Annoying Sounds That Drive Me Insane

I spend a lot of time travelling on trains in the course of my work and there are two sounds that drive me nuts, to the extent that I’ll go and find myself another seat if that’s possible and, if it’s not, I’ll just grit my teeth in anguish! 
The first is the sound of people typing on their laptops, the rattling keystroke sounds make me want to scream! Second is the sound of people whispering to one-another. You get this in museums and galleries too. Just speak normally people, there’s no need to whisper, I can hear you anyway.

Obviously, the tick tick sound of IPhone ear buds or Air Pods is also infuriating, but I imagine that’s the case for most people!

  • I really hate things like balloons and fireworks - it's that sharp loud bang or in a firework that horrid whistling before the loud bang. Whenever I hear those bangs, it feels like those things are literally in front of my face and it phyisically feels as though it is hurting my body. When it's events like Bonfire Night/New Years Eve etc. I make sure I am home before it gets too dark and then isolate myself in my room with food/drink and then bundle up under a blanket, wearing my earplugs, noise cancelling headphones which are then linked to my TV with my TV on full volume so it at least drowns out the loud bangs to the point I can sort of feel OK - still even then I sometimes go into a full blown panic attack if the fireworks are really loud - one of my neighbours has the mega loud ones!

    I also hate things like cars when they are really revving the engine to the point the car backfires (again see the balloon/firework point), same with motorbikes as well...if I am out and about on my own then I generally use my Loop Earplugs and/or my MP3 player and noise cancelling headphones.

    Strangely, I am fine with loud music, the TV, vacuum cleaners etc. I also don't mind things like clocks, laptops etc as I use them all the time anyway so have just got used to the quiet tapping.

    At night I wear my very comfortable foam earplugs, so thankfully, unless it's very loud, I can generally get to sleep (unless I am unwell or something). 

    Mweekie xx

  • I really hate things like balloons and fireworks - it's that sharp loud bang or in a firework that horrid whistling before the loud bang. Whenever I hear those bangs, it feels like those things are literally in front of my face and it phyisically feels as though it is hurting my body. When it's events like Bonfire Night/New Years Eve etc. I make sure I am home before it gets too dark and then isolate myself in my room with food/drink and then bundle up under a blanket, wearing my earplugs, noise cancelling headphones which are then linked to my TV with my TV on full volume so it at least drowns out the loud bangs to the point I can sort of feel OK - still even then I sometimes go into a full blown panic attack if the fireworks are really loud - one of my neighbours has the mega loud ones!

    I also hate things like cars when they are really revving the engine to the point the car backfires (again see the balloon/firework point), same with motorbikes as well...if I am out and about on my own then I generally use my Loop Earplugs and/or my MP3 player and noise cancelling headphones.

    Strangely, I am fine with loud music, the TV, vacuum cleaners etc. I also don't mind things like clocks, laptops etc as I use them all the time anyway so have just got used to the quiet tapping.

    At night I wear my very comfortable foam earplugs, so thankfully, unless it's very loud, I can generally get to sleep (unless I am unwell or something). 

    Mweekie xx

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