Toilet regression

Hi all,

I'm sorry if my first post is a cry for help.

Our five year old son was toilet trained around 2. This year he has started weeing and pooing himself on a regular basis. Normally getting him to clean up after is difficult too - he would sit in it for hours if left to his own devices. As you can imagine the smell is appalling, not to mention the hygiene concerns.

We think it is down to stress as he used to be so good. There have been times when I've asked if he needs the toilet only to get "no" followed by a pee in the time it takes to get shoes and coat on.

The problem appears to be getting worse. 


  • It's very uncommon for a child to be toilet trained so early at the age of two years old. The normal age a typical child without any neurodevelopmental to achieve this milestone is anywhere from the age of three to the age of five. For a child on the autism spectrum this can take a longer so i don't understand why you have a cry for help as most parents experience these issues similar issues.

    You need to seek medical intervention because their may be underlying health problem that could be making him go to the toilet so often. It's quite common for some autistic children to have intolerance to certain food that do not present as allergies. 

    These intolerances can be anything from Gluten, Lactose, Sweeteners, Certain Sugars, Certain Fruit and Vegetables.

    Certain intolerances can be from certain plants such as the nightshade family which include Fruit and vegetables such as Potatoes, Tomatoes, Egg plant, Bell Peppers and even Blueberries.

    Certain intolerances can be from Certain types of sugars. Fructose and other natural unprocessed sugars are found in many fruit and vegetables such as Fruit juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. 

    Certain Intolerances can be from certain meats from certain animals to certain food. Intolerances can pretty much occur with anything and the causes could range from poor diet to serious conditions and diseases like celiac disease.

    If your feeding your child food that is high in sugars, sweeteners and simple carbohydrates  they can act as laxatives which isn't too uncommon as most supermarket food have high amounts of sugars, Sweeteners and simple carbohydrates. Sugar and excess of certain nutrients can make a child urinate a lot often and can make their *** smell awful.

    Certain Conditions and diseases can make a person no matter what age become incontinent these can include but not limited too. Celiac disease, Irritated bowel disease, Crohn's disease and Bile Acid Malabsorption Disorder which if not treated and recognise early can lead to bowel obstructions that rupture the digestive system and permanently Damage to walls of the Digestive system.         

  • It's very uncommon for a child to be toilet trained so early at the age of two years old. The normal age a typical child without any neurodevelopmental to achieve this milestone is anywhere from the age of three to the age of five. For a child on the autism spectrum this can take a longer so i don't understand why you have a cry for help as most parents experience these issues similar issues.

    You need to seek medical intervention because their may be underlying health problem that could be making him go to the toilet so often. It's quite common for some autistic children to have intolerance to certain food that do not present as allergies. 

    These intolerances can be anything from Gluten, Lactose, Sweeteners, Certain Sugars, Certain Fruit and Vegetables.

    Certain intolerances can be from certain plants such as the nightshade family which include Fruit and vegetables such as Potatoes, Tomatoes, Egg plant, Bell Peppers and even Blueberries.

    Certain intolerances can be from Certain types of sugars. Fructose and other natural unprocessed sugars are found in many fruit and vegetables such as Fruit juices, apples, grapes, watermelon, asparagus, peas and zucchini. 

    Certain Intolerances can be from certain meats from certain animals to certain food. Intolerances can pretty much occur with anything and the causes could range from poor diet to serious conditions and diseases like celiac disease.

    If your feeding your child food that is high in sugars, sweeteners and simple carbohydrates  they can act as laxatives which isn't too uncommon as most supermarket food have high amounts of sugars, Sweeteners and simple carbohydrates. Sugar and excess of certain nutrients can make a child urinate a lot often and can make their *** smell awful.

    Certain Conditions and diseases can make a person no matter what age become incontinent these can include but not limited too. Celiac disease, Irritated bowel disease, Crohn's disease and Bile Acid Malabsorption Disorder which if not treated and recognise early can lead to bowel obstructions that rupture the digestive system and permanently Damage to walls of the Digestive system.         

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