Does anyone else get anxious when they hear a knock on the front door?

Hi all. Wave

Do you get all anxious when someone knocks on your front door and you just want them to go away? The abruptness and unknown makes me really tense. Needless to say, I never answer my door unless I am expecting someone or a package. If it's important they can text me (should they have my number) or drop a note through my letter box or something.

I also don't answer phone calls from unknown or numbers that I don't recognise. If it's important, they usually text or leave a voicemail.

  • Anyone coming to the front door scares the life out of me. Within seconds my brain rushes with several thoughts all at once...

    Who's that?

    Am I in trouble?

    Is it the police?

    Has mum been killed in a car crash?

    What if it's a burglar? - never mind it's the daytime and they're knocking the door *rolls eyes *.

    What if the person at the door has a stomach bug?

    And then suddenly I'm feeling the worst anxiety of my life... all because my brother had an amazon delivery or because the postman came. 

    The rest of the day I have a crippling migraine, uncomfortable body pains and am exhausted and feeling anxious. 

    I've tried a few workarounds too but people at the door contiune to freak me out!

  • Anyone coming to the front door scares the life out of me. Within seconds my brain rushes with several thoughts all at once...

    Who's that?

    Am I in trouble?

    Is it the police?

    Has mum been killed in a car crash?

    What if it's a burglar? - never mind it's the daytime and they're knocking the door *rolls eyes *.

    What if the person at the door has a stomach bug?

    And then suddenly I'm feeling the worst anxiety of my life... all because my brother had an amazon delivery or because the postman came. 

    The rest of the day I have a crippling migraine, uncomfortable body pains and am exhausted and feeling anxious. 

    I've tried a few workarounds too but people at the door contiune to freak me out!

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