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This forum

This forum will never be a welcoming place for all until it is properly moderated.

I come back here because I want to make friends and feel supported.  But everytime you return here there are extreme individuals stoking discord and disharmony.

It would be nice if the National Autistic Society would recognise the problem one day.

  • People expressing different opinions and arguing is healthy.

    If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  • i find arguments are best unmoderated really... for a real argument or debate we need a unmoderated space. the mods do a excellent job of moderating this forum though, contrary to what this authoritarian mellow fellow claims, that guy clearly just wants a really strict authoritarian place where no one is left as everyone is banned, like twitter used to be before elon musk brought it. they had to fill that place with bots due to everyone being banned.

  • The only trouble with truly unmoderated space is that the conversation becomes really foul really fast, as most people are pretty dumb and can't make proper arguments but want to have their say anyway.

    This format, whilst imperfect like all human creations, gives us all a chance to grow up a bit.

  • yeah ofcourse, but there is a bit where you can get the anger out on each side, then each side simmer down and they can each calmly put their opinion forward. then likely get angry again then simmer down again. there is often a window in the emotive argument that each sides opinions come out better and maybe even during each side simmering down they can read each others more toned down opinions better and take it in and realise it isnt really bad and they likely both have common goals and ideas just put forward in different ways.

    in politics, all sides just want whats best for the country, then to win the whip up their crowds.... this then has labour supporters teaching their kids to call tories scum... when the labour heads dont even think tories are scum and actually work well with tories and are friends with tories because they all jointly want to better the country and the politic game is a public popularity contest that gets nastier than what the situation really is. no labour politician would support their voters going up to their tory colleagues and abusing them to their face, but yet labour voter types on here would think thats normal moral and acceptable to do and that theyd somehow have the support of the labour party in that when they simply wont as labour dont hate the tories that way and are colleagues they work with side by side for the better of the nation. 

  • yeah ofcourse, but there is a bit where you can get the anger out on each side, then each side simmer down and they can each calmly put their opinion forward. then likely get angry again then simmer down again. there is often a window in the emotive argument that each sides opinions come out better and maybe even during each side simmering down they can read each others more toned down opinions better and take it in and realise it isnt really bad and they likely both have common goals and ideas just put forward in different ways.

    in politics, all sides just want whats best for the country, then to win the whip up their crowds.... this then has labour supporters teaching their kids to call tories scum... when the labour heads dont even think tories are scum and actually work well with tories and are friends with tories because they all jointly want to better the country and the politic game is a public popularity contest that gets nastier than what the situation really is. no labour politician would support their voters going up to their tory colleagues and abusing them to their face, but yet labour voter types on here would think thats normal moral and acceptable to do and that theyd somehow have the support of the labour party in that when they simply wont as labour dont hate the tories that way and are colleagues they work with side by side for the better of the nation. 

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