Using Makeup

I put this in the women and girls section but I'm sure some men and boys use this too - feel free to post guys :) 

Anyways, today I put on some makeup and it was hell! I couldn't stand it for long and had to wash it off as quickly as I could - even now my skin still feels really strange. Guess it'll be like that a while now.

I've never been able to tolerate makeup but thought I'd give it a try today just to see if that's changed. It hadn't :) 

Is anyone else like this?

  • I never wear it, never have. Except my sister insisted I let her put some light foundation on my face for my wedding, that was it and I didn't want to then. As a kid I didn't like when my Mum put it on, didn't like the smell of it or how it looked. Maybe part of it was she looked different? Also never wanted face paint of any kind, not even drawing on my skin with biro on anything.

    I don't like how it looks on people if it is not subtle. Some of it grosses me out. Especially lipstick, like on a glass or cup, yuck. Someone's face is coming off on the thing I am supposed to drink from?! No thanks!

  • Triker,

    I get grossed out when folks wear thick layers of makeup everyday with fake eyelashes and fish lips. Urgh! I really hate the plastic doll look unless it's for an event where people are in fancy dress.  I just don't understand why folks think it's attractive to look that way.  I also can't understand the need to plaster makeup on because then the real person underneath isn't seen for who they are.  I am only attracted to bare faced people also because of my allergies.  Imagine kissing someone with layers of chemicals on their face then coming out in rashes? Nice!!!

  • Yes, I find the fakeness deeply disturbing. People doing it, feeling they need or want to do it, and the people who are attracted to it. No depth. Like small talk! Haha. Do they have depth they are afraid of, or do they not even think they have any? It doesn't seem healthy, mentally or as you mention with the chemicals!

  • Yes, I find the fakeness deeply disturbing. People doing it, feeling they need or want to do it, and the people who are attracted to it. No depth. Like small talk! Haha. Do they have depth they are afraid of, or do they not even think they have any? It doesn't seem healthy, mentally or as you mention with the chemicals!

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