

I've got an official diagnosis of autism. I'm not sure how I feel about it. The diagnosis didn't bring many answers or comfort, it's been a whirlwind and things aren't getting any easier.

One of my hobbies is singing. I like music. It makes me feel emotions, something I can't experience without music I've noticed. This is to do with my autism so my assessment report said.

Lately I've been feeling down. I find life with autism incredibly complex, it's hard and I worry about the future but I'm hoping joining an autistic community will help me deal with my problems and feel less alone.

  • It takes a considerable while to integrate that diagnosis because it seems to cause a reframing effect, that ripples backwards into ones past and you see a lot of things differently. 

    Give yourself time, and you'll eventually return to feeling like yourself+.

    At least, that's how it seems to go for most of us, based on my own limited observations.

    Welcome to your "neurokin"! 

  • It takes a considerable while to integrate that diagnosis because it seems to cause a reframing effect, that ripples backwards into ones past and you see a lot of things differently. 

    Give yourself time, and you'll eventually return to feeling like yourself+.

    At least, that's how it seems to go for most of us, based on my own limited observations.

    Welcome to your "neurokin"! 

  • Thank you I Sperg.

    It's a bit of a whirlwind and I feel like I'm still 'processing' the diagnosis and what it means for me...I suppose I was hoping to get all the answers and 'feel' differently in myself, not feel like an outsider in this life. Nothing has changed and I'm thinking this is one of the things I'm struggling to understand.

    I will give myself time and I'm hoping I'll find my neurokin here and it will be a place of solitude where I fit in.