• Parents Deafness

    Hello everyone. I would like to ask a question regarding how to deal with parents who are suffering from age-related deafness. I recently bought some earplugs so I can spend a bit more time with them without having a meltdown, or causing a general argument…

  • RE: Noisy Restaurants

    Ive found a technique that really works well.

    I make sure to a seat or table by a wall, then I put on just one earplug on the side where most of the noise is coming from.

    I can still have a convo with mj table but it does a really great job of stopping…

  • RE: New Years Eve

    I’m still recovering from the flu, but even if I wasn’t, I’d still be up in my bedroom before 10pm, playing  or drawing on my iPad in comfort. I just went to the kitchen, and can see lights up in the neighbours back garden. Lovely. Their…

  • RE: Annoying Sounds That Drive Me Insane

    I really hate things like balloons and fireworks - it's that sharp loud bang or in a firework that horrid whistling before the loud bang. Whenever I hear those bangs, it feels like those things are literally in front of my face and it phyisically feels…

  • Noise sensitivity - why has this started now?

    Up until now, noise did not appear to bother me. Now, I am becoming more upset/triggered/bothered by noise. At work (teacher) I am fine, but at home, with two young and often noisy children, I am constantly on edge with noise. Today the noise almost pushed…

  • RE: Hello and a question about noise

    I've inadvertently got him well trained on how to down a pint of water in a near silent manner.

    And your thread has reminded me to send some "feedback" to two shops on the volume of their music which I could still hear really clearly through my earplugs…

  • RE: a question about phone calls ♡

    I don't think it is weird, if anything people talking on the phone in public are the weird ones. Sweat smile

    I also feel uneasy, especially on the buss or the train, when we all know I can't get away from it. 

    Just like you, I also don't need the anxiety from…

  • RE: Struggling with Maths Assessments in School

    Thank you for your reply. We have purchased earplugs but they are reluctant to take them to school for various reasons, it is something we are encouraging. Links to lightaware also useful to follow up on. My reason for using 'they' is that it is their…

  • RE: Help in the workplace - Bar work

    Would you not prefer a different job? Apparently Britain still need fruit pickers! 

    Bars in particular seem rather difficult just due to the nature of them. This company has standard and large sized earplugs https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Etymotic+Research&ref…

  • RE: Protecting Yourself From Meltdown

    Thank you very much for your very good advice. When I am at home, I tend to keep myself to myself as much as possible. In the beginning I think my parents found it difficult to understand how I was feeling, but they have thankfully become a little more…