• RE: Know what is what

    Thank you for this. I think patience and gentleness are things I show to others incredibly easily, but I’m never able to show my self the same courtesy. I’m not sure why, but perhaps it’s all the years of trying to keep up in a world not designed for…

  • RE: Obsessions

    Hi there, gaz.

    I agree with Graham that burn-out sounds quite likely, and it's usually best not to fight it too hard; it will only tire you out more, when what you really need is rest. Follow what your instincts are telling you - but I'd also second Grahams…

  • RE: Don't waste spoons on people that ask for your advice but don't want it.

    I think it is fairly obvious, given the specific trigger for this thread.

    Actually there were 2 different events that led to support burn-out for me just before I wrote the Original post (which I have not eddited since day one), although…

  • RE: I'm Brian and so's my wife

    You know, one of the things you mention is how loud music in megastores annoys me a lot.
    I don't go to the store and buy nothing.
    I usually run away annoyed.
    In advertising, if you notice it during a TV program, they raise the volume clearly…
  • Asd adult child avoiding medical professionals. Lack of medical evidence and led to refusal of pip. How do you get medical evidence that is current in order to achieve a pip award successfully. Adult child refused to seek further testing eg genetic t...

    How have you gained current medical reports if your adult child avoids and refuses to attend or seek any medical appointments. I need to get evidence as she is refused pip due to lack of evidence. Age 20s . No pip for seven years and in a crisis . Can…

  • Hello!

    Hello all,

    I hope I am in the right place. I have just been partially diagnosed ASD  Asperger syndrome, waiting for a full assessment. 
    the NHS is in disarray and I may have to wait up to 3 years. 
    is it worth going private?

    i am not sure I can wait that long…

  • RE: What are peoples 'special' interests?

    I love Keeping up appearences too! I havnt heard of Mrs Merton, whats it about? I will look it up. 
    Yes, I got really into 90s music and 70s as well, Thin Lizzy, The Sweet, that sort of thing. 
    I love the song Rocketman by Elton John, it feels like it describes…

  • RE: My Special Interest is Thinking

    I have a few interests that I pursue in great detail and perhaps they are special interests, but during my diagnosis interviews I tried (and failed in my opinion) to explain the importance of thinking and imagination in my life. I have always thought…

  • Lifelong masking?

    Hello, I'm in my early 20's and just recently realized that I might be autistic or some other "variety" of neurodivergent. I have a lot of questions about this –– part of me is trying to convince myself that I'm faking it. My…

  • RE: Finding meaning in life

    I'm in the same boat tbh, I have no meaning to my day. I just stick to my routines and keep myself entertained. Not really thinking about what people class as regular achievements. I spent a good chunk of my life trying to live that life and ended up…