New friends

Hi, would anyone like to be my friend who has Autism that would understand me and know what I'm going through was diagnosed with Autism when I was 25 I'm trying to make new friends thanks.

  • Hi Everyone, feeling rough hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend 

  • Hello everyone 

    This week I've been working more on trying to understand myself and have read a book called "A field guide to earthlings - an Autistic /asperger view of neuro-typical behaviour". Some parts of the book are not easy to comprehend, but overall it has helped me to better understand the behaviour of people not on the autism spectrum. See my post titled "Differences between AS and NT adults" for more details.

    Peachi - I like French bulldogs - they're very cute. I know what you mean about only being able to study subjects which hold your attention. I didn't go to uni but have studied with the open university and gained a level 4 diploma in social sciences which I really enjoyed. I also have a level 3 NVQ in accounting, which is my current field of work, and a Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. (I briefly tried ESOL teaching, but it didn't work out) 

    Have a good bank holiday weekend everyone 


  • Hi Pixie!

    We have a French Bulldog and he's pretty awesome. So incredibly funny, naughty and clever...when he wants to be! I'm a huge fan of birds, I love feeding them in the garden and watching them. And between us all it seems we have quite the menagerie of animals/birds!

    My degree is in Philosophy (funnily enough!), it was the only subject I could study as it's the only subject capable of holding my attention for that length of time! I am more than happy to provide advice on uni life if it's needed. @Livvy - any questions hit me up :)


  • hello peachi and pixie, welcome to our group peachi more the merrier, pixie I have had a good week so far,  feeling rough today

  • Sorry, posted multiple times! Nothing happened when I first pressed submit so I kept pressing it - whoops! 

  • Sorry, posted multiple times! 

  • Sorry, posted multiple times! 

  • Sorry posted multiple times! 

  • Hi Peachi and welcome to our friends group.

    It was interesting to read about you. What type of dog do you have? I think we all like animals - I have done since I was a child, Peafowl has - peafowl!  plus rabbits and Lilibeth likes Owls and monkeys. I love reading too, although I prefer science fiction and humorous novels.

    What subject was your degree? If I remember correctly, Peafowl has a fine arts degree and Livvy is due to start studying English at university in September, so you may be able to give her advice about coping with uni life. 

    It's nice to hear that you're married. I am too, and Lilibeth is getting married soon. So I think we'll all be able to find things in common to talk about. 

    Hi to Lilibeth, Peafowl and Livvy too - hope you're having a good week. 

    Love Pixie 

  • Hi all,

    I'm Peachi, I'm 31 year old female and I have HFA (High Functioning Autism)'s nice to meet you all!

    Well a bit about me I guess; I'm married and have been to a wonderful chap for around 18 months, we have a little dog but no kids and there's no plans to have kids either. I hold down a very successful job with a major multi-national bank that I enjoy but which can be extremely stressful at times! In work I am very very focused, in fact I have hyper-focus, I'm brutally honest which gets me into bother sometimes with my colleagues and I seriously struggle to empathise with normal people (god they're so baffling aren't they!?)

    My hobbies...well I adore endurance walking, running and exercise in general, you'll usually find me in the gym (I find these all help with my mindfulness!) I'm an avid reader, I love all the classics with my favourite being Wuthering Heights and I'm currently on with a second read of War & Peace. I am utterly obsessed with philosophy and I have a degree which I nearly lost my minding working for but it was totally worth it in the end. I have a weakness for shopping, red wine and shabby chic tat.

    Anyway, lovely to meet you guys! xx

  • Hi Pixie, glad you had a good weekend, and bless ya 

  • Good morning Lilibeth 

    Yeah, my weekend was OK thanks. Back to work now though - boo!

    Have a nice day 

  • Hi Pixie, peafowl and Livvy I hope your all ok and have had a lovely weekend x

  • Hi pixie, very nice my friday has been a quite one I've got my fiance round for the weekend. I am watching eastenders, thanks for the kind words about my wedding, we leaving the honeymoon until the summer and we don't live together yet but will be after the wedding

  • Good evening Lilibeth,  Peafowl and Livvy 

    Hope you had a good day.  I like Fridays as I finish work at 1pm and although the weather was wet and cold I spent a nice afternoon chatting with my husband and reading my kindle book. After our usual Friday evening meal of sausage casserole we watched Alan Carr,  Chatty Man on catch up TV. He was talking to that girl Scarlett from Gogglebox - I think she seems really nice - very genuine. 

    Your wedding plans sound very exciting Lilibeth. Are you going away on honeymoon after? Do you already live together or will you be moving in together after the wedding? 

    Peafowl - don't worry about what your mum says about needing to go out with people to be able to call them friends. It's different for people with autism or aspergers. I don't often see my best friend but it doesn't mean we're not close - we keep in touch by email and text and only usually meet up for a coffee every couple of months, but we can talk to each other about anything. You need to be careful who you confide in though as some people will take advantage of you. It takes me a long time to completely trust someone.

    Livvy, I'm glad you enjoyed reading my earlier post. I tend to go on and on when I start writing! 

    It's much easier to have friends on the Internet than going out in a group. In a social situation I find it difficult to talk to more than 1 or 2 people at a time as I get overloaded by too much information, but in the quiet space of my own home I can read your posts and think about them, and take as much time as I like to reply without any pressure.  

    Good night 


  • No worrys Livvy nice to meet you

  • Afternoon pixie, female thats 19 didn't catch your name sorry and peafowl. I'm getting married in a registry office and then having a big reception, my niece is 2 very cute and funny but a little monkey at times. Peafowl your more than welcome :) the more the merrier it's just like having pen friends just on the computer instead. 

  • Hi,

    I am Peafowl.  I am 27 years old and have work colleagues that i call my friends but apparently they are not my friends.  My mum said that you have to go out and do things together with them for them to be friends.  I feel a lot better now that i know that there is someone to talk to on this forum as i dont feel so lonely any more. 

      Could i join your group too?

    Thank you

  • Hi Lillibeth - I'll be your friend too, if you like (don't feel pressured, though)! I'm female, and 19. Adult colour is amazing, really mindful! And how old is your niece? I  have two sisters and just can't wait until they're old enough to have kids; I think I'll be a slightly crazy auntie!

    It's so exciting that you're getting married. I love weddings. I read all the bridal magazines and have a little daydream of being a wedding planner one day but I know it will never happen because I'm not the most organised person in the world! Are you getting married at a church or a hotel or one of those gorgeous barns, or somewhere else? As Pixie said, you're welcome to come and chat whenever you want to. I've found there will always be someone to talk to here.

    It was so lovely to read more about you too, Pixie. It gives me hope to know you have been in a relationship for so long with someone who makes you happy. <3