• RE: Advice!

    There are so many things which cause autistics to feel assaulted daily. We can have difficulty filtering out unwanted sensory elements. And because we can be wired to sense everything all at once, we might feel the world is beyond reason and naturally…

  • On a low today

    It's my birthday, I'm 60 and that is not my issue, quite happy being 60 just wish I was getting my pension!

    I have been reading Aspergirls, slowly I might add as I identify with it on almost every page. I have done AQ10 scored 10, AQ spectrum…

  • RE: Mr Angry!

    Hi Jordee I saw this post after catching up on another post I commented on,Saw it over on the right under "Related".

    So written over two years ago but by far one of the most enlightening few posts I have read thus far! 

    Classic Codger may I say…

  • RE: feeling pain

    Hi, I'm sorry you're in so much pain and that it's affecting your quality of life so badly. I'm glad you reached out for help rather than continuing to suffer silently.

    I totally understand severe pain because I have IBS, fibromyalgia…

  • RE: What is me and what is camouflage?

    The "camouflage or real me?" question is one that I've struggled a lot with since my diagnosis, I must admit. I was always conscious of being a rather "different person" when I was totally alone - but my camouflaging had become so ingrained that, even…

  • RE: Struggle to sleep

    Yes I have a similar problem, often skipping nights of sleep entirely (tonight being one of them) as I am simply too ‘on edge’ to fall asleep no matter how tired I feel. I have also tried the things you have mentioned, along with more boring things such…

  • RE: Partner ends relationship over possible Aspergers diagnosis - advice needed

    Hi again Mara

    You wrote "Because as noble as self-pride, and pride in one's identified community is..."

    This I think illustrates one of the differences between Aspies and NTs. I will try to explain. 

    NTs live in a social "Web" which includes…


    A man had ordered a three course meal, but had to carry the entire three course set on his head as no trays were available, but this could burn him, so to protect his head he to was given a tea towel by one of the staff which he would put on top of his…

  • After CAMHS - what's next?

    Hi everyone

    Hope you're all well?  I'm laid up with my back again so am taking the opportunity to research as much as I can for Dan (16) my middle son who was diagnosed with autism in December.

    CAMHS are at the point where they will be discharging…