Struggling with everyday

I'm struggling again so much.  I thought I was getting better and becoming more accepting of myself but my word I've come down with a crash and I can't stop crying.  I constantly wish I wasn't here and that my family would be better off without me.  I feel like such a burden.  

  • Aww bless you. I know it's tough right now but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just hang on for a bit longer and you'll get through this I promise. Take it one day at a time and remember to be kind to yourself. There's no way your family would be better off if you weren't with them. Your family wouldn't be a family if you weren't with them. Stay strong, here for you if you ever need to talk :) 

  • We're not Cartoon Superheroes. We're Human! It's just we have different modes of operation.

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