i am in her eyes then lol

  • the words she used is nothing like mine. she wished me death, wished me to burn in hell and so on... my words wasnt personal attacks, my words was against a idea of all of this colour of people are bad because of this one bad thing a minority of them did in the past ages ago... she could have responded with her taught history of the trans atlantic slave trade.... although thats no use because i agree it was bad, my point was she shouldnt hate us all for that, and that its racist to do that and like hating all muslims for the 9/11 attacks no? 

    but ok what if i conceed and agree to all of your hate? then i will hate all muslims, i will be the most racist person on this earth if i conceed and agree that shes right lol and then you will have a monster, you will have a worse world than you left it

  • also i kinda have been silenced too much recently on the internet so im bursting with alot of paragraphs to say lol

    So, you've been silenced elsewhere then?

    On other internet sites.

    It's a pity then you come here, where the moderators are more tolerant, to spout your vitriol and aim it at a member who had just joined us, and answered your reams of words with one of their own.

  • and i agreed with that.
    i hope you also point out that its racist to hate me for the trans atlantic slave trade and is the same as hating all muslims for the 9/11 attacks..

    also i already noted this stage of what shes doing now... very social.. very manipulative and clique building... this isnt asd.. its more npd and its the start of real bullying, but it doesnt work on me as it fuels me more as i live to fight this

  • I don’t think it’s that - I think it’s more a case of not wanting to encourage him / give him an excuse for another rant. Personally I just reported his first post to you as abuse and let the moderator deal with it. Maybe if there was a dedicated thread / part of the community I might reply at more length - I did point out that race is a social and not a scientific construct.

  • your bullying me due to my herritage... you keep saying im a bad person because of the trans atlantic slave trade... do your history, when that was happening my people were tossed down the mines to die! i come from a northern class mining town.. do your history, dont come here into this country with your hate filled posh privileged london based education and then spout all that hate at us... its londoners who are guilty and as you come from london and have benefited from the privilege of their fancy schools that means all the trans atlantic slave trade and evils of history is all on you.. my people suffered from you southerners just as much in the harrowing of the north lol

    and you moved to wales? because wales is cheaper? .... do you know when rich londoners move to cheap places because they are cheaper.. that is called gentrification and makes it so the locals of that place cannot buy a property and become homeless?

    check your privilege first before spouting off.

  • Number...im really beginning to like you, really on a level regarding socials! thank u for explaining as well. im beginning to 'get it' now.

  • so its ok to be racist against me and even tell me to burn in hell? lmao ok.... this community is hypocrisy and i get started on hypocrisy.

  • i have a problem with projection and untruths. i wont let someone bully me or others because of their heritage

    So do I.

    I was bullied all my life in person but I won't let it happen online.

    At least here we can stand up for ourselves with greater ease, with knowledge, compassion and understanding.

  • thank you for the context. i had to take time away before coming back but feel a duty to address the matter, as it seems not many are outraged - could be due to everyone knowing this history, rather than whats being spouted. i appreciate others views, especially due to lived experience - i have a problem with projection and untruths. i wont let someone bully me or others because of their heritage. Plus I decided being put off such a valuable resource is doing myself a dis-service. your comment confirms that.

  • absolutely not indicative of the tone and level of caring and compassion present here every day.

    That is definitely true.  If it were not, I would not be here.

    It is especially unusual that his has "kicked" off from - well 0 to 11 in the space of seconds.

    Intransigence of ideas and passionate and penetrating delivery does infect this place from time to time, and that is OK by me - I consider it part of the autistic reality for some of us.  This place is for autistic folk.

    I blame social media.  And, btw, I'm NOT even joking !!

  • This particular person has led in the past to other threads being locked and I suspect this thread may end up being locked too.

    I've been here a year and seen other conflict caused by them.

    He is absolutely not indicative of the tone and level of caring and compassion present here every day.

    You are very welcome here.

  • your words mean more than you can know

  • These are your community members? WOW! As a community youre supposed to support. Feeling like a lone solider out here, but story of my life, Im reverting back to type i guess, which was not the idea of joining this forum. But i guess this forum is a reflection of society, so....

    This one person.

    We do support, all the time, as I did yesterday.

    You aren't a lone soldier - we are here for you.

    This forum isn't a reflection of society.

    As you know, I challenged yesterday for his completely unnecessary aggression towards you.

    He's individually caused all this trouble but this forum is made up of very many members.

    We all have differing views on life.

    I predicted you might not stay because of the awful 'welcome'.

    It will be a great shame if you don't.

    I personally would like to apologise for the conflict/insults that you have received as soon as you joined.

  • yes Dr, youve nailed it. lol reaching much?