Unsure of who is a troll and who isn't?

Who is and who isn't?  Apparently my best days are behind me though! Haha. You're telling me!

  • There are probably those who think I'm a troll. And I've met a few online entities on here that perhaps have a few troll-like tendencies. But ......  Sure, I've never really had much idea who or who isn't a troll myself. I can only say, that just like most people you have to live and learn as you go along. In which case, I probably have a bit more idea than when I was younger. But it's a bit like reds under the bed and rabid right-wingers. They probably want us to believe they're trolls, in much the same way that Superman wants to be viewed as superhuman. But I don't think we really gain anything by buying into their crappy mythology. And our less than lovely political parties all seem to be in a complete tiswas about how much trollism is acceptable to the fickle electorate. Populism and trollism seem to have gone hand-in-hand since Michael put his Foot in it by wearing a supposed Burberry 'donkey jacket' to Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph. I wonder a bit if the term 'android' isn't better. We've had a succession of androids as PM since then. ;-) Androids hired cynically by our crappy newspaper barons. Murdoch and Maxwell are/were undoubtedly trolls. :-)

  • I actually admire Foot a lot.  I have an excellent biography of him on my shelf.  I also have one volume of his own writing on Aneurin Bevan.  I did wonder if you were trying to troll me by mentioning it but how would you possibly know what i have on my shelves? :)

  • I might be a tad clairvoyant, but it doesn't ever put any real money in my bank account. Michael was a person worthy of some respect. Something a punk like Murdoch would never be able to figure out. I daresay I might occasionally be termed an amateur bantamweight troll, however. ;-)

  • Can i ask!  do you believe in Yeshua/Jesus?.

    totally not a loaded question, but im very curious!

  • I just don't know how to be happy in this world. I think maybe i should commit to the idea of reducing my sense of longing.   So happiness is me sitting alone in a room with my thoughts rather than my childhood (pre diagnosis) idea of what it was going to be.  Support and normalcy.  I may never feel supported or a part of society but i'm different aren't i. Maybe i just haven't fully come to terms with my Autism despite being diagnosed almost 20 years ago.

  • I don't like him either. Many of the older generation appear to prefer the world his ideas have created though.

    I remember a conversation with my late dad where he prefered today's world to the one prior to 1979 also.  Maybe i am a dewy eyed young romantic or something.

    Being on Social Security concentrates your mind against this government too.  I'm not sure those without direct experience of the policies of people like Ian Duncan Smith fully understand their horror.  I am not going to be calling him Sir- despite his knighthood.

  • I've always had the impression that Hayek was a bit of a knobhead. Loads of oh-so clever ideas, which have really achieved very little.

  • I'll give you the benefit of the the doubt on this one, As far as I am concerned right now, you ARE a functional human being; albeit that you might function a bit differently from your sadistic detractors.

    Personal projects do not have to be monolithic, just stuff that makes you feel comfortable. So I suppose a 'project' could be as simple as a stim. Some of my projects would undoubtedly draw widespread disdain if I were ever open about them with the general public. I'll be open with them when they ever show any interest. if they don't, never mind!. I'm a recluse myself. As I said somewhere else on this forum today, parties (of all types and persuasions) can be intensely lonely places. Forget placing yourself further down the spectrum; I doubt we realistically think of  'up' and 'down' with the spectrum, anyway. People are always capable of rising above deliberate put-downs.

  • I'll give you the benefit of the the doubt on this one, As far as I am concerned right now, you ARE a functional human being; albeit that you might function a bit differently from your sadistic detractors.

    Personal projects do not have to be monolithic, just stuff that makes you feel comfortable. So I suppose a 'project' could be as simple as a stim. Some of my projects would undoubtedly draw widespread disdain if I were ever open about them with the general public. I'll be open with them when they ever show any interest. if they don't, never mind!. I'm a recluse myself. As I said somewhere else on this forum today, parties (of all types and persuasions) can be intensely lonely places. Forget placing yourself further down the spectrum; I doubt we realistically think of  'up' and 'down' with the spectrum, anyway. People are always capable of rising above deliberate put-downs.

  • I just don't know how to be happy in this world. I think maybe i should commit to the idea of reducing my sense of longing.   So happiness is me sitting alone in a room with my thoughts rather than my childhood (pre diagnosis) idea of what it was going to be.  Support and normalcy.  I may never feel supported or a part of society but i'm different aren't i. Maybe i just haven't fully come to terms with my Autism despite being diagnosed almost 20 years ago.