The things that have helped you most?

Given experience often helps, and there are often newly diagnosed members joining the forum, I thought if we shared the things that help us most in bullet points it would be an easy read reference for everyone?

For me, has been:

- Meeting only small groups if I plan to meet people

- Meditation & Breath work (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Symprove Probiotics (helped anxiety & digestion)

- Walking in nature (elevates mood)

- Watching childhood movies (calming)

  • He was a master of cinema old Stanley.  I have both the Kubrick Boxsets sitting on my shelf.

  • A great film with actor Slim Pickins riding the bomb down to its target

  • We best hope that the concept of MAD holds then.  Kubrick made a film about it all.  Dr Strangelove And How I Learned To Stop Worrying About The Bomb.

  • I live only 5 miles away from from a British and an American base with fighter planes all with a nuclear capability. If ever there was a prime target area, I am in it!!  In keeping with the original question, What has helped me most is to be able to totally focus on my work ---whatever that may be.

  • Prior to the onset of nuclear subs in the 1960's.  The warheads and bombers were based at the airbase that is local to me.

  •  I wholy agree with your assessment which is why I too left employment years ago to work for myself. I recently had my own affirmative ASD diagnosis.  This affirmation answered many questions for me but wasn't received as a surprise. I also share Malojian's strong inner core built on many masks to deal with NT's

    Not wishing to strike a sour chord but in my own past military experience, I was ordered to be trained to service nuclear weapons. Many may wonder how an autistic man can survive the military. Basic training was a trial and challenge. I came close to freaking out but managed to mask myself also through "a strong inner core" acquired since childhood. I survived a drill Sergeant shouting at the top of his voice into my ear. I came close to landing one on his chin!  The thought also passed my mind if I can survive that I can survive anything short of a nuclear hit. Which is currently topical in today's news with Russia's bombardment of the largest nuclear power station in Europe. God help us!

  • You are stronger (or better placed) than me then. *envy*

    I live approximately 500 metres outside of the nuclear fireball radius of the Russian first strike strategic weapon allocated nearest to our house.

    That weapon will arrive approximately 8 minutes after the U.S. authorises or throws the first strategic nuclear "punch" in the ongoing war against the evil Russians.. 

    I've lived with this reality for over 40 years, and it genuinely amazes me that the issue of nuclear weapons does not trouble most people at all!

    When I am rude enough to make them consider the issue briefly, how simply unacceptable these things are, (and yes it is a rudeness, folks, I admit, and I do it less now that I am older, out of politeness) they shrug and say, "what can I do?"...

     Sorry. Casual talk of "Nuclear Exchanges" genuinely "triggers" me right now...

  • It appears that the internet is the only place where we can find any tips or advice on how to manage our condition as autistic adults, where the sources of practical help and support in real life are largely not available to us, even from government bodies like the NHS here in the U.K. - with all of the other scientific and technological advances in our world, this is doubly inexcusable where many of us are in desperate need of help and support and it was one reason why I was very reluctant to go for a later in life diagnosis in 2019 as suggested by family in Ireland at age 52 - despite talk otherwise by many, mental health and disability funding still remains the poor relation despite the fact that issues around mental health and disability are increasingly being discovered as a huge issue, as we saw during Covid - due to lack of any real post-diagnostic practical help and support, I’m having to consider quitting my current job and go back on benefits, despite awkward conversations with jobcentres and others after just over a year in my current job - I can’t even get hold of my social worker on on the phone or by email and I’m getting the impression that they regard my concerns around my condition as “irrelevant nonsense” - while treating autistic children early is important, too much focus and support/funding is being placed on childhood autism at the expense of autistic adults and this situation is unacceptable and it’s something that I’ve discovered when searching for sources of adult autistic support after my diagnosis 

  • Been loving reading these responses, just shows me how strong we all are and how adept at implementing coping mechanisms we have been.

    Arguably, we shouldn't have to resort to these techniques, but unless anyone has a magic wond to change a NT built society on its head then I think sharing these achievements with each other is the best we can hope for.

    I've been pleased to see mainstream media beginning to make more content with autism at its core so I live in hope that society will continue to consider us as it's expansion continues.

    Well done all, you are the beautiful core I am proud to know

  • Still not weird Number. Don't label yourself, that's what society is for

  • The strong inner core i have developed from 40 years of being on the planet.  I've managed to keep myself here and i can probably survive anything now.   Possibly even a Nuclear Exchange.

  • Nice to hang out with you Number. Thanks to you i have a rubber duck staring at me every time i go to the loo which reminds me of this place. It's a reassuring duck Slight smile

    As Identity said on another thread this place is a haven and god have i needed it. Completely understand why folk take a break though especially if they've got other stuff that needs their attention. 

    Glad you will be back though Slight smile

  • especially at times of stress

    I hope you are okay. Whenever I read one of your posts it’s always full of good advice, kindness and positivity, helping whoever you’re replying to. It’s important to look after yourself too. I hope unplugging for a bit gives you what you need :) 

  • That's really nice.  Thanks for sharing.  And so "on point" with the last bit ;

    i'm no longer trying to work out what is wrong with me but focusing on what is right and what i'm good at

    Bang on brother, bang on.

    I'm a bit older than you...I've had to drag myself and my world through bogs of unholy nonsense and cluster bangs over the last decade+ merely for me to just stagger over the "collapse line" and say "oh, thank God, I'm simply autistic."

    The honeymoon is over for me now - it doesn't take too long to get over the fact that you are the same as you were before, but now you know why.  The very weird but real challenges still remain - right here and right now.  The world hasn't actually changed and nor have you.  Its just you know something important now.

    I need to saddle up with my new life-changing knowledge and ride out afresh to both clear up the mess left behind "my old self" and forge a prosperous and happier path for "my new self."  Nothing will get done without me present and connected.

    The challenge of my autism and co-morbidities make mounting a horse pretty flupping tricky these days........for instance ; the day in the life of Number today =

    A confused perceptual happenstance occurred earlier today that is best described by the following images - the similarity of which I find interesting - not having ever consciously absorbed either;

    This bizare happenstance / [AKA Number stupidity] has resulted in me listening to a Swede singing in both Icelandic and English language, lip-syned to a beautiful American.......with Will Ferrell playing on the piano and ocassionally yelling in the background......a song of 3 mins 29 sec length.....played on repeat for circa 5+ hours and counting.

    Now don't get me wrong, I don't take it to the toilet with me nor impose it on communal eating....but all the other time - with simultaneously detailed work being achieved..........apart from all the time spent on here again today - I need to give this "time sink" a rest.

    I don't have that luxury of time now and need to hunker down with some stuff.  Whilst I am autistic, my main downfall deficit is one of attention - especially at times of stress and ample distraction on here.

    I'm going to unplug for a bit.  I will be back and I am grateful for the company from you Jamie, and the rest of our crewl.  I am so happy that a bunch of folk like us can hang like this.  Its so healthy.  Thank you.

    I'm weird me.  I am Number.

  • Digestion, definitely; forums, definitely.

    I think that what I would like is a new vulnerability-in-another to love, and I would also like to stay on top of my vulnerability going forward, I think the best thing is that my emotional balance sheet has been balanced. 

    Childhood stuff feels like it’s been put to bed, I lamented for my child-self for 28 years, but now I feel like I have successfully sated that ghost.  
    My past has been a weight on me, now I feel that I’ve taken account of it, even though I cannot go back. Closure has helped me most.

  • Taking myself back to my childhood (memories, place, music, tv etc)

    Nature (

    Meditation and yoga (can't underestimate the power of this)


    Appreciating the small things

    Staying off the news and social media

    Mushroom supplememts 

    Taking time out when I need it



    Finding the lighter side of things to take the edge off getting bogged down