Using Makeup

I put this in the women and girls section but I'm sure some men and boys use this too - feel free to post guys :) 

Anyways, today I put on some makeup and it was hell! I couldn't stand it for long and had to wash it off as quickly as I could - even now my skin still feels really strange. Guess it'll be like that a while now.

I've never been able to tolerate makeup but thought I'd give it a try today just to see if that's changed. It hadn't :) 

Is anyone else like this?

  • I never really had any issues with wearing makeup until I was in my late twenties. I don't know if it was because I had gotten out of the habit of wearing makeup, but I remember applying it one day and hating the feel of it on my skin. Within seconds of applying it, I ended up removing it and decided there and then my makeup-wearing days were over. It has to be said that I don't miss wearing it.

  • I rarely wear makeup to work, maybe a bit of mascara if I remember and have time to put it on! If I wear foundation I have to make sure my face is extremely well moisturised first then I usually wear a light creamy one. I have eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara on my eyes and a creamy lipstick. Don’t like matte lipsticks and some styles of gloss they can feel crusty

  • Totally agree with you on so many levels - way too much pressure for people to look and act a certain way. The bar is set impossibly high and people take it so seriously that I think it negatively effects people and makes them sad and feel "ugly".

    My mum was a big Dusty Springfield fan. She used to do herself up to look like her, had that beehive hairstyle and everything :) 

  • Luna,

    I understand what you mean about wanting to wear it as it can look really artistic and cool if done properly and I find it frustrating that I can't tolerate it because I like to show my artistic side....  I used to wear Dusty Springfield type eyes liner and mascara with clear lip balm.  It was cool but my skin and eyes suffered because basically it's not natural to put chemicals on your face no matter how much they market it as such....  I think there's too much pressure for folks to look and be a certain way (statement of the century especially for Autistics) I wonder if many of the ultimate plastic looking people are Autistic and trying to put on a literal mask to appear like what they think is "sexy"?

  • Paleness is mostly why I tried yesterday (I think), I'm so pale it's crazy.

    I don't think I'll bother again. It looks nice if done properly but I don't think it's worth the hassle lol.

  • I do wear some, but mostly when I work or go out, but it’s minimal. I wouldn’t ever wear foundation. Don’t see the point and it feels horrible. I just give my lips some colour as they are very pale, and a strip of dark eyeshadow or liner, with or without a light coat of mascara. I don’t often bother with mascara if I’m honest. 

  • I'm starting to think I should probs just forget about it now as well. My step sister says I should but when I see others with it I really want to do it too.

  • I don't blame you! I expect it's better without but for me it's one of those things I see other women do with ease and I really really want to be the same. When I first saw my mum in makeup I wanted to try it too - she bought me a small set and applied it for me, but I couldn't stand it sadly.

    Some things never change lol!

    I see a lot of women who fake it up, it looks awful like that but weirdly I think they think it looks really good. I tried subtle but nice earlier.

  • I'm sure you're beautiful with and without makeup :) 

    I totally get the feeling of it being heavy and awful - that's what it's like for me too. I find it feels sort of sticky and gooy like as well. I used to try to force myself to wear it because I thought I was prettier with it, I've always struggled with how I look and tried lots to combat it. For a short time makeup was the answer but I couldn't keep it up, affected my sensitivity too much.

    I don't struggle as much with how I look now. But today I just fancied trying it again but it was no good sadly.

  • I'm glad you wear makeup, sounds like it makes you a positive good difference for you :) 

    Today was just random for me, I suddenly thought hey why don't I give it a try. I've been feeling a bit rundown and my skin is so white so I thought some makeup might make me shine and feel a bit better, which it did but sadly it was too irritating for me to keep on :/ 

    I'm not sure if you are the same but I struggle to apply it. I know I'm 27 now but my hands shake and I struggle to get it on properly and make it look good.

    Maybe it just isn't for me.

    Thanks for replying and sharing your own experience regarding it.

  • Yes, I find the fakeness deeply disturbing. People doing it, feeling they need or want to do it, and the people who are attracted to it. No depth. Like small talk! Haha. Do they have depth they are afraid of, or do they not even think they have any? It doesn't seem healthy, mentally or as you mention with the chemicals!

  • Triker,

    I get grossed out when folks wear thick layers of makeup everyday with fake eyelashes and fish lips. Urgh! I really hate the plastic doll look unless it's for an event where people are in fancy dress.  I just don't understand why folks think it's attractive to look that way.  I also can't understand the need to plaster makeup on because then the real person underneath isn't seen for who they are.  I am only attracted to bare faced people also because of my allergies.  Imagine kissing someone with layers of chemicals on their face then coming out in rashes? Nice!!!

  • I used to wear makeup, mainly eye shadow and lipstick if going out for an evening, but I found it quite difficult. It wasn't helped by being short sighted.  I tend to rub my eyes so often rubbed it off. 

    Then I had a friend I worked with who didn't wear it so decided I wouldn't bother either. I have never looked back. For me it is just another thing to think about.

  • I never wear it, never have. Except my sister insisted I let her put some light foundation on my face for my wedding, that was it and I didn't want to then. As a kid I didn't like when my Mum put it on, didn't like the smell of it or how it looked. Maybe part of it was she looked different? Also never wanted face paint of any kind, not even drawing on my skin with biro on anything.

    I don't like how it looks on people if it is not subtle. Some of it grosses me out. Especially lipstick, like on a glass or cup, yuck. Someone's face is coming off on the thing I am supposed to drink from?! No thanks!

  • Luna,

    I've tried sooo many different types of makeup in an attempt to look like a prettier version of myself because that's what society promotes.  All of it feels heavy and awful on my skin.  I've not been wearing any for years now and have realised that people accept me and still compliment me.  It's not as important it seems as I thought.  I did used to feel pressure to wear it to be more attractive to others but now I don't which's pretty liberating.  I do wear face paints for events as I'm a trained makeup artist because of the Art aspect of it.  I love painting my daughters face for halloween etc but there's no getting over the fact that all makeup is just chemicals......

    Everyones skin is so different that it really is a case of trying things.  I can't tolerate makeup at all so I have learnt to accept my face without.  I think it's a very individual thing as to whether you wear it or not.  I think if it makes you feel good then why not but if it's something to hide behind that you cannot go out without wearing then that's not good....

  • Hi Luna.

    I do wear some make-up but only when I go out.

    So, if I'm going to something where I'll be with other people, like a restaurant, or a family get-together, I wear a very light amount of foundation (L'Oreal True Match Super-Blendable Foundation) and Revlon Colorstay face powder on top. 

    These are just on my cheeks and nose - I ignore my chin and forehead Blush

    With regard to the foundation, it can't be thick or I'll be really aware of it.  I brush it in thoroughly.

    I have to paint my eyebrows with a pencil as they are blonde and I look a bit odd otherwise.

    I can't wear ordinary lipstick as I'm aware of it and tend to just bite it off.

    I wear L'Oreal Infallible 24 hr lipstick which paints your lips and you don't tend to 'feel' it.

    All the best if you decide to try again.