• RE: How did you do in school?

    Was writing a much longer response covering whole of academic life, but lost it when the site safety certificate for forum ran out... pfft

    Generally, middle level grades till uni, a few specialisms in business, accounting and economics, but "persuaded…

  • RE: Toilet regression

    It's very uncommon for a child to be toilet trained so early at the age of two years old. The normal age a typical child without any neurodevelopmental to achieve this milestone is anywhere from the age of three to the age of five. For a child on the…

  • Eyepec A new communication App available on google play!!!

    Hi my name is Tom and i have 2 sons on either ends of the spectrum, there's Oliver who's 5 he's hyperactive, hyperlexic, hyper sensitive and very smart, and there's Tyler who's 12 and on the severe end, he's nonverbal and still in nappies. Tyler has never…

  • RE: AUTISTIC PEOPLE ON THE (N.A.S.) INTERNET, And "How-To" Use It...#2.

    This last may be seen as leisurely reading, and for ease of perusal, I divide it into decades. (It also fits in with the main topic anyway.)

    1970s: ...Just to remind anyone that I am over forty years old...

    1980s: Computers are in general use, in schools…

  • RE: dad of autistic son

    Hey would you be able to share more details about  what specific areas your son is struggling? To what degree does his autism impact hum, is he high bit low functioning?

    I have a high functioning autistic son. The things I find help him are:

    Routine - keep…

  • RE: new, not yet diagnosed but being assessed- stressed!

    my boy has meltdowns as well- they can be triggered by absolutely anything and he goes mad.  he's a bit jekyll and hyde- he can be completely calm one minute then just takes something to happen and he kicks screams, tells me he doesn't want a mummy anymore…

  • RE: Obesity

    Hi Desmond,

    You are not alone in struggling with weight issues. I was frequently bullied for being fat at school but managed to get a better grip later on. Other memebers of the forum struggle with anorexia or over-eating issues. Often it is about not…

  • RE: No sleep and no support


    Sorry to hear about your problems. 2 children was plenty for me!

    I can't offer any advice on services that could help - you are already engaged with social services, camhs (presumably) and you can call the NAS helpline to see if they have any suggestions…

  • RE: the NAS has no sting in its tail

    quote  crystal12 " I've noticed since I started coming on this site that contributors with Aspergers/HFA are vocal in their disappointment regarding how the nas represents their interests. I think this needs to be taken on board by the charity + acted…

  • RE: Does anyone else hate it when people say "everyone's on the spectrum"?

    longman said:
    Scorpion0x17 may be right from his perception that he is different by degree not by nature. Personally I am more inclined to True Colors view of things, as I do feel radically different, even if in a milder form than most.

    Maybe I need to…