Really upset

I'm so upset, I'm trying to get a partime job and keep getting told I'm unsuccessful at every interview. I can do all the jobs I've applied for but they all keep saying no. I'm sat here crying because of another rejection. I don't know what else to do 

  • I'm struggling with my new job. I get myself so worked up about going. I feel under so much pressure but I don't think anyone else would feel under pressure doing what I do. I just want to go and always do the same thing, I know what to expect then. No changes no surprises and I think if I know exactly what I'm going to be doing everytime I go that it might help me not get so worked up about going. 

  • Ah man don't cry. It's not a personal vendetta against you, lots of people are in the same boat. I went through the same thing for a long time, years. It’s really defeating, I get it. Scary, too. I’m unsure of the utmost best methods possible, but it really helps to follow through with the basics like follow up messages after applying, restructuring your essay to more appropriately fit the job requirements, etc.

    It’s work in and of itself to apply for iobs. Really rough. You can also search for agencies that will send out your resume to employers and they will reach out to them directly themselves and contact you.

    If you don't get the job, it never hurts to ask why or "What could I have done better?". 

    Keep the faith! You are worth more than gold!

    The only advice I can really give is to just keep trying: I know that's really not good advice, and its probably something you've heard a thousand times before, but its the best I can give. It can be super disheartening, for sure, but eventually, you will get that break. Believing in you man.

    Best wishes, Ninjaaa.

  • Morning Colin.  I note that you're new to the pages.....and I suspect that your profile picture is you?  If so, please note that using your own picture is not allowed, and I suspect you will be "pulled over" by the Community Manager and asked to change it.

    Welcome to the pages.

  • There's a question I used to always ask potential employers which really put them on the stop. Similar, to the one referred to by GPK26.

    "is there any reservations you have about my skills or qualifications". 

    This will really weed out whether they have any initial concerns about your suitability for the role. 

    DO NOT give up. I spent years unemployed, sending application after application and getting to interview stage. Try not to take it personal, sometimes, it's just not the right time or place. 

    YOU WILL get there. Just keep going. 

  • I've taken a job, only because I don't think I would get another. He is desperate for help. I'm not feeling excited at all about it. 

  • That was the same experience I had when I first started out in the job market way back in 2008. I did not get a single job offer or callback, I applied to so many jobs and pushed myself so hard to go to the interviews which was very difficult for me.

    Looking back on it now, I think it was because of my autism. I didn't understand why nobody wanted to give me a job because I didn't realise all the things I was doing wrong. I knew I came off badly, which I thought was mainly due to social anxiety, but I was not good at masking back then. I would have been making no eye contact, sitting weirdly, probably doing strange things with my hands, giving monosyllabic or inappropriate responses to open ended questions and failing to make any small talk.

    I was applying for menial jobs as well, there's no way I wouldn't have been able to do those jobs, it's just that people place so much importance on social things, so possibly without even realising it they're making a snap judgement about an autistic person that they are "weird". Neurotypical people make incredibly quick snap judgements about autistic people, not even based on anything they said. So it can be really unfair.

  • thats what agencies are for.... they take anyone and throw them at any position. no questions, no interviews, no cv rubbish. guarunteed job if they send one your way.... thats the only way to actually get a job in this day and age due to the fact each job has 1000 applicants for a single job... we are in job scarcity... and by increasing population we make jobs scarcer, combined with shutting down and selling off our industries and outsourcing and also companies going bust... jobs going down, populations going up too much...

  • Have you asked for feedback when they tell you you’ve been unsuccessful? Maybe this would give you things to work on for the next time? 
    it’s such a frustrating process especially when you feel able to do the jobs! I always think it doesn’t matter how good you interviewed or your experience or anything, if there’s one other person who scored that one extra point then they will get it, if you think of it like that then maybe you won’t feel so dispondent. 

    Is there something that you can do hobby wise that you know you’re really good at to give you a boost and some self confidence? Maybe take your mind off it for a while :) 

  • Nice one #GPK26 - Excellent tip !

  • TOP TIP - Usually at the end of the interview they usually ask if you have any questions. At this point, ask them "do you have any concerns about my suitability for the role?"
    This will then give you a chance to address any concerns that they may have. At the very least it could give you insight into why they may not offer you the job.

  • I don't know what else to do

    Don't give up!

    Don't give up on yourself. You can do this. So many people are in the same boat as you, myself included. It's just a matter of time until that one job becomes yours.

    You haven't been rejected, you just haven't found the right job yet.

  • Don’t cry Dream, a bad day doesn’t equal a bad life, we’re rooting for you.. take your time, say your peace, feel our words.. tomorrow the sun will rise and it is right for you to rise with it..Innocent

  • Do you ask for feedback after they have made their decision? This may help you to identify what skills you need to work on? As already mentioned, ow about voluntary wwork? Sometimes, this can lead to paid eemployment.Or starting off at just a few hours and then hopefully lead to more if that is what you want? 

  • Join the Club.

    I always him and ham during interviews. So, I gave up; altogether.

  • Hi Dream

    unfortunately that is the case at the moment in terms of job hunting. There are plenty of jobs out there, but there are so many people applying for them.

    my son’s girlfriend was an A* student and left school with excellent exam results. She only recently started work after 2 years of applying for jobs.

    You didn’t say what sort of job you’re looking for, so specific industry aligned advice is difficult to give. What I would say for now is keep at it, something will come along. GOOD LUCK!

  • I understand the frustration. I'm sending out loads of emails to companies I'd like to work for and I don't get a response at all most of the time. I wouldn't mind if they got back directing me to someone who's willing to have a chat or whatever.

  • Hello Dream, I am Number.

    I am sorry that you have been finding your search for a part time job hard and disappointing.

    Please do not take the rejections as "personal" to you.......lots of people are applying for jobs, and the employers are guessing at the BEST person they want for their company.  These employers are not saying NO to you, they are saying yes to someone else.....I think this is worth remembering.  It isn't personal.

    So I do know what you should do = KEEP GOING !!  If you do this, I am confident that you WILL get a job that works for you.

    Sometimes it takes a while, but if you can keep going, I am sure that someone will say YES to you soon.

    I wish you well and hope you can find the energy to keep fighting for a job - you deserve it !

    Good luck.


  • I used to get rejected and think it's down to being autistic and totally ignored the diagnoses. 

    I keep on getting letters from the NHS trust saying I've haven't done the staff survey even though haven't done anything. Now harassing me and tried to email the supervisor. Automatic reply each time saying on holiday.

    Have you tried volunteering? I go to a group approximately twice a month where do different things. Suggested that to a former friend and made up a story about getting a letter from DWP telling her off doing voluntary work. Now she has befriended strangers on social media. Also used me.

    Two companies ignored my feedback and handled my notice badly.