Struggling with everyday

I'm struggling again so much.  I thought I was getting better and becoming more accepting of myself but my word I've come down with a crash and I can't stop crying.  I constantly wish I wasn't here and that my family would be better off without me.  I feel like such a burden.  

  • I hope the medication and further appointment help.

    I'm OK, just a bit tired as I was feeling quite anxious and agitated last night (I'm not really sure why) and didn't sleep much.

  • I agree Mrs G. ‘remind ourselves that it’s ok to not be ok’ - I felt a bit tearful reading those words. I think I need to try to accept that at the moment I feel awful and there are good reasons for that - there are causes behind why I feel the way I do - and in the main they are not my fault.  
    I need to accept that and give myself time  - and hopefully things will improve eventually. 
    People on here understand - and we are not alone. There is great support on here and really good advice too - better than I got from my GP to be honest! 
    We’ll get through it won’t we? We won’t always feel this way. 

  • We're not Cartoon Superheroes. We're Human! It's just we have different modes of operation.

  • Thank you so much for remembering - the doctor has upped my medication.  I'm seeing someone from mental health on Thursday too so hopefully they may be able to help too.  How are you doing?

  • I hope the appointment went well.

  • Aww bless you. I know it's tough right now but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just hang on for a bit longer and you'll get through this I promise. Take it one day at a time and remember to be kind to yourself. There's no way your family would be better off if you weren't with them. Your family wouldn't be a family if you weren't with them. Stay strong, here for you if you ever need to talk :) 

  • Yes that's exactly me too.  Even had to go into the toilets at work to have a cry.  I think we both need to try to remember to be kind to ourselves and remind ourselves that it's ok to not be ok.

  • Thank you.  I'm trying to be much more open about my struggles but it can be difficult because so many people don't seem to understand.  That is why this place is fantastic - just knowing that there are others who feel the same really helps 

  • Yes that is exactly how I feel - without my sons and husband I would just give up.

  • Thank you so much for your kind words - they mean a lot to me 

  • That is very true 

  • I can relate. I think for many of us with children it’s our love for our children that stops us from giving up. 

  • I know, I nearly had a meltdown in the office over workload and the deadline that it was expected by, I spoke to someone and now I have a workplace assessment request form to fill out, which isn't helpful considering the workload I have, but hey its a start. 

  • We're all struggling, at this moment.

    Too much expected of us. 

  • There are so many people/organisations you can turn to for help, never think that you are a burden and your family are better off with you.

    I have unfortunately seen the aftermath of those who never seeked the help they needed.

    Having also spoken to many, many people in that position, I am all too aware of the way that it eats away at you. Seek help, even if it is a neighbour or someone in the community, speaking about it is a good start.

  • Hi there. I totally get you and feel for you at the same time. I suffer with severe depression which cripples me mentally most days. Little things are so hard to accomplish and seem to drain me so much. I have 2 small children and it's tough on them to have me suffering like this, I don't even have motivation to play in the garden with them.

    If I didn't have my wife and kids I would choose to end this hard existence.

    Hope we can get through these times

    Best regards gary

  • Sarah these are kind and wise words - I agree. 

  • Thank you x. I feel the same - the most ordinary activities feel very difficult for me at the moment and it feels like an achievement for me too if I do even small things because everything feels ovRainbowwhelming at the moment. I’m exhausted from all the anxiety I’ve been experiencing. It’s a vicious circle because the more tired i get the less able I am to do the things that would probably help me Rainbowlet getting involved in things and going out more. So any positive action really matters - however small. So I know how you feel I think - because I’m experiencing something very similar. Hope you’re ok today Rainbow

  • I'm very sorry you're struggling right now. I think it's important to remember that your family love you and would be heartbroken if you weren't with them. You're stronger than you think and are worth so much. This is just a blip, you've hit the bottom so now the only way is back up :) hang in there lovely.