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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • Whilst people hold and express strong opinions, on both sides of any argument, this forum can never be a fully welcoming place for all. 

    At the moment the situation is complicated, by strong external turmoil in many spheres of life, so people are CLAMOURING to be heard.  

    YOU Mellowjian, have moved a little further away form being purely "reactive" to people you find excruciatingly anooying (YEAH, I know, I'm one of them...) and more towards being "proactive" taking steps to deal with those who you find to be offensive. Calling for better moderation etc.

    BUT, you are still giving us your energy!

    The next step is acceptance that there will always be terrible people (from your perspective) in a group like ours, and it's O.K. 

    Ask yourself this: DO you want Diversity or Homogenetity? Of thought, bone structure, skin colour, language, social class etc. 

    What will life be like when we are all coffee coloured fingible consuming units all watching teh same T.V. All bying the same basic products made by the four remaiing companies that provide all that you can consume, providing you play your part and keep providng the data, going to work, thnking and speaing liek everyvbody else, holding the same basic opinions?

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Desire is the root of all human unhappiness.

    This is a forum for ALL Autists, not just your preffered type. 

    ME and you had a big argument a while back and there were lessons to be learned on both sides. I think we learned a bit, but not yet how to hate the sin but still love the sinner.

    From where I sit, there's a whole group of you people partially or fully poseessed by some really dangerous and stupid ideas!

    TELL ME it isn't the same for you?

    This forum is like a lifeboat in which we are all seeking to use to stay afloat in the sea of NT crapulance.

    Only one group is constantly calling out for the ejection of the other... 

  • Whilst people hold and express strong opinions, on both sides of any argument, this forum can never be a fully welcoming place for all. 

    At the moment the situation is complicated, by strong external turmoil in many spheres of life, so people are CLAMOURING to be heard.  

    YOU Mellowjian, have moved a little further away form being purely "reactive" to people you find excruciatingly anooying (YEAH, I know, I'm one of them...) and more towards being "proactive" taking steps to deal with those who you find to be offensive. Calling for better moderation etc.

    BUT, you are still giving us your energy!

    The next step is acceptance that there will always be terrible people (from your perspective) in a group like ours, and it's O.K. 

    Ask yourself this: DO you want Diversity or Homogenetity? Of thought, bone structure, skin colour, language, social class etc. 

    What will life be like when we are all coffee coloured fingible consuming units all watching teh same T.V. All bying the same basic products made by the four remaiing companies that provide all that you can consume, providing you play your part and keep providng the data, going to work, thnking and speaing liek everyvbody else, holding the same basic opinions?

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Desire is the root of all human unhappiness.

    This is a forum for ALL Autists, not just your preffered type. 

    ME and you had a big argument a while back and there were lessons to be learned on both sides. I think we learned a bit, but not yet how to hate the sin but still love the sinner.

    From where I sit, there's a whole group of you people partially or fully poseessed by some really dangerous and stupid ideas!

    TELL ME it isn't the same for you?

    This forum is like a lifeboat in which we are all seeking to use to stay afloat in the sea of NT crapulance.

    Only one group is constantly calling out for the ejection of the other... 

  • I'd be happy never to talk politics on here again.  No one's being silenced,  Take it somewhere else.  Plenty of other places online you can ram your views down peoples throat.

    It should be a forum for all you're right about that. But it isn't as people don't want to argue with you all day.

    Think isperg how many people have left this forum over the years .  Is it an inclusive place?  A place for everyone?  It's place for you and your little gang and anyone else who can just ignore you. I wish I could do the same.