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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • What I find really disturbing on this forum is that certain individuals seem to think it's fine to say whatever they believe no matter who they offend, trigger, or hurt.

    It's just not Ok in life to say whatever you think to whomever you want irrespective of the damage you might do or the hurt you might cause.

    At the very least some courtesy and respect should be put into practice on this forum where there are vulnerable people.

    These threads are good reminders of how the sensitivities and vulnerabilities of others can be walked all over here:


    I am the 'deleted user' OP on the 1st thread and one of the 'deleted users' on the latter thread.

    Those members here with extreme views could do sometimes with considering the effect of their words.

  • or you could consider that to those people your views are extreme and offensive too?

    no good them thinking on it if you dont...

  • or you could consider that to those people your views are extreme and offensive too?

    no good them thinking on it if you dont...

    I do, all the time, and I'm very restrained here.

    There are many, many occasions when I've held back (including in your latest delightful thread).

    In addition, I've never started a thread that could be deemed triggering/offensive.

    In fact, any views I've ever expressed here that could be coined controversial, have tended to be in response to those comments I find personally triggering/offensive ie not initiated.

  • or you could consider that to those people your views are extreme and offensive too?

    no good them thinking on it if you dont...

    I do, all the time, and I'm very restrained here.

    There are many, many occasions when I've held back (including in your latest delightful thread).

    In addition, I've never started a thread that could be deemed triggering/offensive.

    In fact, any views I've ever expressed here that could be coined controversial, have tended to be in response to those comments I find personally triggering/offensive ie not initiated.

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