The things that have helped you most?

Given experience often helps, and there are often newly diagnosed members joining the forum, I thought if we shared the things that help us most in bullet points it would be an easy read reference for everyone?

For me, has been:

- Meeting only small groups if I plan to meet people

- Meditation & Breath work (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Symprove Probiotics (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Walking in nature (elevates mood)

- Watching childhood movies (calming)

  • The main thing that has helped me the most, is knowing why I am different.

    Knowing, in the sense that, I already knew that my thoughts, behaviours and beliefs were very different to the vast majority of other humans around me......but I could not begin to understand why.  In order to cope with my autism, I had unknowingly developed some very peculiar behaviours and curated a life for myself that simply could not be made sense of - neither by myself, nor the others around me.  I was constantly pre-occupied (for about a decade) trying to understand that "why" question.

    Now that I know why I am different, I am calm - in a way that I have never experienced before.  Its pretty zen.

    So sorry if this answer may not be useful to others - but it is my honest response to the question posed.

  • The main thing that has helped me the most, is knowing why I am different.

    This is the same for me. I felt like i lived in utter confusion until last December. I couldn't make sense of my existence whatever i tried until my autism realization and whilst life is still a struggle, i'm coping much better now and i'm no longer trying to work out what is wrong with me but focusing on what is right and what i'm good at

  • The main thing that has helped me the most, is knowing why I am different.

    This is the same for me. I felt like i lived in utter confusion until last December. I couldn't make sense of my existence whatever i tried until my autism realization and whilst life is still a struggle, i'm coping much better now and i'm no longer trying to work out what is wrong with me but focusing on what is right and what i'm good at

  • Still not weird Number. Don't label yourself, that's what society is for

  • Nice to hang out with you Number. Thanks to you i have a rubber duck staring at me every time i go to the loo which reminds me of this place. It's a reassuring duck Slight smile

    As Identity said on another thread this place is a haven and god have i needed it. Completely understand why folk take a break though especially if they've got other stuff that needs their attention. 

    Glad you will be back though Slight smile

  • especially at times of stress

    I hope you are okay. Whenever I read one of your posts it’s always full of good advice, kindness and positivity, helping whoever you’re replying to. It’s important to look after yourself too. I hope unplugging for a bit gives you what you need :) 

  • That's really nice.  Thanks for sharing.  And so "on point" with the last bit ;

    i'm no longer trying to work out what is wrong with me but focusing on what is right and what i'm good at

    Bang on brother, bang on.

    I'm a bit older than you...I've had to drag myself and my world through bogs of unholy nonsense and cluster bangs over the last decade+ merely for me to just stagger over the "collapse line" and say "oh, thank God, I'm simply autistic."

    The honeymoon is over for me now - it doesn't take too long to get over the fact that you are the same as you were before, but now you know why.  The very weird but real challenges still remain - right here and right now.  The world hasn't actually changed and nor have you.  Its just you know something important now.

    I need to saddle up with my new life-changing knowledge and ride out afresh to both clear up the mess left behind "my old self" and forge a prosperous and happier path for "my new self."  Nothing will get done without me present and connected.

    The challenge of my autism and co-morbidities make mounting a horse pretty flupping tricky these days........for instance ; the day in the life of Number today =

    A confused perceptual happenstance occurred earlier today that is best described by the following images - the similarity of which I find interesting - not having ever consciously absorbed either;

    This bizare happenstance / [AKA Number stupidity] has resulted in me listening to a Swede singing in both Icelandic and English language, lip-syned to a beautiful American.......with Will Ferrell playing on the piano and ocassionally yelling in the background......a song of 3 mins 29 sec length.....played on repeat for circa 5+ hours and counting.

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't take it to the toilet with me nor impose it on communal eating....but all the other time - with simultaneously detailed work being achieved..........apart from all the time spent on here again today - I need to give this "time sink" a rest.

    I don't have that luxury of time now and need to hunker down with some stuff.  Whilst I am autistic, my main downfall deficit is one of attention - especially at times of stress and ample distraction on here.

    I'm going to unplug for a bit.  I will be back and I am grateful for the company from you Jamie, and the rest of our crewl.  I am so happy that a bunch of folk like us can hang like this.  Its so healthy.  Thank you.

    I'm weird me.  I am Number.