The things that have helped you most?

Given experience often helps, and there are often newly diagnosed members joining the forum, I thought if we shared the things that help us most in bullet points it would be an easy read reference for everyone?

For me, has been:

- Meeting only small groups if I plan to meet people

- Meditation & Breath work (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Symprove Probiotics (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Walking in nature (elevates mood)

- Watching childhood movies (calming)

  • I travel on day trips.  Some of the places I see are so awful, that when I get home I feel grateful that I've only visited these hell holes and I don't have to live there.

  • The main thing that has helped me the most, is knowing why I am different.

    This is the same for me. I felt like i lived in utter confusion until last December. I couldn't make sense of my existence whatever i tried until my autism realization and whilst life is still a struggle, i'm coping much better now and i'm no longer trying to work out what is wrong with me but focusing on what is right and what i'm good at

  •  I prefer older TV. My Mum grew up in the 80s, she still watches shows from then and a lot of them I've really enjoyed watching. 

    Modern TV is way too loud and fast. It's OTT really. 

  • "The Autism Channel" Autists do like our literal descriptions don't we?

  • That sounds lovely. We often watched the Serengeti programmes on recently at teatime. It was one of those things I looked forward to.

  • The main thing that has helped me the most, is knowing why I am different.

    Knowing, in the sense that, I already knew that my thoughts, behaviours and beliefs were very different to the vast majority of other humans around me......but I could not begin to understand why.  In order to cope with my autism, I had unknowingly developed some very peculiar behaviours and curated a life for myself that simply could not be made sense of - neither by myself, nor the others around me.  I was constantly pre-occupied (for about a decade) trying to understand that "why" question.

    Now that I know why I am different, I am calm - in a way that I have never experienced before.  Its pretty zen.

    So sorry if this answer may not be useful to others - but it is my honest response to the question posed.

  • No problems with the C of E here in Manchester, as I know the local Vicar - I’m lucky in my area to have 2 ordinary RC churches and the Traditional Latin Mass one I attend on Sundays, but even spending an hour of Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is really nice and it’s being brought back into my home parish in Ireland - it’s not normally the done thing due to their vow of Enclousure, but the last time I visited the Poor Clare Monastery in Dublin when I was last home, the Sisters brought me in behind the Cloister to hear them reciting the Divine office before the Blessed Sacrament 

  • What sort of stories do you right? You could write a history book Blush 

    I talk to God most nights in the church.

  • I know quite a bit about Chavez.  Is there a Private Message function on here?  Because we could discuss it sometime maybe?  Debating on the main forum seems to turn into strong disagreement.  Which is why i have suggested PM's.

  • I'm off social media now but currently spending a lot of time on other websites and burning myself out.  And on Skype chatting to friends outside my city.  I have never been able to find the right real life friends for me.  I try to follow all the correct social rules when i'm amongst NT's but eventually i'll forget to mask and alienate myself.

    Oh man life is hard work.  I am struggling.

  • Reading, especially history books. I am currently reading a history of Latin America and am facinated by the chapter on Hugo Chavez and Venezuela

    Being out in nature, especially feeding the ducks, geese and swans. I always say I dont need many friends because they are my friends

    Going to my local zoo every week and seeing all my animals, especially hippos. I find rhinos very calming too.

    Football and the history of football in different countries


    My music, especially German pop

    Anything German


    Watching TV quizzes with a glass of wine and some nice cheese

    Writing stories 

    Praying and talking to God 

  • Learning to say no to others, in order to preserve energy in times of need, is a really important skill.

    Im just starting to be able to do this 

  • Alone time. This is a chance for me to stim, explore hobbies and explore my special interests. This time is important and purely for me.

    i dont get enough of that 

  • I really like going on You Tube if you have You Tube on your Tv and just search up "4K animals" or "4K serengetti" and its just endless hours of african animals wandering around with calming music in the background. Really helps me and my son who is also autistic 

  • Doctor Who.

    It heals me like a real Doctor but without all the anxiety and stress Stuck out tongueInnocent

  • Just a quick comment on this.. lifting weights, has been my saviour. Benefits come from the long term, starting slowly, and just gradually progressing. You don't need to do much, or often to see benefits, and to begin with you will likely gain strength from very little (a few sets a week over the course of a few months). 

    There isn't much as addictive as realising you are twice as strong as you once were. Nobody can stop you, it's all up to you, and many of us I believe are built for it.

    Check youtube for basic stuff tho, and ease into it very very slowly!

  • Music. 

    My Artist friend. 

    Brentford FC/Arsenal FC.



  • I love sitting in the church on my own. It's peaceful and I feel like it's my time to sit with God. I do this most nights, perks of my Mum being a vicar.