Medicinal cannabis

I’ve recently been prescribed medicinal cannabis from the sapphire clinic. Starting with adven 4% thc cbd oil and will then go onto the the 20% thc oil for my social anxiety. Has anyone tried these cbmp? And have they helped you at all?

  • my dad gets cbd oil.

    does it even work? i hear from people that it doesnt work with how much its been cut down to be none drug and government legal. but dunno never tried either of them... although saying that the real illegal full plant can probably be bad for all of us as it causes schizophrenia in anyone who could be close to it, and id wager any of us would likely be close to it and actual canabis would probably throw us over the edge into that with no return.

    on that note my go to in stressful times has been vodka instead lol

  • my dad gets cbd oil.

    does it even work? i hear from people that it doesnt work with how much its been cut down to be none drug and government legal. but dunno never tried either of them... although saying that the real illegal full plant can probably be bad for all of us as it causes schizophrenia in anyone who could be close to it, and id wager any of us would likely be close to it and actual canabis would probably throw us over the edge into that with no return.

    on that note my go to in stressful times has been vodka instead lol

  • 45 yrears of cannabis use has left me in WAY better shape than my alcohol drinking peers.

    And I'm in two minds about the schizophrenia thing. (Joking aside, people with latent or undiagnosed MH issues, are more likely to be de-socialised when they are young, and hence drifit uinto fringe social groups, such as the drug scene. 

    Today, I'm on my third day of abrupt and voluntary withdrawal after over a year of uninterrupted and unrestricted use, and I can report very few physical symptoms.

    Psychologicaly speaking I feel O.K. (pretty good actually) BUT I can already observe my ability to tolerate idiots and frustration generally decreasing, which I know is not a good thing for me in my situation, (and in fact is the main reason I've keep the habit going as long as I have). 

    YOU pays your money you takes your choice.

    You either DIY with MH management, or you outsource the responsibilty to a "medical professional"... Personally I've found the DIY approach to be less disatrous for me than involving the professionals EVERY TIME, so for me it was an easy choice to make.

    I feel I am more motivated to actually SOLVE my own MH issues that "treat" them. They get paid either way, (handsomly, comared to most of us) so there's no reward for actually performing well or being innovative, and I'm not so sure how much of my issues they can grok even if I got the full hour of their "kindly attentions"...

  • My son, a self employed plasterer, was sectioned by the police as a danger to himself and the public owing to his skitzo behaviour and his cannabis habit.

  • Think the whole legality thing with cannabis can get muddled. I personally feel that people who are self medicating with cannabis are likely to be using it to dampen their pre-disposition for things that are already there so to say. Same with alcohol really if that makes sense. 

    I think if you are schizophrenic, then you are going to be either way (I’m guessing induced psychosis could be achieved from smoking stupid amounts) I don’t feel cannabis would be the aetiology of it. It may exasperate it but maybe not be the actual cause. As with anything really, too much can be a bad thing. I could be wrong but that’s the feeling I get. If you use it under direction than it’s a useful tool. 

    I get you on the vodka part haha.

    I think it’s just the stigma and bad press cannabis gets. Alcohol gets next to zero because it’s ‘legal’. It’s a terrible drug if you abuse it. Same as anything really. Opiates being another. Heroin is illegal.....yet if a doctor dishes out codeine/morphine it’s all good and above board (I know this is extreme but all comes from the same plant)

    I do find medical grade cbd to be much more therapeutic than cbd that’s sold in shops or online but maybe that’s just me.

    as soon as the government can make a few quid on it then, they will be all over it.