Medicinal cannabis

I’ve recently been prescribed medicinal cannabis from the sapphire clinic. Starting with adven 4% thc cbd oil and will then go onto the the 20% thc oil for my social anxiety. Has anyone tried these cbmp? And have they helped you at all?

  • You either DIY with MH management, or you outsource the responsibilty to a "medical professional".

    This is very true, in my opinion.

  • 45 yrears of cannabis use has left me in WAY better shape than my alcohol drinking peers.

    And I'm in two minds about the schizophrenia thing. (Joking aside, people with latent or undiagnosed MH issues, are more likely to be de-socialised when they are young, and hence drifit uinto fringe social groups, such as the drug scene. 

    Today, I'm on my third day of abrupt and voluntary withdrawal after over a year of uninterrupted and unrestricted use, and I can report very few physical symptoms.

    Psychologicaly speaking I feel O.K. (pretty good actually) BUT I can already observe my ability to tolerate idiots and frustration generally decreasing, which I know is not a good thing for me in my situation, (and in fact is the main reason I've keep the habit going as long as I have). 

    YOU pays your money you takes your choice.

    You either DIY with MH management, or you outsource the responsibilty to a "medical professional"... Personally I've found the DIY approach to be less disatrous for me than involving the professionals EVERY TIME, so for me it was an easy choice to make.

    I feel I am more motivated to actually SOLVE my own MH issues that "treat" them. They get paid either way, (handsomly, comared to most of us) so there's no reward for actually performing well or being innovative, and I'm not so sure how much of my issues they can grok even if I got the full hour of their "kindly attentions"...

  • Yea, you know drechnvski?

  • Good morning CatWoman,

    I also fear the endless march to get us "logged" onto systems that we don't want to participate in and should not need to participate in.

    In relation to my post above, its actually one of my little fishing expeditions to try and interact with "bots."  I'm quite sure that "drechnovski" is also casting its net out, to try and catch a sale or two?!

    Have a good Monday.


  • I think the modern skunk varieties are more likely to cause schitzophrenia as they're bred to be higher in THC than CBD, CBD is an anti-psychotic. I use CBD and find it quite good for fybromyalgia pain and if I have a cup of cammomile and fennel tea it help with the pain and spasms.

    I have used cannabis and find it does help with anxiety and creativity and stops me feeling quite so overwhelmed. I looked into the privae clinics and was told I'm eligable, but I can't afford it and I don't have the two forms of photo ID they need, nor do I know how to do zoom type calls or have the equipment to do so. The bloke doing the initial assessment on the end of the phone got quite annoyed with me when I said I didn't have two forms of photo ID nor the zoom capabilities. I think he thought I was somekind of scammer.

    I hate this need for a full UK driving licence and passport to access things, I don't travel so why should I have to fork out a load of money I can't afford to get one. My Mum's 89 has never driven and no longer travels, niether of us has enough ID to open a bank account.

  • Brilliant.  Oils are important to machines and humans alike.  Is WD40 oil better than CBD oil in some instances?  Which oil do you think it best?

  • I haven't tried the specific CBD oils you mentioned, but I've had positive experiences with CBD products in managing my anxiety.

  • .....It is Antipodes that have grabbed my attention this morning....down that rabbit hole & out the other side I go !!!!

  • Thanks mate - I do appreciate the offer, but I'm learning plenty from you and the others on this matter at the moment.  My brain can only cope with so much at any given time.....its coping with A LOT at the moment !

  • Exactly the same. I just dose in the evening. I started off with the oil but found it made me a little groggy In the morning, so moved onto the flower, which I can accurately dose. I also needed a ml to get the desired effect.

    it’s certainly not a cure all but my quality of life has improved drastically. I still have anxiety but it’s toned down a lot. Glad it’s helping. Sounds like you had a smooth ride so far getting set up. Nice one 

  • Should mention, so far I have just used it at night. Because I sleep better then I don't seem to need it in the day.

    But yeah so far it's been great

  • So here is my prescription:

    Adven oil hybrid/indica [EMT2/EMC1] full spectrum: 10mg THC, 10mg CBD/
    ml 10 (TEN) millilitres0.1 mls taken at night for 3 nights.

    Then you can up the dose 0.5 each night until you are happy with the level of it.

    Last night I had 1ml and slept like a baby.

    Number, it is legal if prescribed by a doctor.

    I contacted the Sapphire Clinic, a fortnight later i had a Zoom assessment with the Dr who was VERY professional and explained a lot of things.

    Then the prescription arrived by email a couple of days later after they approved me.

    I then got the order delivered to my house by courier from Curaleaf Pharmacy.

    Appointments cost £50 every 4 weeks initially, then every 3 months thereafter. The order cost me £30 and should last about a month or so I think, possibly 2 months?

  • Number, DM me if you want a more detailed breakdown so you can get involved. I'll add details of what I have below Point down

  • Again, thank you for's appreciated.

    FYI - when I proffer opinion or comment that I think will help a particular soul here, but that would readily be misinterpreted by most others (or that I feel personally exposed about), then I leave it up until I know they have seen it, and then delete or amend it.

  • I won't say anymore because I don't want to get a rule reminder...

    But thank you and I will be looking in to this for myself. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on it :) 

  • Worry ye not sweet Briar.....I didn't take it as a dig either.

    I am very happy for you........"a game changer" is what I am looking for.  I'm not unhappy with my life, but I refuse to believe that some of my woes can't be improved upon.  When I think what I could be.......

    I am ruling nothing in and nothing out.  Unlike the populous these days, I am a very open minded soul.

    Thanks again for your help understanding.

  • This is really interesting I might talk to my GP about it because I've been in so many meds because they keep trying to "cure" me...

    It would be nice to have something that might actually help just ease everything:)

  • It wasn’t a dig, however it is the national papers that report on it in this way, so they have somehow filtered into your reading :)