Does anyone else get anxious when they hear a knock on the front door?

Hi all. Wave

Do you get all anxious when someone knocks on your front door and you just want them to go away? The abruptness and unknown makes me really tense. Needless to say, I never answer my door unless I am expecting someone or a package. If it's important they can text me (should they have my number) or drop a note through my letter box or something.

I also don't answer phone calls from unknown or numbers that I don't recognise. If it's important, they usually text or leave a voicemail.

Parents Reply Children
  • ah you have the blue and the red pills handy. A good strategy -as long as the affects wear off over time.

  • unless they convert you ! yes I have fun with spam callers and keep them on the phone for ages stops them scamming someone else!

  • Exactly Iain, I dont' seek them out, but if they seek me out then they're fair game, I once made a Mormon run away from me in the street when I argued him round to my point of view. Poor guy, I think I gave him a real crisis of faith, which if you're a religious or spiritual person is a real injury, I saw him some days later surrounded by elders, he saw me and started shaking all over.

  • It might be over rated, but it is immutable.

    Alas immutable is something I have come to take with a big old pich of salt.

    Once you start looking into quantim physics you start to realise that things are really not as solid or defined as we think. If you start researching into the nature of time and realise it is not as linear as we imagine then the very construct of reality we hold true starts to look decidedly shaky.

    Look into issues like quantum entanglement and you realise the speed of light is not a limit at all, look into gravity dilation and the nature of time goes out the window etc - we built the rules of reality largely to avoid looking into the abyss that lies beneath it all.

    Sometimes it is nice to forget all the facts and live in the imaginary construct we call reality - it helps us from losing the plot.

  • I have come to understand that reality is like truth.  It might be over rated, but it is immutable.

  • I struggle (therefore) to understand the point being made. 

    It is more to express the way some intelligent people (and TheCatWoman is clearly in this category) can take well meaning if misguided individuals who try to sell their perspective of the world to you, and can conversationally eviscerate their arguement and leave them desperate to leave.

    I used to do this long ago when I had spare time and it isn't pretty and I suspect I was being cruel.

    In the response I was playing with words knowing TheCatWomans abilities.

    Maybe she is like Schroedingers cat - in a quantum state where no-one knows if she is there or not. Or maybe I'm just playing with obscure and dark humour after a long day of dealing with someone buying my flat and sending the money to the wrong account - painful and tedious but finally sorted and left me drained.

    Reality is highly overrated.

  • Obscurity (ironically) is not my bag.

    Observational reality, IS my yes, I have seen what the average cat will do to the average takes time.....and is gruesome, with only entrails remaining.

    I struggle (therefore) to understand the point being made.  I say this with no "edge" whatsoever, I'm merely expressing my genuine lack of understanding.

  • Have you seen what cats do to mice? It was a well chosen analogy if you know TheCatWoman.

    Allegedly. Wink

  • Dark comment?!   I will choose to ascribe it to humour.