Using Makeup

I put this in the women and girls section but I'm sure some men and boys use this too - feel free to post guys :) 

Anyways, today I put on some makeup and it was hell! I couldn't stand it for long and had to wash it off as quickly as I could - even now my skin still feels really strange. Guess it'll be like that a while now.

I've never been able to tolerate makeup but thought I'd give it a try today just to see if that's changed. It hadn't :) 

Is anyone else like this?

  • I can deal with most aspects like concealer, mascara, eg and I've recently started wearing foundation. But I can't tolerate things on my lips at all- not even lip balm.

  • Aha, a resurrected makeup thread!

    I suspect I'm in the minority here but I love it. It's like getting your face painted as a kid.

    I don't see much point in essentially just painting another copy of your own face over the one you've already got, but I do feel like I look the most like myself if I'm wearing dramatic eye makeup in the style of someone like Amy Winehouse or Morticia Addams.

  • You are not alone lol

    I rarely use makeup and when I do I wipe it off as soon as possible xD 

    I hate the feel of it and it makes my skin feel really weird.. sometimes I try it in the privacy of my room but I'm the same as ever and can't wear it.

    Sometimes my mum makes me wear it for formal things which I hate

  • I began wearing face skin make-up for a skin condition in the form of a rash and extreme sensitivity to light. I've always had sensitive skin in general but for some reason my face is much worse. I've been tested several times for Lupus as apparently the facial rash is very typical of that but the blood test has always been negative.

    I wanted to cover it up because I was fed up of people asking me what the rash was on my face or telling me "you don't have to walk around looking like that". Any medical appointment always began with a conversation about that first even if I was there for something different - this I understand. I also needed something which would protect if from the light so this sent me on years of trying different things my skin which it wouldn't react to as I already can't use certain perfumes or certain colourings in skincare products. Like others here, I also needed to find something that wasn't distracting and irritating like labels can be which is what I was finding with some of the make-ups I was trying.

    I eventually settled on chemical, colourant and fragrance free mineral powder foundation which has worked great which I couldn't 'feel' on the skin until my asthma symptoms over recent times became very troublesome, I discovered the titanium dioxide in it can cause respiratory issues so I wanted to stop this for a while to see if this helped. I can't hold my breath any length of time and tried putting toilet paper in my nostrils to avoid inhaling any of it during application but then it's in the air anyway from the application so it was pointless I think trying that!

    That's now led me back to a liquid mineral foundation made in Australia which is titanium dioxide free and has the same basic ingredients being fragrance and colourant free. It also costs less than the extremely irritating mainstream brands but I am finding the 'feeling' of it a bit weird too, it also comes off the skin so easily but I know if I used the finishing powder it would help this a lot but I want to avoid inhaling any powders.

    It seems that to be able to wear make-up you need to have good skin in the first place in which case, why would you need to cover it over.

  • Omg yes totally agree, espc with sun screen it feels horrible and often feels like it burns my skin.

    The smell is quite strong as well almost nauseating.

  • Scarily I think my face is similar when I've put it on Face palm tone1

  • Lol that is so funny Laughing

  • If you require any tips I will happily oblige and teach you all I know, and as you can see from the picture above I am a natural. Wink

  • It's been well over a decade since I last applied lipstick. In fact, it's probably closer to two decades. Something makes me think that if I was to attempt it now, the result wouldn't be that dis-similar to Rowan Atkinson's. Laughing

  • I can tolerate mascara but that's about it. Foundation and lipstick feel awful on my skin. I used to feel like I had to wear makeup but I've made my peace with it now and haven't worn any in many years. To be honest, a bigger problem for me now is sunscreen - it feels absolutely horrendous on my skin but obviously it's important to wear if you're out in the sun. I deal with this by just not leaving the house much in the summer haha. I also get overheated very easily so that's another reason I dislike summer.

  • I have been known to try make up once or twice before. Was it a success?

    Damn right it was. Sunglasses

  • Yes. Student years are all about experience. If not then than when?

  • Wow that's really interesting! That's a cool experience to have :) 

  • I hope it continues to work out for you ^^

  • I tried it during my uni years.

    For Juwenalia'00 in Cracow (Brighton's Pride equivalent for students), me and my 4 student/room-mate/friends dressed as vampires LOL Black leather clothes, hair died black, make up. If I wasn't drunk throught I wouldn't make it with makeup on.

    Next year we had a party in dormitory ''Boys dress as girls, girls as boys''. I 'borrowed' my youngest sister's dress and her hair clips, plus make up. Sometime later my other two sisters found photos from that party and both thought our youngest sister was there.

    I don't like it even more on someone else's chicks that I'm meant to kiss.

  • The only time I’ve ever been ok with wearing make up is when I put some primer on first, and that was very recently. I could never do anything heavy and I typically avoid make up although I’d like to change that since discovering primer 

  • If I don't have the spare spoons to put it on or just don't want to then I don't bother. The only set "look" I've ever liked is the one I developed on my own for the ocassional fancy do, and then a more extravagant party version with cheek murals. XD

  • I found the same thing, really quick after putting it on it had to come off.

  • Sorry I didn't see there had been replies.

    I've been watching some videos on YouTube and there's some guides and ideas of gentle makeup which I might look at giving a try - just to see if that's bearable or not. 

    It's something I like the look of, even if it were just worn every now and then.