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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • Dear online community users, 

    Thank you for participating in this discussion. 

    Several comments in this thread break our rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

    For this reason, we have locked the thread.  

    Kind regards,

    Rosie Mod 

  • I'm WOKE. I'm not ashamed to say that I am. I personally can't understand why some people crap their boxers and panties over  anything deemed to be 'Woke'. I'm not good when it comes to 'preferred pronouns'. Not because they're  bad, but because I can't keep up with the ever growing list of them! An age related thing? I've had to bite my tongue several times because of things said here. I make use of the ability to down vote a post instead. A younger me would've gone in 'all guns blazing'.

  • I find the current big bucket of stuff system confusing.

    I don't mean millions of sections, though.

    Just enough to create a few safe spaces and also free for all fight clubs.

    Censorship isn't the best answer, and the current system is driving people away. This would be a good compromise, IMHO.

  • I seriously hope they don’t do that to this website! I hate that feature that nearly all other forums have when everything is split into separate sections. It gives me such a headache trying to navigate it lol.

  • I hope that the forthcoming forum revamp has the ability to split it into separate sections rather than just showing all posts on the front screen. And it would be even better if different rules could then be applied to those different sections (sadly, unrealistic seeing as this is a charity that isn't made of money)

  • So now you’re trying to censor me? A bit ironic.

    I am asking you to withdraw a false accusation. This is not censoring. However since you are content with sustaining this lie then I will leave you to your musings.

    You happily chatted with that person while they abused me and didn’t say a word.

    Since when was I required to be your guardian?.

    I'm sorry, I have tried being nice in my discussions and given you plenty of room to be rational but still you lash out - I'm out of this conversation. I hope you find what you need in the end.

  • You happily chatted with that person while they abused me and didn’t say a word.

    Is it worth arguing still? We can’t exactly go back in time…

    I recall flagging the post at the time as I thought it was over the line but I am not the one to judge or decide an action for it.

    They reported the post so they weren’t agreeing with the abuse they just dealt with it differently than you wanted ig

  • So now you’re trying to censor me? A bit ironic.

    No, Iain. You happily chatted with that person while they abused me and didn’t say a word.

    Own it.

  • you were certainly one of the people who tolerated me being abused on the thread

    Can you tell me what power I had to do anything about that which you yourself could not do?

    Those who tolerate and stand by while others are abused are no better than the abuser.

    If the mods were unwilling to pull the post then it implies it did not meet the threshold of abuse. Have you written to them to ask about this?

    I recall flagging the post at the time as I thought it was over the line but I am not the one to judge or decide an action for it.

    So for you to equate me to the abuser for this is unacceptable - please retract your accusation.

  • Well you were certainly one of the people who tolerated me being abused on the thread I mentioned previously and happily interacted with my abuser.

    I’m sure you feel very superior and proud of yourself. You really shouldn’t.

    Tolerance and acceptance are essential to living harmoniously in this world.

    Those who tolerate and stand by while others are abused are no better than the abuser. Iain.

  • People come here for support and information Peter. Vulnerable people. Desperate people.

    They are a part of this community it is true, but so are others who find kin amongst other autists who share their experiences and (in some) their view on life.

    To exclude these people whose view does not meet with your approval is to attack some of the vulnerable people you claim the site is for - there is an irony.

    Autists are such a mixed bunch that we cannot dictate rules of behaviour and expect it to work for all.

    As in the real world, if something upsets you and you cannot change it, look away. If you cannot help but get triggered then this is an issue for you (not specifically you but any who have this issue) then get help with it.

    Tolerance and acceptance are essential to living harmoniously in this world.

  • Words fail me Peter. You have no conception of the effect you have on people.

  • People come here for aceptance, inclusion, and to be themselves and those crying for 'sensativity' chase them away. Oh the irony.

  • In contast when you force everyone to put up with each other. When your force people to share their space with people who get under their skin and freak them out, there is true diversity. The woke crowed is and should be very welcome here. And long may the debating and clashing of view points continue as we learn to respect people whos opinions we find disrespectable, even unconscionable.

  • Self awareness = zero Peter

  • aye and they protect certain religious groups under the left wing as if that religious group is left wing and agree with all the left wing stuff.... they call anyone against it far right... but if that religious grouop gains too much voting share and power we will be a far right country because that religious group is actually more radically far right than anything that comes from our culture. the left may think they can ban the so called far right now and win and murder and persecute more than half of the country freely.... while the people they have standing behind their backs are a growing ultra far right theocracy that wants to do really bad things to them regarding their ideas of who can love who..

  • Looks like yesterday's delightful thread on the subject of the riots has been removed.

  • Alright, alright, clam down dear

    I meant in light heartedly - my undergarments are no longer twisted thank you very much Wink