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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • Sorry to hear this. You shouldn’t take abuse from anyone though. Be your own person don’t back down.

  • When I was finally gulted into considering my responsibilty in that are it was pointed out to me that they chose to leave. 

    Unlike you and your little coterie I've NEVER called for anyone to be excluded. 

    I have to say, the idea of "my little gang" is utterlly riscible... 

    YOU just don't like me because when you went off on one about something I'd said in semi-innocence (certainly didnt; expect your kind of reaction) a whoel host of members in good standing stood up and corrected you, and you can't allow yourself to EVER be wrong. 

    Even when you were clearly made to undertsatnd that you were "out of order" by peopel more respectable than I (several times now is my understanding) you STILL can't bring yorself to see in any way that you werre wrong, let alone have the stones or maturity to apologise to anyone you might have offended whilst losng you temper over a mis-undertsanding.

    I used to play backgammon like that, always doubling down... 

  • To quote my ex mother in sin, 'It's all a load of horse p1ss and stamp in it'. Nobody is heard if everybody shouts and it just becomes boring and pointless, nobody learns anything except to become more entrenched in thier own ideas.

  • The reason I have left is a thread on which i was subjected to just plain abuse, which everyone here just ignored. Eventually the mods removed most of the posts but I was auto-suspended because the perpetrator reported me even though i didn't post anything abusive. The most hurtful comment he posted is still there on this forum, unmoderated. Nobody, forum members  or mods, gave a damn.

    That wasn't about politics or gender or anything else, it was about abuse and bullying and everyone else's willingness to just let it happen.

  • The floor is yours and yet you'll still claim you are being silenced.


    See this interaction for a prime example:

  • I don't want you or Ipserg or what's his face silenced. I just never want to have to encounter you again.  I don't think either of you realise how unpleasant you come across.

    I don't want unity with you because I'm a man of the Left not the right. And I am definitely not of the Stephen Yaxley Lennon Far Right.

    The forum is your's and mr spergs. There's nothing I can do to get rid of you.

    The floor is yours and yet you'll still claim you are being silenced.

  • or you could consider that to those people your views are extreme and offensive too?

    no good them thinking on it if you dont...

    I do, all the time, and I'm very restrained here.

    There are many, many occasions when I've held back (including in your latest delightful thread).

    In addition, I've never started a thread that could be deemed triggering/offensive.

    In fact, any views I've ever expressed here that could be coined controversial, have tended to be in response to those comments I find personally triggering/offensive ie not initiated.

  • or you could consider that to those people your views are extreme and offensive too?

    no good them thinking on it if you dont...

  • What I find really disturbing on this forum is that certain individuals seem to think it's fine to say whatever they believe no matter who they offend, trigger, or hurt.

    It's just not Ok in life to say whatever you think to whomever you want irrespective of the damage you might do or the hurt you might cause.

    At the very least some courtesy and respect should be put into practice on this forum where there are vulnerable people.

    These threads are good reminders of how the sensitivities and vulnerabilities of others can be walked all over here:


    I am the 'deleted user' OP on the 1st thread and one of the 'deleted users' on the latter thread.

    Those members here with extreme views could do sometimes with considering the effect of their words.

  • We need proper moderation in all kinds of ways, on site and off. It woud be nice to have the ability to block some posters who particularly annoy us, but I've seen this on other sites and that in itself causes problems.

    I think the biggest problem is that people on here and in other places are both incapable of agreeing to disagree and seemingly unwilling or incapable of putting a proper argument/case across and descend to dog whistles, name calling and other sorts of pointless nastiness.

    There are plenty of threads that are non aggressive, just about normal stuff, if you can't cope with th argumentative stuff, then don't go on those threads. Some of us like politics and other subjects others may find contravercial, boring or distressing. One of the things that really annoys me about online sites, is that things get moderated to the point where you can't actually say anything in case someone gets offended. I think it also does autistic people a disservice to think that, just like the rest of the population we can't have a variety of views.

  • its how i read your thread. asking for more moderation to get rid of people you dont like. 

    for your info the site is moderated well enough, my posts are removed frequently and edited by mods alot, they can tell you themselves, i keep them busy lol

  • in this thread alone you seem to want people banned and kicked off this site. its not very nice.... on the other thread you said youd never want unity with me lol im not a bad person.... it makes you look really bad and unreasonable in my eyes as if you cant get on with me you cant get on with more than half of the country given my views are somewhat left wing orientated actually and i often instead get into arguments after i passively mention i dont like landlording and think its exploitation.

    and ofcourse the calling others facist was in what i replied to, its a bit mean. i dont even think true fascists true to the italian party would like that term, theyd likely prefer to be called romans id guess or whatever latin word theyd have, nova romanus? i dont get why we still use that word, authoritarian is enough, but then it cant be used as good as the people wanting to call others fascist or racists are often the authoritarians themselves so they cant use the real word they mean, authoritarian as theyd get laughed at as it describes them the most who use it.

  • yeah ofcourse, but there is a bit where you can get the anger out on each side, then each side simmer down and they can each calmly put their opinion forward. then likely get angry again then simmer down again. there is often a window in the emotive argument that each sides opinions come out better and maybe even during each side simmering down they can read each others more toned down opinions better and take it in and realise it isnt really bad and they likely both have common goals and ideas just put forward in different ways.

    in politics, all sides just want whats best for the country, then to win the whip up their crowds.... this then has labour supporters teaching their kids to call tories scum... when the labour heads dont even think tories are scum and actually work well with tories and are friends with tories because they all jointly want to better the country and the politic game is a public popularity contest that gets nastier than what the situation really is. no labour politician would support their voters going up to their tory colleagues and abusing them to their face, but yet labour voter types on here would think thats normal moral and acceptable to do and that theyd somehow have the support of the labour party in that when they simply wont as labour dont hate the tories that way and are colleagues they work with side by side for the better of the nation. 

  • Can you point to where I've said any of those things?

  • I'd be happy never to talk politics on here again.  No one's being silenced,  Take it somewhere else.  Plenty of other places online you can ram your views down peoples throat.

    It should be a forum for all you're right about that. But it isn't as people don't want to argue with you all day.

    Think isperg how many people have left this forum over the years .  Is it an inclusive place?  A place for everyone?  It's place for you and your little gang and anyone else who can just ignore you. I wish I could do the same.

  • you must be very isolated as you dont know what fascism is.

    to highlight a bit, you want to shut people down, you want people banned, you want people silenced and you denied any possible chance of unity or friendship outright and said its impossible and are not open to it... i... dont think you have the right to call others fascist regarding what you want of others. plus its very offensive and rude to call someone that and is against rule 4 of the forum rules which i may remind you of.

    by the way fascism was a italian political party with a desire to restore italian glory, to restore rome. it later got used as a term to mean authoritarian... of which the only entity wanting to restore rome would be the EU anyway so lets not got there...

  • My friend. This is not a politics forum.  I come here because of the isolating nature of my Autism and***.  That's not going to make me feel any better is it? And what about minorities who have to read that ***?

    I recognise you have some opinions on gender issues and wish to voice them.  Why are you making this the venue to voice those opinions instead of countless other internet sites you could use?

    [edited by moderators]

  • ability to mute or block threads, keywords and individuals

    this would be the thing.... wanna silence someone? do it yourself, why ban them from the place? thats mean, thats not inclusive, thats not nice, its immoral and nasty. but a ability for you to not see their activity would be the best solution.

    although not sure about keywords.... you end up realising that any word can be harmlessly used in any situation that isnt what you think of. 

  • Agreed. We need proper moderation and the ability to mute or block threads, keywords and individuals. I had really hoped for connection and understanding here but it just makes me feel even worse about myself, so no longer using.