Does anyone else get anxious when they hear a knock on the front door?

Hi all. Wave

Do you get all anxious when someone knocks on your front door and you just want them to go away? The abruptness and unknown makes me really tense. Needless to say, I never answer my door unless I am expecting someone or a package. If it's important they can text me (should they have my number) or drop a note through my letter box or something.

I also don't answer phone calls from unknown or numbers that I don't recognise. If it's important, they usually text or leave a voicemail.

  • Always. I hardly ever answer the door if I'm not expecting a visit. I'll sometimes go and look out of a window to see if it's someone I should open the door to. Usually it isn't. At Hallowe'en my preferred tactic is to switch lights out at the front and to retreat to the back of the house so it seems like no-one is home.

    Oh yes... and if there's an insistent knock I'm even less likely to go to the door. I have a perfectly good bell. There's no need to bang on the door or rattle the letter box flap. That's just rude.

  • The same thought crossed my mind. I'm sorry everyone struggles with this but it does make me feel less alone with it. 

  • Anyone coming to the front door scares the life out of me. Within seconds my brain rushes with several thoughts all at once...

    Who's that?

    Am I in trouble?

    Is it the police?

    Has mum been killed in a car crash?

    What if it's a burglar? - never mind it's the daytime and they're knocking the door *rolls eyes *.

    What if the person at the door has a stomach bug?

    And then suddenly I'm feeling the worst anxiety of my life... all because my brother had an amazon delivery or because the postman came. 

    The rest of the day I have a crippling migraine, uncomfortable body pains and am exhausted and feeling anxious. 

    I've tried a few workarounds too but people at the door contiune to freak me out!

  • I’m just the same. It’s comforting to know that I’m not alone in feeling that way :)

  • Unless it's a pre-arranged visit, or I'm expecting a delivery, I feel anxious when I hear my doorbell ring and will often ignore it. Some years ago I printed off and laminated a 'No Cold Callers' sign from the Money Saving Expert website. Not everyone notices it, but it has helped to greatly reduce visits from cold callers.

    As a rule, I seldom answer phone calls from phone numbers I don't recognise, or phone numbers that are withheld. I'm old school and have a landline phone with a built-in answer machine, which allows me to screen calls and decide if I want to answer. With phone calls, I find I experience a combination of anxiety and curiosity when the caller doesn't leave a message and I'm left wondering who the caller was and why they had phoned me.

  • Yes, I know the feeling. I do have some funny autism T shirts and find they work well as people have responded well to humor. I had a difficult train journey a while back and the T shirt made people aware who then helped me off the train.

  • This is truly one of biggest peeves.

    There's unannounced people soliciting - no and never. I get quite angry at the shock of the door being knocked to see someone stood with a clipboard.

    There's waiting for a visit (tradesperson etc) - please be on time.

    Then there's friends where I wish I could respond better but I've explained to my small circle that I find it difficult to deal with unannounced visits, so thankfully they're rare.

    Reading about ring doorbells makes me think I should invest, at the moment I check through my window (first floor flat)

  • ah you have the blue and the red pills handy. A good strategy -as long as the affects wear off over time.

  • unless they convert you ! yes I have fun with spam callers and keep them on the phone for ages stops them scamming someone else!

  • no this is you I get it I have a phobia of nasty people sadly they are in the majority!

  • it is the way we are wired also I find a withheld number is often important like say the Doctor and then you can't call them back so have to join a queue again.If the withheld number is unwanted just cut them off

  • I have a better one we have no parking in front of our drive and it gets ignored I wear an Autism Lanyard and people are still unkind 

  • I ma more curious than anything.

    I want to investigate...

  • Yes, I get this dose of anxiety a lot. I did put up a polite notice asking people not to call without notice but not all bother to read it. I have had to deal with my Housing Association to stop contractors turning up without notice as it caused me so much distress due to the sudden change in routine.

  • how interesting...that makes a lot of sense too though ♡

  • Funnily enough I get more anxious when I miss an unknown number as I think it may be something important or I am in trouble so prefer to answer all calls

  • yes, i get so scared & it makes me want to curl up and hide...i also don't answer unknown phone calls, which makes me feel a bit guilty sometimes but i'm too anxious </3.

  • Absolutely.  I put up Ring cameras so I can see who it is and decide whether to answer it or not. My stomach flips every time the door goes or I get a call from an unknown number.