Unsure of who is a troll and who isn't?

Who is and who isn't?  Apparently my best days are behind me though! Haha. You're telling me!

  • Greetings! Is that a serious thing? Malojian once asked Me what Music I liked - upon different Thread... but I am simply not interested in discussing "Music", and just said "Rock and Classical" before... so, if I simply respond with a "Yes" then does that mean that I am...

    (*Error! Rebooting System, please wait...*)

    Sorry for the interruption. I meant to finish by saying... Does that mean that I am a Bot?

    Slight smile

  • I try to assume people aren't trolls until they say something disrespectful/offensive.

    Greetings... I agree with this, since I have said this upon other Threads. If anyone does or says anything "uncomfortable", then depending upon severity either regard them as a troll and report them, or ignore them (and dislike/report them)...

    I Myself did make mistakes upon here, when I first joined... but I gained both likes and dislikes, and support/advice at the time. The FEEDBACK is the most important thing I say... sometimes talking to someone who intially posts as Trolling/spamming reveals that They were simply unaware of the rules, and I have had this happen to Me and Others, which is why I say it here.

    Yes indeed, If the person continues to be abusive or ignores all answers... then, well, that is that. Genuine persons *can* be reasoned with... but Genuine Trolls/Spammers cannot because They simply do not care.

  • I try to assume people aren't trolls until they say something disrespectful/offensive. At that point, I press the 'Report as abusive' button and leave it for the mods :) I've found it's usually more effective to ignore these people than to engage with them.

  • It’s usually reasonably easy to ID the troll posts on here. Mostly they’re obvious. Although occasionally they are more subtle.

  • Your user name made me laugh out loud. It's good.

  • Personally, I find it easy to identify the troll posts on this site and there are only a few.

    I am also a contributor on a photography website and over there it is a jungle.  There are many trolls and they are more difficult to identify.  Many have multiple identities which gang up on people.  And they play the long game.

    I find this site civilised in comparison.

  • Is it just my imagination or have the troll posts reduced now that the children have gone back to school after the holidays?

  • Can i ask!  do you believe in Yeshua/Jesus?.

    totally not a loaded question, but im very curious!

  • Ask it what music it likes. If it says yes, it's a bot.

  • I'm actually surprised this hasn't been the subject of discussion. I was thinking recently about how hard it is (on the internet in general) to sort between troll and genuine comments. I have a friend who I had always accused of trolling, because of the way he writes his messages, but it turned out he was usually being serious. I've had a few people call me a troll, too, but I do kind of adopt that as my identity so it may be earned on my part (because it's only natural that I'll offend people if I open up to them, and NT's love to police other's speech these days, so I'm happy to be a troll).

    I wonder if anyone, who is on the spectrum, can actually tell the difference between trolls and genuine posters these days?

  • botfarms makes it sound like they're milking robots (thats my troll reply i guess, lol)

    but bots are INTELLIGENT now. isn;t there a test to see if you're talking to a bot or a human? (serious question)

  • Some intelligence agencies and political parties are currently running botfarms.  Reported fact.

  • The best things about social life are the fleeting vignettes you (I?) can remember.  Mutual attraction. Temporarily feeling a part of things.  Feeling of acceptance whether temporary or not.  I miss all that and i could probably do better if i put my mind to it.  It would take years of hurt but i'd probably get there.

  • i polarise between two extremes of this all the time.

    one day i want to be the guy with no social anxiety, who can cast charm during speech with super cool latency, minimal delays on understanding the thread of the conversation, and semantis of sentences, and with ubercool sunglasses on that would make david hasselhoff jealous... 

    other days i watch someone for 9 minutes trying to open a door marked "pull" by pushing it, and ending up getting so angry they start kicking the door and cursing whoever locked them out, then blaming their shoemaker for their shoes not being strong enough to kick down the door eventually walking away spitting. and I wonder if maybe maybe all people are doomed here

    in the end i mostly stay in isolation. real people in the real world are a nice idea, but theyre like zebras, they look great from afar on a safari or something, but get near one and you can't understand what its saying and it looks as generic as all the other ones, and you might as well have not bothered. (imho)

  • I agree with California that only registered users should be able to see the forum.

    I also agree with JennyButterfly that people should ditch the NAS number and give themselves a username as soon as possible. Choosing your own username is a "required field" when first joining most forums I think. It's also fun choosing a name that maybe reflects your personality a bit.  Slight smile

  • ever seen the southpark where they describe Troll psychology on a whiteboard?

    "the troll (group A), says something to provoke a contreversial opinion from (group B), then (Group C) comes in and ttacks group B's opinions/ideas)"

    A troll is someone who inflames people with contraversial comments and social engineers online arguments to steam people up.

    like i believe a lot of political activists are actually fake trolls, trying to give the genuine activists a bad name

    also trolls give bad information on the internet 9my friend got an ear infection and was told to put garlic clove in his ear. All the heavy metals from the garlic, plus it making a perfect little incubator for bacteria turned his ear basically into a compost site with heavy metals - and he went permanently deaf. (true story)

  • Greetings to "Jenny Butterfly"! I also agree with this and agree with that little stack of sub-replies, there! This should not be a difficult thing to do for NAS, & should include checking certain Technical things as well, with regards to certain Users...

    When a person changes their name, they still identify themselves by what they write and by the manner in which they write it.

    With regards to compulsory changing of names/Icons, I agree with that because there ARE a HUGE amount of temporary People who simply post a bit of a panic about "Autism", then maybe do at most two more Threads - and then they never *ever* post again, ever.

    ...The only thing which I do not know, even after all this time, is why NAS seems to *invite* such things - they could put more links and information upon the Home Page... but they do not.

    --- "Is this Autism/Getting Diagnosis/Waiting/After Diagnosis/Support Available"... *These* are the common themes of newcomers... yet a person is lucky if a Moderator Posts a link for them. Yes indeed, things could and should, be fixed as way way more efficient upon here than that. 

  • I don't even have a perfect record of getting on fully with other Autistic's.   That's why i'm thinking "Am i misanthropic"?

    Perhaps i am too unforgiving of flaws in both myself and others? 

    Maybe in my isolation i have created the Utopia that i think the world should be and the real world can never live up to it?

    It's all leads to reclusivity for me in the end.  I long to go out in the world and be successful there.  I am missing out on literally everything positive, that the outside world could possibly offer, living like this.  But also all the negatives.

  • I just don't know how to be happy in this world. I think maybe i should commit to the idea of reducing my sense of longing.   So happiness is me sitting alone in a room with my thoughts rather than my childhood (pre diagnosis) idea of what it was going to be.  Support and normalcy.  I may never feel supported or a part of society but i'm different aren't i. Maybe i just haven't fully come to terms with my Autism despite being diagnosed almost 20 years ago.