Does anyone else get anxious when they hear a knock on the front door?

Hi all. Wave

Do you get all anxious when someone knocks on your front door and you just want them to go away? The abruptness and unknown makes me really tense. Needless to say, I never answer my door unless I am expecting someone or a package. If it's important they can text me (should they have my number) or drop a note through my letter box or something.

I also don't answer phone calls from unknown or numbers that I don't recognise. If it's important, they usually text or leave a voicemail.

  • Yes, I get this dose of anxiety a lot. I did put up a polite notice asking people not to call without notice but not all bother to read it. I have had to deal with my Housing Association to stop contractors turning up without notice as it caused me so much distress due to the sudden change in routine.

  • I have a better one we have no parking in front of our drive and it gets ignored I wear an Autism Lanyard and people are still unkind 

  • Yes, I know the feeling. I do have some funny autism T shirts and find they work well as people have responded well to humor. I had a difficult train journey a while back and the T shirt made people aware who then helped me off the train.

  • Yes, I know the feeling. I do have some funny autism T shirts and find they work well as people have responded well to humor. I had a difficult train journey a while back and the T shirt made people aware who then helped me off the train.

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