

I've got an official diagnosis of autism. I'm not sure how I feel about it. The diagnosis didn't bring many answers or comfort, it's been a whirlwind and things aren't getting any easier.

One of my hobbies is singing. I like music. It makes me feel emotions, something I can't experience without music I've noticed. This is to do with my autism so my assessment report said.

Lately I've been feeling down. I find life with autism incredibly complex, it's hard and I worry about the future but I'm hoping joining an autistic community will help me deal with my problems and feel less alone.

    • Hey what music genre do you listen to? I connect with music and listen to songs that have an emotional connection to the lyrics 
  • Hello Chrom....I'm Numb.

    Don't panic, nothing has changed.  You are still you......it has merely been "declared", by others, that you are you.

    Confusing AF.....right!

    I really like the fact that singing is core to your being.  That sounds frigging cool, to me.  Kinda reassuring?!

    Welcome to this place...I hope you will find comfort and connection here.

    See you in the threads

    Kind regards


  • Hi and welcome to your community.