

I've got an official diagnosis of autism. I'm not sure how I feel about it. The diagnosis didn't bring many answers or comfort, it's been a whirlwind and things aren't getting any easier.

One of my hobbies is singing. I like music. It makes me feel emotions, something I can't experience without music I've noticed. This is to do with my autism so my assessment report said.

Lately I've been feeling down. I find life with autism incredibly complex, it's hard and I worry about the future but I'm hoping joining an autistic community will help me deal with my problems and feel less alone.

  • Yeah, so many things have fallen through because I was desperate and tried too hard. But I didn't know any better.

    I wanted to visit places with friends but I put too much pressure on them. Unsurprisingly it didn't play out well.

  • I say slow and steady wins the race. Do what's right for you and in your own time, that way there's a lot less pressure.

    Over planning and over thinking is a recipe for disaster.

    A bit like you I've learned this the hard way, a number of times lol.

  • Yeah I think the key is not putting all the pressure on yourself to organise things. I was trying too hard and then it fell apart.

    Nothing wrong with planning, but it's important to do things in a way they feel right to you.

  • I hope the next one will be less stress for you. I've found planning is key for nearly everything I do.

    During my assessment last year I was told that liking to plan things in advance is a part of autism for a lot of people.

  • I didn't plan it very well, hence I ended up trying to get out of Wembley Stadium on my own... (and yes that was my first gig)

  • That must have been an exciting experience both times, though nerve-racking too! Well done for doing it on your own. No way I could ever do that lol.

  • I went to see Westlife live in 2022 and JLS live last year. Both times I went on my own (which I would recommend doing just once!).

  • I hope you get to see them live and enjoy seeing Take That.

    You're very lucky, I would love to see them live! I've never been to a live performance before.

  • Yeah, I do like This Life a little too.

    I wish I got to see them live, though I do intend to see Take That live later in the year.

  • I like Windows as well.

    I like how some songs can be a bit meh at first and then end up becoming your fav song later on.

    So glad you continued listening to their music. They did so many good songs! 

  • I have, Windows was a bit of a grower but I like it now.

    I grew up with them too. Was never the coolest thing to like as a teenage boy but I didn't care. 

  • I love all of them as well.

    Especially Take That and Ed Sheeran. They both do amazing ballad songs! Have you heard Take That's latest songs?

    Still really good IMHO.

    I grew up with 1D....Cried the day the band split up! 

  • I like pop songs, and I mainly listen to boybands. Think Take That, One Direction, Westlife. Also people like Ed Sheeran. 

  • Hello.

    Oh do you! Cool! What songs do you like to sing?

    What music are you interested in?

    Thank you. I am enjoying it. I like the friendly atmosphere.

  • Welcome! I enjoy singing too, I'm good at identifying the key of a song really easily.

    I hope you enjoy this community. 

  • Hello Roy.

    Thank you. Already feels more like home than my own home does.

  • Thank you I Sperg.

    It's a bit of a whirlwind and I feel like I'm still 'processing' the diagnosis and what it means for me...I suppose I was hoping to get all the answers and 'feel' differently in myself, not feel like an outsider in this life. Nothing has changed and I'm thinking this is one of the things I'm struggling to understand.

    I will give myself time and I'm hoping I'll find my neurokin here and it will be a place of solitude where I fit in.

  • I like classical best, instrumental classical is my favourite to listen to, though I do listen to more modern music as well.

    I like the connection and feelings I feel from music. I get the same feeling, like this electric charge run through me when I sing as well.

    What music do you like to listen to?

  • Hello Numb. Thanks for the welcome.

    I suppose in a way I am numb... That's how it feels a lot of the time. I'm here, I exist, but I'm numb and still trying to work things out.

    Confusing AF lol perfect terminology for this.

    I can't put into words and express how much music means to me. I don't think I can say one single thing that I love about music...I love multiple things about music! I love how when it hits you there's no pain, just this wondrous magical feeling. I love how it flows through my body, like this energy. I love how I can feel happy, sad, positive, inspired by music... I love how certain songs bring back memories.

    Classical music is my favourite genre of music. Especially instrumental. I love Richard Wagner, Johann Sebastian Bach, Mozart, Nadia Boulanger, Richard Strauss, Faure, Beethoven and many, many others.

    I truly wish I could sing in the classical style...But my voice is more of a modern pop style.

    This morning I've been listening to Air by Johann Sebastian Bach. I must be one of a few 18 year olds listening to this sort of music but I make no apology for it... Music touches my soul and it makes me feel alive.

    Kinda reassuring sums it up well.

  • It takes a considerable while to integrate that diagnosis because it seems to cause a reframing effect, that ripples backwards into ones past and you see a lot of things differently. 

    Give yourself time, and you'll eventually return to feeling like yourself+.

    At least, that's how it seems to go for most of us, based on my own limited observations.

    Welcome to your "neurokin"!