A continuation from the first "Thread", which is now quite long, yet only at times digressing.
If anyone cannot find the previous "Thread", then have a go at entering parts of the title of this here thread, into a "Search"-Box.
...Certainly, All who visit, are welcome to paste anything into either that previous Thread or into this new one.

(As always, glad tidings and a generous Thank You, to one and all from myself.) また... がんばって 下さいな...

  • Thank You, LoneWarrior, and Thank you very much, Mister Robert123 for very technical answers, there. I pressed "LIKE" with regards to yet another picture of a "Fast Furry Nutter"(!)...

    Becoming serious again, now...:
    "SeekerAfterTruth"'s Thread:
    ...this contains a lot of Pictures, all now missing from my own Device.

    ...And very likely THAT Picture upon THIS Thread, I suspect that, after a while (week or month), that Picture shall disappear also. Replying to both yourself and to LoneWarrior... it is a very confusing (& unfair) technical issue. I cannot Post pictures either, yet I thought it was because I was using one device for the EMail-UserName-ID (my old iPod), and another device for trying to Post Pictures (this E-Reader)...yet this is not the case either?

    The only permanent way of Posting a Picture is through using it as an "Avatar"/I.D. Icon, it may seem... yet that changes as well. This is understandable and entirely up to NAS, and so I do not know what else to say about it. At least I know that I am not alone in having Pictures disappear and my not being able to Post any... yet I still question where they all go and if it is possible to re-display them. (I Post this reply to "Myself" for the sake of sort-order.)

  • Posting pictures does work here is one of my squirrel pictures.

    The problem is that different picture editors may give the same file extension.   But there are slight internal differences and some programs are very sensitive and cannot read these images.  For example if I edit an image on this smartphone then this NAS website will not recognise it.

  • I to noticed this, also it is not possible to post pictures, well I cannot.

    It may just be to save space?

    I am not technically minded so just a guess,

    I reminded people to write in actual words what there aspie quiz score was as I and a few just posted a screen captured image which after a while disappeared leaving any words I had put being alone and without true meaning.

    Why suddenly when trying to post a picture it says the file extension is not recognised, it then gives many extensions that are useable,  all good by my pictures do indeed have one of the many listed?

     Maybe we are not trusted to place pictures in case they contain personal information. Faces to me are forgotten soon anyway.

  • I have noticed the same problem.

    I suggest we download interesting pictures while they are new and still available.

  • Concerning Videos and Pictures.
    Greetings to all. A sort of free "Post" (or an attempt at such, again) upon this Thread.

    ...Might anyone have noticed a pattern, or know of how to "recover" the common business of when a Picture or Video is Posted anywhere, yet then after around Month or so, all of these disappear?
    ...I do not think that this is different according to device (Computer, Touchscreen, Smartphone, etc.)... for I suspect that it has something to do with Timing --- meaning that as you first log onto a Site/Thread, then the Pictures are there, yet after a time, they disappear. (My devices are old, and so I cannot confirm or renew what I suspect...)

    If there is a way to "keep" or re-find the Pictures that have gone missing, then that is what I mean. Thank You Kindly in advance for any answers.

  • To MisterWebPM... Gosh, Goodness Gracious... I gained a Reply to this Thread, upon the next working day, and so, I am, gracious me, knowing little else to express apart from reciprocation via another great "Thank You"...!?

    After attempt to compose myself - again at Three in a Morning (!), I shall reply somewhat matter-of-factly...
    Concerning Paragraph One: ... Um, Again, Thank You for Posting HERE. All of what is written is a good thing (can't check all of it for myself though, but I do not worry... I have my own "Ticking Time Bomb" to worry about!)... yes, all of this is fine (だね...!).

    Paragraph Two: Another thing which I have wanted to suggest for a while... yet you, Mister, are working hard already? Also, I cannot recall where I have seen these, yet I suggest the following:

    ...OR - A "TO BOTTOM (of Thread)" Button.

    I am aware (upon this E-Reader at least), that this Forum (NAS), has a row of Buttons, just below the "Top Replies" Posts, section... which gives the following options:

    - Oldest Votes Newest -

    ...Yet clicking upon "Newest" does indeed show the "Newest" Post in a manner which I can myself understand, yet then if contained within a Sub-Thread, it rearranges ALL other Replies in a sort of backwards, crazy order. That is to say, anyone reading this, may try this upon several different Threads and you should see what I mean concerning inconsistencies, I presume...?
    I do not know what can be done about this, apart from adding the "Buttons" which I suggested there.

    Paragraph Three: Concerning "Moderators"... Yes good Sir, I understand that. Really, I do. What I meant was that I respect yourself in a different way from, well, "them". I wrote that in my Post(s), there. (House, Maintenance, Buying.)

    ...I also mentioned this, in a manner, in the previous Thread related to this Thread. Concerning the "Helpful Response" from NAS. I have "attempted" this myself, and so I do know something about it (The word starts with "S" and and ends with "CIDE"). It is hard for persons to understand such very difficult matters, until they themselves experience such very difficult matters... and the only reason why I speak with ambiguity concerning it here, is that I do not need NAS to Post that "Helpful Response" here!
    (If anyone else wants to begin about it here, then, well, it is not me!)

    Lastly, I am aware that I linger here, after attempting "Facebook", due to NAS watching, and of their making certain that, unlike most Forums, anyone cannot for long get away with Posting the likes of:

    "I will #?"#!= you, YOU #/+"#!&$ &$#=&!, you are so #&$#?#!&#!##&$... xxx LOLLLL!! "

    ...That sort of thing. (Edited by myself, not by NAS, there.) To close this (Yikes, it is Four in the Morning, now!!), I reiterate that I respect NAS for as if dealing with people (...), yet without your good self, they would have few means by which to invite people with whom they could deal. That is what I mean.

    End of Post.

  • To "Oktanol":

    Thank You Kindly for posting here. Yet, it I reply with some uncertainty. I am glad of your sympathy, and of having brought some cheer to your good self... *ahem!* yet, I must say that THAT Post was a good fifteen years in the making, that is for certain. That is to say, I likely cannot Post such a thing again. And, to further discuss THAT Post, I could Post nothing much more, apart from my own lamenting about how much I miss "Macintosh" and my own Linux-Based "EEE-PC"... Yet such lamentations would begin a separate Thread altogether, perhaps...(!)

    Closing my reply, and quoting from your own Post:
    Oktanol -- "So please dare to chat if you feel like it (and the devices do too - seems that may be the bigger issue)!"
    ...Thank You for any invitation, yet I must decline. Yes, my "devices" *are* indeed the "bigger issue". For all I know, right in the middle of "chatting", they may RESET!! As I said, I am "bracing myself" for the worst, and so I do not tempt fate. I am and was experiencing "The Internet"/"Social Media" for a first time, and now I know enough of what it is about, thanks to this Forum and to all of you (after about 2 Months, now).
    ...No, this is not a "Goodbye" - see the previous Posts (!) --- but the thing is... I never know when it will indeed be my last Post ...!!!!!... so I invite no troubles. I am closing this Reply, now, Good Fortune to you.

  • Mr. Robert123 - Thank you for understanding (anything). I specified no particular Companies - e.g. - "TwitFaceTube" - ...since that is always a changing thing... (Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)
    Yet that things now exist which claim to DELETE a "sent" message/picture/video *after* sending them, has also never made logical sense to myself. A computer always knows what it is doing, and whatever it has done, is indeed a done thing, and so is always stored, *somewhere*...!!
    Even after a thing claims to be "deleted", there IS always a way to retrieve it...

    Also, last in your reply:
    "If you're not on the mainstream social websites, with an online footprint you don't exist."
    ...Yessir, totally. Persons without such, as I said, may well be demonstrated to society, solely via way of the clothes one wears, the fruit one eats, or the computers that are used... also as I said. Yet such things do not make for currently enforced "Social Politeness"... e.g. "I don't care who you are - I just want you to give me my Sugar-coated Cornflakes every morning!"

    (...This last attitude could well begin a whole new Thread... yet, alas, I dare not start it because I may have to leave here, I know not when!)

  • And a further general catch up.

    It's good that the update to the underlying software that we have deployed has improved things. Apart from the better "activity streams" when you are viewing other users' profiles, access to latest posts in a thread also seems better. You can use the "View online" link in a notification email to jump to a new post in its location in the thread. You can also jump there from the "activity stream" on the Community's home page, using the links that say "2 hours ago" or whatever for the posting time for a new message.

    We're now investigating options, when you're already viewing a thread, to make it easier to find the latest posts. We'll let you know what we come up with. We've also noted the point about the loss of views and responses information in mobile view.

    The work of my colleagues in the moderator team, in keeping things here friendly and tolerant, is not to be underestimated; I've seen one or two of the things that they have dealt with. A number of our moderators are volunteers. Whilst the vast majority of posts need no intervention, I don't think the Community would be sustainable without them.

  • Brilliant post! It made me come and visit this thread and overcome the laziness to scroll down - and guess what, I figured out it wasn't really necessary anymore - got from the link in the email-notification straight to this post rather than to the top of the whole thread! So that's another thing that has been sorted then, thanks to WebPM for this! And yes, the Sign In via Reply is fixed and works beautifully now - I meant to say thanks for that too but couldn't quite face the scrolling down, especially not in the other thread by a Mod about feedback on technical things with the forum.

    Anyway, you hit the nail on the head with your timeline! Thanks for that, it made my morning!

    Please don't feel like you have to post and run! It can be for all sorts of reasons why nobody or few respond, including a lack of time, a headache, general confusion about the world... We all have to try not to take it personally and sometimes that's hard (maybe it's a bit of an aspie thing too - if I see something as an issue then I just can't imagine that others do see the same thing but think not much of it, my assumption will be that they haven't actually seen or understood it, so I keep pointing it out and explain it over and over again, more so in real life). Having eventually looked up what your name actually means I guess you are quite familiar with that problem - it's a fitting aspie name too, which others would perhaps see as being overly honest... And sometimes we say something that offends others, without any intention to do so, or we are offended and aren't terribly good in moderating the response (well, some here seem to be but not everybody, and that's probably to be expected too). So please dare to chat if you feel like it (and the devices do too - seems that may be the bigger issue)!

  • And Twitter and Facebook accounts.

    If you're not on the mainstream social websites, with an online footprint you don't exist.

  • This last may be seen as leisurely reading, and for ease of perusal, I divide it into decades. (It also fits in with the main topic anyway.)

    1970s: ...Just to remind anyone that I am over forty years old...

    1980s: Computers are in general use, in schools, and "Home Computing" is available. I am one of those persons who may nowadays be referred to as a "Bedroom Coder" (!), and that is how I know about Computer Programming.
    I might be an engineer to this day... yet one day I saw myself beginning to be "Priced Out Of The Market", so-to-speak. I knew how to Code, yet suddenly, in order to "Code", a price needed to be paid for a "Developer's Kit". The prices ranged from around £50 to £500, depending upon who you wanted to "Code" for!

    1990s: The Internet is being encouraged. I stay away from it, through one simple fact which I recall at the time:
    "After logging onto or Downloading from the Internet."
    "Is your computer suffering from a VIRUS?"
    "Please Log back on and we shall give you this Anti-Virus Software!"
    ...This is an Illogical thing which continues to this day. In order to cure a problem, why must one revisit a place where even more problems shall next be gained?!

    2000s: The Internet is becoming compulsory. All of a sudden, again, Software that was once free, requires a Subscription. Macintosh (x68) becomes Apple (x86). Linux is hijacked by Android. "Smartphones" replace the difference between Palm-computing, E-Readers, and Mobile-Phones. People and Children start to say OMG and LOL and "Google", instead of using "The King's English" (...!).

    2010s: The Internet is now forced as compulsory, completely forgetting that the use of it requires MONEY. That people eat Bread or drink Orange-Juice, are now seen as things which are more efficiently farmed and done, provided that in the first place there must have been a "Mobile Phone Signal".

    Yet most of all: "Nowadays"...
    All children must be born with an Umbilical Cord... and an EMail address.

    End of Post (Rant).

  • To WebPM.

    - "clear your browser cache" -- Thank You, and after following advice upon another Website as to how to do so, I did so, and I understand how it made no difference.
    Which next links to...
    - "supporting older devices indefinitely is nearly impossible" -- ...*wheeze, gasp*... Thank You again for understanding my Post quite precisely. Please do not worry about it. As said, there is little (allowed) to be done. Social pressure completely disregards Economic Circumstance... or something...

    ...Yet at yourself, Mr. WebPM... as you took the time to reply to me, I take a time and a chance to reply to you. At risk of myself being "disliked" (or even deleted), I have always wanted to say... that I regard yourself with much higher respect than I regard NAS (NAS and the "Mods"); Since, in a manner, *you* actually build the house and maintain it, yet NAS merely owns the house and invites other people to use it...?

    (I dare not "Chat" anymore, I just "Post and Run", now...)

  • Glad tidings to your good self, Mr.WebPM. This is another Thank You for Posting *here* (!)...

    ...And I note, that no-one else has as yet Posted what I next say, and so allow me to be the first --- To "Thank You Very Much!" for resolving that "Reply Button" business...?

    What I next and ever after say, here, shall always relate to the MAIN topic: For I *am* indeed 'An Autistic Person Using The (NAS) Internet'. And, as it appears that few else remain, contributing to this Thread (after the Update), I shall use this Thread to perhaps "waffle" or "vent" regardless... until I am - technologically - unable to do so...
    Thus, the next main Posts (2 of them) to follow this one, shall be the start (or end?!) of my doing such. Both are part of one of the "longer replies" which I wrote upon the Friday, yet I edit them and Post them now. It must no longer worry me as much as it used to, whether by others, what I ever after post here, is read or understood or is replied to (Here, only in This Thread.). I can do nothing about my devices being "old", and the "Ticking Time Bomb" as I Posted before.
    When after more than a Month, I Post no more, in any place at all, then all may know that my devices (or myself) have been forced to QUIT this entire "Internet" business.

    Fair Play to All, and to All, a Good Fortune!

  • This is difficult, for I feel that I *must* Post *something* in acknowledgement...
    ...And I spent the last 2 & 1/2 hours writing longer replies, and yet now it is Three-Thirty in the morning after... and so all I can manage is another "Thank You" with a very great and especial respect to yourself alone. (You build and maintain "houses", while NAS only buys the "house" and invites people to visit, is what I mean by respect for you alone, there.)

  • I'm really sorry to hear this. One thing that I would definitely recommend, if you're seeing strange behaviour after a site update, is to clear your browser cache. I'm not sure how to do that without knowing exactly what device and version you have, but Googling usually produces instructions. Having a mixture of the old and the new versions of any site can produce very unpredictable results.

    The changes made should have been relatively small; whilst, as you recognise, supporting older devices indefinitely is nearly impossible (because we're using standards that are moving on all the time), I would not have expected this update to affect you so much.

  • Good Evening to all who may read...
    This Post may also explain or apologise for so very many matters which sort of are, yet are mostly sort of not, the faults of myself and of NAS. And it may explain why I might not be "Online" for much longer...
    There have been a few Posts I should like to reply to since the NAS UPDATE (28-11-2017), and some replies are directly to myself. Because they are so varied and some are in long Threads, I had to choose this Short Generalised Thread in order to summarize, yet to write this lo-o-ong answer...

    All of my devices are "old" (5 years, 8 years). Before the update, I found that my iPod was beginning to give errors concerning things which it had been doing for many years - such as Charging (!!!) - and so I had to turn off "Notifications", totally. Since the Update, now my iPod shows only Websites and Thread introductions ...NO replies any longer.
    Before the update, I used - and am right now using - my E-Reader. Yet since the update, now this is also throwing a bit of a strop, and Histories and Replies are showing up either in the wrong order or not at all.
    As I said, this is NOT the fault of NAS, yet I must add that, because I cannot afford newer devices, I cannot really resolve this "ticking time bomb", and so I only Post this to let anyone know that I am not being rude if I do not reply, but... well... I need what little I have, much more than I need to use the Internet...
    To try and close this Post, I say again that it is not really anyone's fault (except the current U.K.Economic Climate dictating that some 60% of all Autistic persons are unemployed according to the NAS "I Exist" Campaign, which says that only '15% are in full-time employment', etc. etc.).
    ...If I ever gain a NEW device, I may return with renewed enthusiasm. In the meantime, I may still Post here and there...

    Yet, to end in a lighter mood...
    "...*cough cough* ...oh... don't worry... *splutter* ...I'll be okay... g-gotta catch my breath... please do... go on without me...! *cough*...(!)"

  • The update that I described in my previous post is due to be released tomorrow morning (28 November 2017). Please let us know whether it improves things, in regard both to activity streams and to sign ins.

  • Good Morning "WebPM",

    This is a (re-)post merely to let you know that I, at least, am still here and reading. Fair play to you, and to all who may read!

  • NAS Moderator said:

    I hope this helps.

    Ayshe Mod

    Really... Do you, really... Is that so... Or should I simply... Thank You for again mentioning a Thread which has already twice been mentioned inside this Thread anyway. Now it is mentioned THREE times. (...)